The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 122 Cold Beer VS 82 Lafite

Chapter 122 Cold Beer VS 82 Lafite (Fifth Watch)

It's not the first time Ji Yang has come to the Li family's residence, yesterday he promised Li Zixuan that he would come to Li's house for dinner today, so after work, Ji Yang drove Li Zixuan to Li's house.

The members of the Li family are very enthusiastic about Ji Yang, especially after what happened to Li Zixuan. Li Xinghai and Fang Yu may have been dissatisfied with Ji Yang's identity and background before, but since what happened to Li Zixuan last time, they all think that Li Zixuan So discerning, their Li family simply picked up a treasure.

"Fang Yu, go and get my '82 Lafite, I'm going to have a drink with Ji Yang today."

The meals prepared by the Li family today are not rich, and they are ordinary in ordinary families, and it is not worth mentioning for super rich people like the Li family.

If there were outsiders at this time, they might think that the Li family didn't value Ji Yang at all, and didn't take Ji Yang seriously, but in fact it was just the opposite.

These home-cooked dishes were cooked by Fang Yu himself. From the first step of buying vegetables to the last step of serving, Fang Yu did it himself. Even Li Xinghai helped. Fang Yu rarely cooks. When talking about Fang Yu cooking, Li Xinghai even joked that he was under Ji Yang's favor.

When entertaining guests, a table of luxurious and blindingly delicious food may not mean that the other party really values ​​you. On the contrary, it is the home-cooked dishes made by the Li family that truly treat Ji Yang from the bottom of their hearts. They have already regarded Ji Yang as their own. people.

Even Ji Yang, who doesn’t know much about red wine, has heard of Lafite in 82, because no matter it is in movies, dramas or novels, this Lafite in 82 is always mentioned, as if it is synonymous with rich people , as if shaking a glass of 82-year-old Lafite is a symbol of fashion and the most expensive.

Isn't it said that the longer the wine is preserved, the better?

Wouldn't the 81, or even the 70-year Lafite be better? Why must I mention the 82-year Lafite? Ji Yang went to search for information out of curiosity.

It turned out that 82 was a rare grape harvest year in the history of French wine. The quality of wine largely depends on the quality of grapes, and the quality of grapes is closely related to factors such as climate and environment. Brewing is very important, and 82 was the last great wine year in the world.

Lafite is one of the five famous wine estates in France. It does not mean that Lafite is the best, but because Lafite is the first French wine brand known to Chinese people and entered China earlier, so people often mention it. he.

To be honest, I don’t know if it’s because Ji Yang doesn’t know how to taste red wine, or what. When Ji Yang drank the 82-year-old Lafite that everyone praised, he didn’t feel any special feeling. If anything, the wine looks a bit clearer and tastes a bit more aromatic.

Li Xinghai tasted the imported Lafite with a face of enjoyment. When he saw Ji Yang's frown, his eyes were a little surprised. Could it be that this wine is not good?
"Ji Yang, don't you like Lafite in 82?"

Li Xinghai asked Ji Yang softly. Hearing Li Xinghai's question, Fang Yu and Li Zixuan also looked at Ji Yang.

Both Fang Yu and Li Zixuan seldom drink alcohol, but they also think that the 82 Lafite tastes good, so why does Ji Yang think it is not good?

"Uh, no, it's just that I always heard the name of Lafite in 82, and thought that I would float up after taking a sip, but now I drink it, and it feels like that. It's better to drink cold beer."

Ji Yang said very seriously, seeing his serious appearance, everyone in the Li family was stunned.

Comparing Lafite in 82 with cold beer, there is probably no other person except Ji Yang, who also said that Lafite in 82 is not as refreshing and delicious as cold beer.

If his words got out, not to mention whether the people at Chateau Lafite would jump their feet, a group of people who regard the 82 Lafite as a fashion and a status symbol would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood.

Seeing the astonished expressions of the Li family members looking at him, Ji Yang smiled mysteriously.

"Cold beer is really better than Lafite in 82, don't you believe it?"

"Zixuan, go and get some ice cubes, remember to use a big basin and fill it with more ice cubes."

Li Zixuan heard Ji Yang say this, although she was a little surprised what Ji Yang asked her to do with ice cubes, and put them in a big basin, did he want ice cold beer?

But Ji Yang didn't mean to explain, he got up and left after speaking, when he came back, he was holding a sealed wine jar in his hand.

Although she didn't know what Ji Yang was going to do, Li Zixuan still packed a lot of ice cubes in a big basin according to Ji Yang's instructions. Fortunately, the Li family usually freezes a lot of ice cubes, otherwise it would be really not easy to get so many ice cubes.

After Ji Yang put the wine jar in his hand directly into the basin filled with ice cubes, he sat down.

"Ji Yang, what is in this wine jar?"

Before, Li Zixuan always thought that Ji Yang would bring some beer over and serve it chilled, but when Ji Yang came back, she didn't see any beer, only saw Ji Yang took a sealed wine jug.

"Beer, after a while you will believe what I said is true."

beer?Is beer served in this jug?

If Ji Yang wanted to say that there was baijiu in the wine jar, the people in the Li family would still feel normal, after all a lot of baijiu was preserved like this, but when Ji Yang said it was beer, they didn't believe it.

"Don't look at me like that. Let's eat first. After an hour, you will believe me."

Ji Yang's wine jar is indeed beer, and it is the beer brewed by Dukang, the god of wine.

At that time, Du Kang once gave Ji Yang a large jar of beer. Those beers weighed [-] to [-] catties. The beer brewed by Du Kang was different from ordinary beer. Very refreshing, and has the effect of relieving fatigue and relaxing meridians.

Ji Yang only drank some of the beer that Du Kang gave Ji Yang, and today he originally planned to ask Du Kang for some newly brewed beer for the Li family.

But when he found Du Kang, Du Kang's beer was in short supply. In the end, Ji Yang could only ask Du Kang for a small wine jar that could hold five catties of beer, and gave some of the beer that Du Kang gave him to the Li family. .

It's strange to say that if it's ordinary beer, once it's opened, no matter how well you preserve it, it will become unpalatable after a day or two, but the beer Du Kang gave him has not changed after so long.

Ji Yang also asked Du Kang why, the reason was Du Kang's wine jar, so he asked Du Kang to put beer in the wine jar, otherwise the taste of beer would change and it would not taste good.

While everyone in the Li family waited with anticipation and curiosity, an hour passed quickly.

Ji Yang saw that the time was up, so he brought the wine jug over. When he lifted the wine seal, everyone saw that the wine jug actually contained beer.

Li Xinghai actually didn't like the taste of beer, but when Ji Yang lifted the wine seal, he didn't feel any discomfort.

"You guys try it."

Ji Yang poured three glasses of beer and handed them to Li Xinghai, Fang Yu and Li Zixuan respectively.

They knew that Ji Yang would not harm them, so when Ji Yang gave them the beer, the three drank it without any hesitation.

 Thank you Broken Bridge Misty Rain and Su and others for your rewards. Bookmark and recommend the rewards. Tomorrow, we will continue with the fifth update. We hope that the fifth update will be 0, 7, 12, 20, 22 or 7, 12, 18, 20, 22. Comments message
(End of this chapter)

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