The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1190 Ji Yang is Naive

Chapter 1190 Ji Yang is Naive (Part [-])

"Outside the number, outside the number, I especially need a plant of the immortal Zihu grass. If you are interested, please contact me immediately. There will be many benefits..."

Ji Yang sent the words that he needed the fairy Zihucao to Moments, along with a few pictures.

There are pictures of food, clothing and cars.

Ji Yang's meaning is obvious, as long as anyone with a little bit of brains can understand it, what he means is that whoever gives him the fairy purple Hucao, then he can exchange it with the things in the picture.

As soon as the circle of friends was sent out, someone started replying soon.

Zhu Bajie: "Immortal Zihucao? My old pig, why haven't I heard of this thing? Is there such a thing in Heaven?"

Yang Jian: "@zhubajie, what do you know, the fairy-grade purple Hucao exists, of course, I used the fairy-grade Zihucao to break Lu Yue's plague formation during the Battle of the Conferred Gods."

Mountain God: "When the Three Realms communicated, there were as many fairy-grade Zihu grasses as weeds in the heavenly court, and they were all over the mountains and plains. However, after the emergence of the law of the Three Realms, the number of fairy-grade purple Hu grasses became less and less. Now it is a Hard to find."

Jade Rabbit: "@山神, it's so hard to find one. I used one yesterday, but it's also the last one in my hand."

Land: "@玉兔, as a land person, I haven't seen the fairy Zihu grass for hundreds of years. Your fairy purple Hu grass may be the last one."

Yutu: "@山神@土地, one of you is in charge of the mountain and the other is in charge of the land, you all say that, I really want to cry now, the last fairy Zihu grass can definitely be exchanged for a lot of carrots..."

Ji Yangfa's circle of friends is for others to communicate with him.

But looking at the current message, it seems that the person who left the message started chatting.

It doesn't count that they chatted, and the content of the chat made Ji Yang feel a little bit cold.

Above the heaven, the mountain god and the land must know all kinds of creatures in the heaven, because all creatures grow on their territory.

But in the chat between the mountain god and the land and the jade rabbit, they even said that it is hard to find the fairy Zihu grass.

"Nimma, I'm not joking. If there is really no one, what should I do?"

"If I can't complete the task, I won't be able to advance to the rank of immortal. Do you want me to be a fourth-rank immortal rank for the rest of my life?"

The immortal Zihu grass gradually disappeared in the heavenly court, even to the point where it is hard to find a single one now, but the immortals in the heavenly court didn't care at all.

If Ji Yang hadn't said in the circle of friends today that he needed the fairy Zihu grass, many people might have forgotten about this fairy grass.

A typical representative is Zhu Bajie.

Originally thought that this task was very simple, it was just a kind of medicinal herb in the heavenly court, and anyone could find it.

But now it seems that I am too naive.

Immortal rank promotion must be getting more and more difficult, and the tasks given may become more and more variable, how can it be easier and simpler.

"No, I still have to ask the mountain god."

Although the mountain god has already said in the circle of friends that it is hard to find the fairy Zihu grass, Ji Yang always has a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He didn't believe it anymore, could it be that a huge heaven, the fairy purple Hucao, could disappear.

Maybe in that corner, there may be some left behind.

Whether this kind of thinking is self-consolation or hope, Ji Yang has to ask anyway.

Because there is no fairy purple Hucao, then Ji Yang will never be able to improve his immortal status, and he will be very tragic.

"Mountain God, what are you doing? Is there really no fairy Zihu grass in heaven?"

Ji Yang and Shanshen are also acquaintances, and the Tianting ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum in Shenzhi health wine are all provided by Shanshen.

Although Xiaolongnv is now doing all the work of finding the mountain god to get these things, the two are still acquaintances.

And now Ji Yang is a fourth-rank immortal. In terms of immortality alone, the mountain god is not as good as Ji Yang.

So when Ji Yang was looking for the mountain god, he spoke very directly.

"Da Xian, Xiao Xian is here to see you."

"I'm here to talk to you about business, not nonsense, talk to you."

When Ji Yang approached the mountain god for the first time, the mountain god was much more arrogant than Ke Ke.

If Shanshen is considered a junior high school student, then Ji Yang is still a primary school student who has not graduated and just left kindergarten.

But now, Ji Yang is equivalent to a college student, and he is the kind who needs to take the postgraduate entrance examination after graduation.

But this process is very short.

Calculating the time, it was only a year or two.

The past two years are more exciting and exciting than Ji Yang's previous 20 years...

Ji Yang's immortal status is indeed higher than that of the mountain god, and it is more than one level higher, so it is understandable that the mountain god calls him a great immortal.

It's just that Ji Yang always felt weird when he saw the mountain god calling himself a great immortal. He always felt that the mountain god was teasing him.

No wonder Ji Yang thought so. After all, the mountain god has been a fairy for thousands of years, so he is not as strong as a fairy who has just been around for a few years. He suspects that it is normal for the other party to tease him.

It's just that Ji Yang really misunderstood the mountain god this time.

Although Ji Yang's days as a god are short, he has done more things than the mountain god cow.

Of the top ten artifacts alone, the mountain god is not destined to get one.

But as for Ji Yang, he has five pieces in hand now.

There is also the matter of country R attacking Huaxia. No matter what the reason is, Ji Yang saved Huaxia anyway, which is a great merit.

Although the mountain god has done a lot of good things for mortals, he is not as great as Ji Yang, otherwise he would not be the current mountain god.

So the mountain god actually admired Ji Yang very much.

But now that Ji Yang said so, the mountain god has nothing to argue with him.

Ji Yang came to him not because of the address, but because of the fairy Zihucao.

"I really call you Daxian, if you don't believe it, forget it."

"You don't want me to call you Daxian, then I can continue to call you Xiaobai, Xiaobai, I saw the post you posted in Moments just now, and you also saw the words about me and the land."

"Even the flower fairies and tree gods are not as clear as the two of us about the various vegetation in the heavenly court."

"This immortal Zihu grass has not grown in the heavenly court for hundreds of years."

"Immortal Zihu grass has the effect of expelling plague poison. If you want to use it to expel plague poison, I can recommend you fairy grass with better effect."

Ji Yang announced that he needed the fairy Zihucao, but he didn't give the reason for needing it.

The mountain god knew the effect of the fairy Zihucao, so he thought that Ji Yang was using it to get rid of the plague.

And he also kindly suggested that he could provide Ji Yang with better grass jelly.

Just seeing his words like this, Ji Yang directly gave him a crying expression.

"I appreciate your kindness, but I want the fairy-grade Zihu grass to promote the third-rank immortal status, not to dispel the plague."

"Even if you give me the best similar grass jelly, it's useless to me."

Ji Yang's answer expressed his gratitude to the mountain god for his kindness, and at the same time, he also said the real reason why he wanted the fairy Zihucao.

Although the mountain god didn't even reach the fifth-rank immortal rank, he also knew that there were special requirements for the promotion of the immortal rank after the fifth-rank immortal rank.

Seeing what Ji Yang said, he could only return Ji Yang with a helpless expression...

(End of this chapter)

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