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Chapter 1208 Rank 3 Strongest Sky Thunder

Chapter 1208 The strongest sky thunder of the third rank (second update)

Wen Zhong asked just now, but it was just a random guess.

But unexpectedly, Shennong was really cheated by Ji Yang.

Shen Nong said that he asked Wen Zhong to use the powerful thunder to test Ji Yang. This was to help Ji Yang, not to deceive him, which made Wen Zhong even more confused.

Whether you can use the powerful sky thunder, you have to be very cautious.

Once something goes wrong in Tianlei's assessment, the consequences will be so serious that it cannot be undone, and none of them can save Ji Yang.

Wen Zhong didn't speak again, he just looked at Shen Nong intently, he was waiting for Shen Nong to explain to him.

Under his gaze, Shen Nong also told Wen Zhong what happened between himself and Ji Yang.

When I first listened to it, Wen Zhong didn't feel anything special.

But when he heard that Ji Yang even tricked Huangdi and Shennong together, making them fight over the fairy Zihu grass seeds, Wen Zhong also felt very funny.

If this happened to Wen Zhong, Wen Zhong would have to beat Ji Yang with lightning.

But until now, Shennong has not said that what he called was not a pit, but what happened to help.

"Since I came to you, I might as well tell you something."

"When Xiaobai looked for me earlier, I told him the secret about Shennongding..."

When Shen Nong asked Wen Zhong to talk about something, he naturally had to explain the matter clearly, otherwise he believed that Wen Zhong would definitely not do what he said.

When Shennong said that the Shennong Ding can absorb lightning and release it later, Wen Zhong's eyes widened.

Originally, I thought Shennong Ding was awesome for refining medicine, but I didn't expect it to have an even more awesome side.

Absorb wind, fire, thunder and lightning in the Shennong cauldron, and then release the attack. Wen Zhong felt a bit shocked when he thought of Ji Yang releasing the third-grade sky thunder to attack others.

And Shennong's so-called help is to let Ji Yang use the Shennong cauldron to absorb Tianlei.

"Actually, I have good intentions, but if I don't understand, it will make others think that I am cheating Xiaobai."

"That's why I asked you to order your subordinates to disperse. Don't say that I brought up this matter later."

Shen Nong said with a wry smile, Wen Zhong nodded understandingly.

"Xiaobai is guarded by Chi You, and last time he helped Xiaobai with the last thunder."

"Now with the Shennong Ding, it shouldn't be a problem to call him the powerful thunder."

"During the assessment of the fourth-grade sky thunder, I used the sky thunder that was close to the third-grade for him. Do you want to give him a second-grade sky thunder this time?"

Of course Wen Zhong also hoped that Ji Yang would be fine, now that he knew that he could withstand the assessment of the powerful thunder, he was going to give Ji Yang a second-grade assessment.

As soon as Shen Nong heard Wen Zhong's words, he saw Wen Zhong's somewhat excited expression, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

He wanted to help Ji Yang, not harm Ji Yang.

Even if Ji Yang has some ways to protect himself now, he can't play too much.

Moreover, the heavenly thunder absorbed by Shennong Ding is related to the master's own cultivation. It is hard to say whether it can absorb second-grade sky thunder.

So when he heard that Wen Zhong was going to use the second-grade Tianlei assessment, Shen Nong immediately objected.

"The most powerful of the third-grade sky thunders is fine, and the second-grade sky thunders are fine."

"After all, Xiaobai's cultivation base is placed there. Regardless of whether he can withstand the second-grade sky thunder, even if he can bear it himself, I am afraid that the current Shennong cauldron will not be able to absorb it."

"If that's the case, it's not worth the candle."

Shen Nong's words sounded very reasonable, Wen Zhong thought about it, and it really was the case.

In the end, the two discussed, then use the most powerful sky thunder among the third-grade sky thunders to test Ji Yang.

After talking about the matter, Wen Zhong summoned all the gods of the Thunder Department outside, and then ordered the gods to start preparing for the third-rank Tianlei assessment.

When Wen Zhong arranged these things, Shennong didn't leave, he wanted to wait for the result here.

The gods of the Thunder Department were not too surprised when they heard that Wen Zhong was going to use the strongest sky thunder among the third-grade sky thunders to test Ji Yang.

Anyway, last time Wen Zhong was able to test Ji Yang with a sky thunder that surpassed the fourth rank and reached the quasi-third rank, but now it is nothing to use the strongest third-rank sky thunder.

Although they were not surprised, they were also a little curious.

Could it be that Ji Yang offended Wen Zhong somewhere, so Wen Zhong treats him so hard every time?
"Do you understand my order? You understand, let's release Tianlei now. I think Xiaobai has waited long enough."

"Follow the law!"

After Wen Zhong gave the order completely, he asked loudly.

After the gods responded loudly, they walked outside the Ministry of Thunder and began to release sky thunder towards Ji Yang's location.


"What the hell, I've been waiting for a long time, why hasn't Tianlei come?"

"Could it be that all the gods in the Ministry of Thunder are on vacation?"

Ji Yang had already confirmed that he had accepted the Tianlei assessment for a long time, but the sky was overcast, but no sky thunder landed.

This kind of cloudy weather is easy to make people sleepy.

Ji Yang and others were already yawning again and again, looking drowsy.


When Ji Yang was about to fall asleep, the rolling thunder finally rang out, and the starting point of thunder flickered in the dark clouds.

Hearing the sound of thunder beside his ears and looking at the light of thunder in the dark clouds, Ji Yang lost all sleepiness in an instant. He knew that the examination of the sky thunder was about to officially begin.

"Boy, are you sure you don't want me to help you?"

"No, the last time was an accident, this time I will definitely be able to handle it myself."

Before the thunder officially landed, Chi You was still asking Ji Yang if he needed to help him carry the thunder.

Ji Yang made a lot of preparations this time, and he was also ruthless, he must bear these thunders by himself, so he directly refused Chi You's kindness.

Ji Yang's attitude was firm, and Chi You didn't speak any more.

However, Chi You and Xiaolongnv in the world in the pot are still prepared, once they find that Ji Yang can't hold on, they will take action.



Seeing a thunderbolt falling from the sky first, Ji Yang quickly lifted the immortal energy in his body, ready to catch this thunderbolt.

" hurts..."

When he received the first third-grade thunder, the hair on his whole body stood up instantly, and his expression became very painful.

Last time he also knew that what he had accepted was a quasi-third-grade Tianlei, and he still remembered that feeling.

Originally, he thought that the third-rank Tianlei would not be much stronger than the quasi-third-rank last time, but after he actually took it, he realized how wrong his cognition was.

The power of the sky thunder was not so great, when the sky thunder entered his body, he felt a tearing pain in his whole body.

The first thunder, this is just the first.

The first strike is so painful, the thunder after that will be more terrifying.

"Paralyzed, what the hell are you doing, it won't be another Heavenly Thunder assessment that leapfrogged?"

With such a powerful sky thunder, Ji Yang began to suspect that the Ministry of Thunder had crossed the level to assess himself like last time.

Last time he was messed up badly, this time, he was enough.

"No, here we go again."

"Controlling Thunder!"

When Ji Yang was suffering from the pain of the first thunder, the second thunder also came. Ji Yang's eyes were startled, and he hurriedly used the lightning control technique to try to control the thunder...

(End of this chapter)

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