The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1166 A Lesson To The Adoptive Father

Chapter 1166 A Lesson to the Adoptive Father (Part [-])
Chen Er borrowed 10 yuan from Brother Tie. Two days ago, Brother Tie asked him for money, because he had no money and beat him half to death.

Later, he thought about asking Chen Xiaomei for money, but he also knew that Chen Xiaomei would definitely not be able to come up with 10 yuan.

So he thought about using Chen Xiaomei to repay the debt and give it to Brother Tie.

After calling Chen Xiaomei earlier, he found a place to drink by himself.

Chen Er, who was drunk, wandered around and turned here. Seeing that Chen Xiaomei was still in the store, he immediately became anxious.

Because he knew that if Chen Xiaomei didn't go to Brother Tie, and Brother Tie found him, then he would be miserable.

When he scolded Chen Xiaomei, Chen Xiaomei actually said that she didn't receive the call, and Chen Er was so angry.

Seeing Chen Er going to catch Chen Xiaomei, Sun Wukong stared and was about to go up to clean up Chen Er.

It's just that he just moved, but Ji Yang stopped him, and at the same time whispered to him to wait.

Why wait, Sun Wukong didn't know, but he still decided not to move for the time being.

Anyway, if I want to teach Chen Er a lesson, it's just a matter of minutes.

"I still have guests here, why don't you make trouble."

"Isn't it just to pay back the money, I'll give it to you later, but you also know that I can't do business right now, and I don't have much money, so can you stop gambling in the future?"

Seeing Chen Er grabbing her, Chen Xiaomei's face changed and she quickly dodged.

Chen Xiaomei was no stranger to repaying Chen Er's gambling debts, and she had not repaid it once or twice.

Every time Chen Er was given money, Chen Xiaomei would persuade him not to gamble anymore, but Chen Er didn't listen at all.

But even if he couldn't listen, Chen Xiaomei still wanted to talk.

"Do you know how much I owe, 10 yuan, do you have [-] yuan?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and find Brother Tie with me, as long as you become Brother Tie's woman, you don't have to pay back the money, and you don't have to be so tired. I'm doing this for your own good."

Chen Er caught the air, and he was obviously a little impatient when he heard what Chen Xiaomei said.

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab Chen Xiaomei again.

This time Chen Xiaomei still dodged, and after she dodged, Chen Xiaomei's expression was very angry. She didn't expect Chen Er to say such words.

Even if it's the relationship between the adoptive father and the adopted daughter, his behavior is really too much.

I have always regarded him as my father, but he actually wants to let me pay off his debts in this way.

"10 yuan, why so much?"

"Even if you owe [-] yuan, we will pay it off slowly. How can you ask me to do this kind of thing to help you pay off the debt? You are my adoptive father."

"I'm sure I won't go."

Chen Xiaomei's eyes were red, and she shouted with tears in her eyes.

"Whether you want to go or not doesn't matter, you said it too, I'm just your adoptive father, not your real father."

"Stop talking nonsense to me, I have raised you for more than ten years, and you have to do whatever I ask you to do."

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll set your shop on fire."

Chen Er's words became more and more excessive, he didn't even care about the presence of Ji Yang and the other three in the store.

When Chen Er yelled at Chen Xiaomei, he actually took out a lighter and ignited it, as if he was about to burn down the shop.

Seeing Chen Er's current appearance, Ji Yang and the others couldn't bear it anymore.

They felt that Chen Er was simply insane, and he was not considered a person at all.

It was his responsibility as an adoptive father to raise Chen Xiaomei for more than ten years, but even if he had raised him for more than ten years, he had no right to let Chen Xiaomei use his body to help him pay off his gambling debts.

And when Chen Xiaomei saw Chen Er lighting the lighter, her face turned pale, and she looked a little scared.

Seeing Chen Xiaomei's appearance, Chen Er smiled and walked towards Chen Xiaomei, at the same time reaching out to grab her again.

He believed that he would be able to catch Chen Xiaomei this time.

But just when his hand was about to touch Chen Xiaomei, a hand grabbed his wrist.

The person who caught Chen Er was none other than Ji Yang.

Earlier, when Sun Wukong wanted to deal with Chen Er, Ji Yang stopped him. He just wanted to see how far Chen Er could go too far.

After seeing Chen Er's appearance, he felt that this man was hopeless.

If you can't bear it, then there is no need to bear it.

"Hey, let go, let go, or I will kill you."

Ji Yang grabbed Chen Er's hand, and Chen Er felt that his hand was about to be crushed, and he cried out in pain.

While screaming for pain, he even threatened Ji Yang.

"I bought all the things in this store. If you want to burn these things, you have to ask me if I agree."

"You asked her to use her body to pay off the debt, why don't you use your own butt to pay for it?"

"A person like you is a waste of air, Kacha!"

While yelling at Chen Er loudly, Ji Yang increased his strength and directly crushed Chen Er's arm.

His arm was broken, and the lighter in his hand also fell into Ji Yang's hands.

"Ah, my hand, my hand!"

"I'm going to kill you, kill you."

Chen Er squatted on the ground, holding his broken arm with one hand, while glaring at Ji Yang.

When he saw a prop knife, Chen Er rushed to the side of the knife like crazy, picked up the knife and chopped it towards Ji Yang.

Although it was just a prop knife, it would be very painful for an ordinary person to be cut by this knife, and it would kill someone if it was poked.

Chen Er actually stabbed someone with a knife, and Chen Xiaomei screamed in fright.

If someone died here today, it would be a big mess.

And Ji Yang was obviously helping her, Chen Xiaomei couldn't watch Ji Yang get hurt, and when she was yelling, she actually wanted to help Ji Yang block the knife.

It's just that before Chen Xiaomei rushed to Ji Yang, Ji Yang had already moved.

With Chen Er's appearance, it's a joke to use a prop knife to try to injure Mrs. Ji.

As soon as Ji Yang moved, he was in front of Chen Er in an instant, grabbed his hand holding the knife, crushed his hand bones, and kicked him to the ground.

"Playing with a knife with me, believe it or not, I killed you with one knife."

Ji Yang took the dropped knife in his hand, and directly pressed the tip of the knife against Chen Er's neck.

Although it was a prop knife, but the point of the knife was pressed against his neck, Chen Er even scared his legs to tremble, and a smell of urine followed, this guy peed in fright.

"Don't, don't, don't kill me."

"I know I was wrong, I was wrong."

"I have no choice. If I don't hand her over to Brother Tie, Brother Tie will kill me."

After Chen Er was scared to pee, he begged Ji Yang for mercy with his nose and tears.

For Chen Er, Ji Yang was not pitiful at all, he really wanted to kill this guy with a knife.

But it seems inappropriate to kill Chen Er here, after all, Chen Xiaomei is still here.

Just when Ji Yang was thinking about how to deal with Chen Er, Chen Xiaomei actually walked over, seeing her coming, Ji Yang frowned.

"Please let him go, he is my adoptive father after all."

Chen Er treated Chen Xiaomei like this, yet Chen Xiaomei pleaded for him.

Such a kind-hearted adoptive daughter, yet having such a beastly adoptive father, made Ji Yang's teeth itch with hatred, and stabbed him fiercely.

Even if he was killed, it wouldn't make him feel better. Ji Yang directly pierced Chen Er's shoulder blade.

(End of this chapter)

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