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Chapter 1180 Ask Me For Help And I Will Help You

Chapter 1180 Ask me for help, I will help you (one more)
It was expected by everyone around that Shi Qiang would attack Ji Yang.

Because Ji Yang abolished Shi Rui's arm, Shi Rui is Shi Qiang's beloved grandson, it is strange that he is not angry.

Although most of the people around didn't know Shi's identity as an ancient warrior, they had heard something about him.

Someone once wanted to replace the Shi family as Lin Ji's first family, but the other party was still a black force.

As soon as the news came out, this force disappeared from Linji the next day. There are rumors that Shi Qiang did it himself.

There were more than 30 leaders of that force, all of whom died in the hands of Shi Qiang, and even the bodies were not found in the end.

It was through that incident that the Shi family's position in Lingji became more consolidated, and no one dared to challenge the Shi family's position.

Seeing Shi Qiang make a move at this time, it was as terrifying as the rumors said.

The bluestone floor was cracked by Shi Qiang's kick. This is such a force. People around think that Shi Qiang is even stronger than the rumors.

And they looked at Ji Yang with a touch of sarcasm in their eyes, they all thought that Ji Yang must be miserable.

Ji Yang is likely to die in the hands of Shi Qiang today.

Wasn't Shi Qiang afraid of causing commotion and trouble if he killed someone in front of so many people?

The answer is definitely not.

Because the Shi family is in Lingji, it is heaven to many people.

No matter whether it is in the political circles or the business circles, no one dares to challenge him.

Even if a person is killed, the Shi family has many ways to settle it without any trouble.

When Prince Char saw Shi Qiang attacking Ji Yang, he had a weird smile on his face, and when he looked at Dongfang Mei, he was more playful.

Prince Char also felt that Shi Qiang's move would definitely solve Ji Yang.

As long as Ji Yang is dealt with, Dongfang Mei will be hers.

Just when everyone thought that Shi Qiang's move would definitely kill Ji Yang, Ji Yang's face was very indifferent.

"You said I killed him, will your father be angry?"

Facing Shi Qiang's punch, Ji Yang asked Dongfang Mei without looking back.

"will not!"

Dongfang Mei didn't need to think at all, and answered directly without any hesitation.

The Shi family is just a force that Dongfang Yu had contacted when he had no cultivation, a very ordinary family of ancient warriors.

Now that Dongfang Yu's cultivation has been restored, letting Dongfang Mei attend the banquet on her behalf is because of the past.

But with Shi Qiang's attitude today, I think Dongfang Yu will be very disappointed.

This friend doesn't seem to be very good, even Dongfang Mei was bullied, Shi Qiang didn't care.

Moreover, comparing the Shi family with Ji Yang, it is obvious which is more important.

Besides, even if Dongfang Yu is unhappy, will Ji Yang change his mind because of the other party?

When Shi Qiang saw that Ji Yang was still talking to Dongfang Mei when he did it himself, he felt a little angry because he felt that he was being despised.

However, Ji Yang's appearance also made Shi Qiang feel a little happy.

Since Ji Yang doesn't despise him, he is more likely to kill Ji Yang with one move.

"go to hell!"

At this time, Shi Qiang had already arrived in front of Ji Yang, and quickly threw a powerful punch at Ji Yang.

Shi Qiang's posture was completely intended to kill Ji Yang with one punch.

However, when he punched Ji Yang, Ji Yang's body trembled, and an invisible immortal energy gushed out of his body.

Shi Qiang's fist stopped at a distance of one centimeter from Ji Yang's head. He felt as if his fist had hit a hard wall, and his fist couldn't get any closer.

In the eyes of ordinary people, such a situation must be surprising.

But on Shi Qiang's body, he can understand.

Because he is an ancient warrior himself, he knows Dongfang's family well, and Ji Yang must be responsible for his inability to get any closer with this punch.

"To be able to block my punch from the air, this kid has a good cultivation."

"Could it be that Dongfang Mei didn't lie, Dongfang Yu really let her be with this son?"

The fist stopped within one centimeter of Ji Yang's head, and Shi Qiang thought quickly.

But let Dongfang Mei and Ji Yang be together, isn't Dongfangyu afraid of revenge from the Xuanyuan family?
Or it is true as Ji Yang said, he is not afraid of the Xuanyuan family at all, if he is really not afraid of the Xuanyuan family, then who is he who has such ability.

The other party doesn't even look down on the Xuanyuan family, so what is a small Shi family.

Thinking of this, Shi Qiang's expression turned ugly.

Shi Qiang began to regret, he regretted that he did not stop Prince Char before, and even wanted to use Prince Char to test Ji Yang.

But since he has already done something to Ji Yang, no matter whether he regrets it or not, Ji Yang will not let him off lightly.

Forget it against herself, but she even plots against Dongfang Mei.

Dongfang Mei is her own woman now, and if she plots against her, Ji Yang will not be polite to Shi Qiang.

Shi Qiang regretted it in his heart, so he withdrew his hand first, hoping to calm things down with Ji Yang temporarily.

As for Shi Rui's enmity, of course he can't forget it like this, he has to investigate Ji Yang first before making any plans.

But Shi Qiang wanted to withdraw his hand, but found that a strong suction sucked his hand, making it impossible for him to withdraw his hand.

The people around looked at Shi Qiang strangely. They saw Shi Qiang's movements as if he was pulling his own arm.

But his face was flushed, and he looked like he was using all his strength to feed, but why did his hands stop there without moving?

What is this for?Do magic tricks?

"Old Shi, what are you doing? Don't you want to kill me? Why don't you do it?"

"If you don't dare to kill me, then take your hand back. I will be afraid if you are so close to me."

Looking at Shi Qiang's current appearance, Ji Yang felt very funny.

Shi Qiang couldn't pull back his hand, it was naturally caused by Ji Yang's immortal energy.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Shi Qiang felt a pain in his heart, he was really angry at Ji Yang's words.

"Damn it, why don't you come over and pull me, what are you looking at!"

Shi Qiang had a few people with him, and these people were actually quite strange when they saw Shi Qiang's appearance.

They also didn't know what Shi Qiang was doing, and the beating didn't go on, and the hand still hasn't been taken back.

At this time, when they heard Shi Qiang shouting, they realized that something was really wrong.

Under the watchful eyes of the people around, Shi Qiang led a few people to rush up to pull Shi Qiang, but Shi Qiang's hand remained in place, but Shi Qiang felt that his arm was about to be pulled off by everyone, and his body was going to be broken. Pulled apart.

"Stop it, a bunch of trash, are you trying to tear me apart!"

Shi Qiang shouted angrily at his subordinates, these people were wronged by him.

Obviously he asked himself to wait for someone to pull him, and now he still blames them.

And when Shi Qiang got angry, Ji Yang spoke up.

"It's indeed a bunch of waste. In fact, you can ask me for help, and I will definitely help you."

"I'll help you now!"

There was an evil smile on Ji Yang's face, and a shocking force surged from Ji Yang's body while speaking.

When he felt this force, Shi Qiang's face changed, and he, who was not pulled by everyone, was shocked by this force and flew out...

(End of this chapter)

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