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Chapter 1183 There is a way, but I didn't promise to help

Chapter 1183 There is a way, but I didn't say it will help (one more)
Shi Qiang fell into a coma, and everyone in the Shi family panicked.

Fortunately, after the doctor's examination, it was found that Shi Qiang was just short of breath, and his Qi and blood were not flowing, so he passed out.

To put it bluntly, I just fainted from anger, and fainted from depression.

Shi Rui had already returned to Shi's house, and he rushed over after learning that Shi Qiang was seriously injured and unconscious.

When he rushed over, Shi Qiang was still in a coma.

"How is my grandfather's condition, when will he wake up?"

Although Shi Qiang hit Shi Rui, Shi Rui was unhappy, but he still respected Shi Qiang.

Facing Shi Qiang who was still in a coma, Shi Rui was very worried.

Looking at the doctor who was treating Shi Qiang, Shi Rui shouted loudly.

"Master, the Patriarch's injury is not serious. Although I have a way to wake him up now, what the Patriarch needs more is to rest."

Facing Shi Rui's yell, the doctor said nervously.

He had a way to make Shi Qiang wake up immediately, but he didn't do it because he hoped that Shi Qiang could recover from his injuries in a coma.

Hearing what the doctor said, Shi Rui's face became better.

Because he wasn't here before, he only knew that Shi Qiang was seriously injured and was in a coma, but the specific situation was unclear.

After asking the doctor, Shi Rui's expression changed greatly when he learned that Shi Qiang's cultivation had been damaged.

"What does the Shi family raise you people for? Isn't it just that the meridians have suffered some damage, and you actually said that it can't be cured?"

"A bunch of trash, what's the use of keeping you!"

In a panic, Shi Rui grabbed the doctor's neck with his uninjured hand and looked at him resentfully.

Shi Rui strengthened his hand, the doctor couldn't breathe, his face turned purple.

"Master, please, please forgive me."

"Patriarch's injury is really too serious. The damaged meridians are all important meridians. The damaged meridians of ancient warriors cannot be healed by ordinary medical skills."

"Unless someone whose cultivation base has reached the legendary late stage of the heavenly rank or above does not hesitate to damage his own cultivation base, he will have a chance to use zhenqi to assist in the treatment."

With a purple face, the doctor rolled his eyes and said with difficulty.

Hearing this, Shi Rui's hands became stronger, and it became more difficult for the doctor to breathe.

The Shi family doesn't even have a person with a heavenly rank cultivation base, and the late heaven rank cultivation base is the highest existence among ancient warriors.

Now the doctor said that he wanted someone who was said to have a higher level of cultivation than the late stage of the heavenly rank, where would he find it.

Even if they were found, who would be willing to damage their own cultivation to save Shi Qiang?

Shi Rui knew that even if he strangled the doctor, he couldn't save Shi Qiang.

But he is angry in his heart, he needs to vent his anger, the doctor in front of him can only count him as unlucky.

"Shi Rui, your current appearance is too ungentlemanly."

"I've heard about your grandfather's situation, and I'm very sad, but I have a way to help him."

When the doctor who was pinched by Shi Rui had exhausted his breath, Prince Char came out with two people.

Seeing Shi Rui's appearance, Prince Char had a sneer on his face.

In the depths of the eyes, there was some contempt for him.

In Prince Char's view, only incompetent people would vent their anger on their own subordinates, and vent their anger on those who are weaker than themselves.

"Prince Char, do you think you have a solution?"

"To cure my grandfather, someone who needs a higher level of cultivation than the late stage of the heavenly rank, do you know such a person?"

Seeing Prince Char approaching and listening to Prince Char's words, Shi Rui was a little surprised.

When he was surprised, he let go of the doctor's hand, and the doctor sat softly on the ground.

If Shi Rui didn't let go, the doctor would definitely die in less than three seconds.

The doctor saved his life today. He looked at Prince Char gratefully, but Prince Char didn't even bother to respond to his grateful eyes.

Prince Char didn't stop Shi Rui just now to save him, he just felt that it would be too embarrassing for Shi Rui to use a doctor to vent his anger.

"The ancient warriors are your Chinese practitioners. Although I know more about Chinese culture than many Chinese people, I don't know any ancient warriors."

Prince Char answered this way, Shi Rui was a little disappointed, and his face was a little gloomy.

If it wasn't for the fact that Prince Char is a prince, Shi Rui would probably beat him up.

While beating him, you also have to ask him, what a fart I don’t know you!
But just when Shi Rui thought that Prince Char was talking nonsense, Prince Char asked someone beside him to take out an exquisite gold-encrusted jade box from his bosom.

"I really don't know any ancient warriors, but you don't have to look like this."

"The help I'm talking about is this thing in my hand."

Although Shi Rui didn't lose his temper, Prince Char also saw the change in Shi Rui's expression.

Prince Char shook the gold inlaid jade box in his hand, and said softly with a faint smile.

"What's in here, can it really save my grandfather?"

"If you can save my grandfather, Prince Char, the Shi family will be very grateful to you."

Shi Rui stared at the gold inlaid jade box in Prince Char's hand, and said excitedly.

Looking at the excited Shi Rui, the smile on Prince Char's face became a little cunning.

He gently opened the gold inlaid jade box, and a dazzling blue light emitted from the box.

The people around instinctively closed their eyes, and when they opened their eyes again, they could see clearly what the blue light was emitting.

This is a transparent crystal bottle filled with a light blue liquid.

After all, these people in the Shi family are not ordinary people. Even private doctors are ancient warriors with mid-Yellow rank cultivation.

When these people saw the blue liquid in the gold inlaid jade box, they found that although they were separated by the crystal bottle, they felt a strong breath of life.

"Master, I haven't finished what I just said."

"If you want to save the Patriarch, you can use a panacea that contains a strong breath of life in addition to the treatment of someone with a higher cultivation level than the late stage of heaven."

"The things in Prince Char's hands are so full of life, they can definitely regenerate the damaged meridians."

The doctor felt the breath of life in the blue liquid, and shouted loudly at Shi Rui.

It's not that he didn't want to say these things just now, it's just that he didn't have the chance to say them at all.

Shi Rui pinched his neck so hard that he almost died, how can I say this.

Hearing what the doctor said, Shi Rui was overjoyed, and reached out to grab the crystal bottle in the gold inlaid jade box.

Just seeing Shi Rui reaching out his hand, Prince Char covered the box.

With a slight retreat, he handed the gold inlaid jade box to the person beside him.

"Prince Char, didn't you say you want to help my grandfather, what do you mean now?"

Although one of Shi Rui's arms is broken, his overall speed is still faster than ordinary people.

Shi Rui had never heard of Prince Char's practice, seeing that he was able to close the gold-encrusted jade box and hand it over to others before he grabbed the crystal bottle, Shi Rui was a little surprised at this reaction speed.

But now is not the time to study why Prince Char reacted so quickly, but to treat Shi Qiang as soon as possible.

"I said there was a way, but I didn't say that I would definitely help."

"Holy water is given by God to his most loyal believers, how can I give it to you casually."

Prince Char smiled and said...

(End of this chapter)

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