The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1148 The Golden Rope

Chapter 1148
Huangdi and Hanba rushed out from the ground, and when they were fighting in the air, Monkey King also reached the ground.

As soon as he reached the ground, he heard Huang Di questioning himself.

Faced with Huangdi's questioning, Sun Wukong was not upset, because Huangdi suspected that it was his hands and feet that caused Hanba to attack him, which is also normal.

Monkey King really has this kind of means, but the Han Ba ​​attacking the Yellow Emperor in front of him really has nothing to do with Monkey King.

Sun Wukong showed a strange smile on his face, and shouted at Huangdi.

"Yellow Emperor, this matter has nothing to do with my grandson. It is a debt you owed back then, so don't blame it on my grandson."

"If you misunderstand my grandson again, my grandson will be angry."

When Monkey King said this, Huang Di's eyes froze.

Although Sun Wukong has a somewhat lawless personality and likes to make troubles, he is straightforward and will never lie.

If it was really what Monkey King did, Monkey King would definitely admit it.

But Han Yan's appearance was not caused by Monkey King, so what's going on?
The debts I owed back then, what kind of debts?Why don't I know.

Huangdi thinks that he has always been very kind to Hanba, but the other party is his daughter, has he ever treated Hanba badly?

Huangdi was puzzled, but Hanba's attack became more and more fierce. Huangdi didn't dare to take it too seriously because the other party was his daughter, for fear of hurting Hanba.

Although Han Ba ​​is the king of corpses and is very powerful, but the Yellow Emperor really used all his abilities, Han Ba ​​must not be able to beat him.

The Yellow Emperor has reserved strength, and it will be a bit difficult to deal with the Hanba. If he doesn't take it seriously, the Yellow Emperor will suffer a lot today.

But before Huangdi intends to show his true skills, he still needs to find out what's going on, because he really doesn't want to hurt Hanba.

The father and daughter hadn't seen each other for thousands of years, and they hurt Hanba when they met. The Yellow Emperor didn't want this.

"Hanba, what's the matter with you, haven't you woke up from the illusion?"

"I'm not the enemy, I'm the Yellow Emperor, I'm your father, wake up and stop!"

It wasn't Monkey King's fault, Huang Di thought that Han Yan hadn't woken up from the illusion, so he shouted loudly.

This cry contained immortal energy, and he tried to use his immortal energy to wake Han Ba ​​up.

It's just that what he did didn't seem to wake up Hanba, because he felt that Hanba not only didn't stop attacking after hearing his words, but attacked violently.

"I know you are the Yellow Emperor, my good father, and it is you I hit!"

"The Flame of the Scorching Sun!"

Han Yan's answer surprised the Yellow Emperor, was he the one who hit him?

When Huangdi was startled, a flame shot out from Hanba's palm. Because Huangdi was surprised, before he could react in time, the flame burned directly on his body.

The power of the flames of the scorching sun was comparable to the real fire of Samadhi. When the flames burned to Huangdi's body, the burning sensation of the fire came, and Huangdi let out a muffled groan in pain.

"Huangdi, do you know what she did in the illusion before? She killed you in the illusion!"

"Old Sun thinks it's better for you to catch her first. She hates you very much, and it's not something you can stop with just a few words."

"If you can't do it, my grandson will help you."

Seeing that the Yellow Emperor backed down again and again, but Han Ba's attack became more and more ferocious, Sun Wukong shouted loudly.

Even if Huangdi's strength is higher than Hanba's, if he continues to retreat like this, the result will be miserable.

Hanba even used the scorching sun flame, which was comparable to the real fire of samadhi. She clearly wanted to kill the Yellow Emperor.

Sun Wukong doesn't care how Hanba treats the Yellow Emperor in the illusion, it's all fake anyway.

But it's different now, all of this is real, if Sun Wukong didn't remind Huangdi a few words at this time, something happened to Huangdi, Sun Wukong felt sorry for himself, and it would be hard to see other gods when he returned to Heaven.

Hearing Monkey King's words, Huang Di's eyes on Han Yan became a little strange.

Hanba actually killed herself in the illusion, she was her father, she hated herself so much that she did such a thing.

Hanba also heard Monkey King's words.

Just hearing Monkey King's words, Han Yan's expression didn't change in particular, she didn't give any explanation, her attitude proved what Monkey King said was true.

"Hanba, do you want to kill me?"

"That's right, I'm going to kill you, Flame of the Sun!"

The Yellow Emperor asked in a dignified voice, and Han Yan not only answered his inquiry, but also released the scorching sun flame again.

The scorching sun's flame that hit Huang Di earlier has been offset by Huang Di's immortal energy.

This time the flames of the scorching sun were released, covering a range of more than ten meters in front of Hanba's body, and the dense flames burned towards the Yellow Emperor like a wave.

Seen from the ground, the entire sky was reddened by the flames of the scorching sun.

Han Yan's attack this time was completely in a posture to burn the Yellow Emperor to death. The Yellow Emperor's teeth were tight, and the Yellow Emperor sword in his hand began to swing quickly.


The Yellow Emperor sword swung, and the sound of a dragon chant resounded in the sky.

The sound of dragon chant appeared, and a long golden dragon shot out from the Yellow Emperor's sword and rushed towards the scorching sun flame.

This golden dragon is not a real dragon, but just a sword move of the Yellow Emperor.

When the Yellow Emperor Sword was refined, dragon blood was used. The move performed by the Yellow Emperor Sword was called the Dragon Chanting Sword Technique by the Yellow Emperor, and this golden dragon was regarded as a sword energy.

The sword energy is condensed into a dragon, and its power is also very terrifying.

The dragon chant sword technique is also one of the unique moves of the Yellow Emperor.

Now that he has used the dragon chant sword technique, on the one hand, it shows that he attaches great importance to Hanba, and on the other hand, it also proves that he has become serious.

Once the Yellow Emperor got serious, Han Ba ​​was no match for him.

This sword energy condensed into a golden dragon contains a huge amount of immortal energy.

So the golden dragon rushed into the flames, rampaging in the flames, and scattered the flames with the overflow of immortal energy.

Seeing her scorching sun flames spread out, Han Yan's eyes narrowed, and when she was about to strike again, she saw a rope flying towards her.

Seeing this rope, Han Yan instinctively dodged, but she didn't dodge, and was entangled tightly by the rope.

The rope was entangled with Hanba, and Hanba struggled violently, with a corpse like flame floating out of his body, trying to break free from the rope.

But the more Hanba struggled, the tighter the rope became.

Ji Yang was already standing beside Monkey King at this time, looking at the ropes that bound Hanba with curiosity in his eyes.

"What kind of magic weapon is this that can tie Hanba?"

The rope that can bind Hanba is definitely not a mortal thing, Ji Yang asked Monkey King.

"Laojun's belt."


"A golden rope, bound by something like this, without the Rope Loosening Curse, even my grandson can't break free."

At first hearing that it was the belt of the Supreme Lord, Ji Yang was a little surprised.

After Sun Wukong explained it like this, Ji Yang finally understood that this golden rope is also the fairy rope.

The golden rope will be in the hands of the Yellow Emperor, which is naturally lent to him by the Taishang Laojun. Originally, the golden rope was intended to be used by the Yellow Emperor on other people, but he did not expect it to be used on Hanba now.

As for who he originally planned to use it for, it was naturally Monkey King, and he knew that the monkey head would make trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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