The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1222 It's for nothing

Chapter 1222 It's a waste of money (two more)
Ji Yang also knew that although the three daughters of Mu Hong didn't say anything, they were obviously jealous.

To make them happy, the punishment for myself may be invalidated.

However, Ji Yang was not very good at coaxing girls. Now that Yang Yuhuan said there was a way to coax them, Ji Yang was slightly taken aback, and asked Yang Yuhuan what method he had.

"My lord, all women love beauty. I think women are the same whether they are ancient or modern."

"The court of the Tang Dynasty had many secret ways to maintain beauty, and I have a set of ways that are even better than the secret beauty methods of the court. If you teach this to a few wives, they may not be angry."

There are three thousand beauties in the palace and harem, and it is not easy to stand out among the three thousand beauties.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the beauty pageant is more difficult than what I think now.

A beautiful face is naturally the most basic guarantee for competing for favor. According to historical records, Concubine Yang was nearly forty years old when she died.

Even at the age of forty, Tang Xuanzong Li Longji was obsessed with her, which shows that she is really well maintained.

If Mu Hong and the others were taught Yang Yuhuan's beauty-enhancing methods, even if they didn't forgive themselves, they would still be very happy.

And there is a chance to make his woman more beautiful, why would Ji Yang miss it.

"Really, then teach me quickly."

Ji Yang sent Yang Yuhuan a WeChat message a little excitedly, but Yang Yuhuan sent Ji Yang a shaking head emoji.

Seeing Yang Yuhuan's expression, Ji Yang frowned.

It was Yang Yuhuan who said that she wanted to teach her how to maintain her beauty, how could she go back on it now.

Ji Yang felt strange, and asked what Yang Yuhuan meant.

"My lord, don't be angry. Since Yuhuan said to teach you, she will definitely teach you."

"It's just that Yuhuan still has an unfeeling request. I hope the adults can help Yuhuan complete it."

After all this, Yang Yuhuan wanted to make a deal with Ji Yang.

"What do you want, do you want to learn modern mortal songs? Or square dance?"

What Yang Yuhuan asked Ji Yang before was about mortal dances and songs.

Ji Yang thought that Yang Yuhuan was most interested in these things, and she wanted to learn them.

But Ji Yang guessed wrong this time, this is not what Yang Yuhuan wanted.

"My lord, although Yuhuan is curious about singing and dancing in the mortal world, Yuhuan feels that she is not suitable."

"Yuhuan likes to eat lychees, but she hasn't eaten them since she arrived in the underworld, so I hope you can provide some lychees to Yuhuan."

It is not a secret that Yang Yuhuan likes to eat lychees. It can be said that anyone who has heard the story of Yang Yuhuan knows it.

The transportation capacity of the Tang Dynasty is definitely incomparable with modern times.

Although there are records in some documents that Yang Yuhuan likes to eat lychees, there is no record about how to quickly transport lychees to Chang'an for him to eat.

But if you think about it with your head, you can guess that Tang Xuanzong Li Longji must have spent a lot of energy in order to get fresh lychees for Yang Yuhuan.

Seeing that Yang Yuhuan wanted lychees, this request was too simple for Ji Yang.

Anyway, Ji Yang wanted to provide Sun Wukong with fruits on a regular basis, so why not just bring some lychees to Yang Yuhuan?

"Isn't it just lychee, I can give it to you."

"But I don't have it right now. I'll definitely give it to you later. If you believe me, tell me your way of beautifying your face first."

Ji Yang agreed to Yang Yuhuan, and also told Yang Yuhuan that he had no lychees in his hand.

"Yuhuan naturally believes in your lord, and now I will tell you about my beauty regimen."

Since Yang Yuhuan told Ji Yang this, she had to believe Ji Yang.

Ji Yang looked at Yang Yuhuan's beauty regimen. Although he didn't know much about it, he was a medical student, so he knew a lot about the body.

Looking at Yang Yuhuan's description of food, work and rest time, etc., Ji Yang thinks there is some truth.

"My lord, Yuhuan has already taught you the method of beauty. I hope my lord will give Yuhuan some lychees as soon as possible."

"Yuhuan has not eaten lychees for thousands of years, and I really miss lychees."

"I promise you that I will not break my promise, I will give you the lychee tomorrow."

If Ji Yang cheated even in agreeing to Yang Yuhuan's request, and kept it for a long time, then he would not have to do business with others in the future.

After Ji Yang agreed to this matter, he suddenly felt relieved and felt sleepy.

Telling Yang Yuhuan that she was sleepy and wanted to sleep, Yang Yuhuan came over with a smile and said that she would not disturb Ji Yang any more, and then did not reply to WeChat.

After finishing the conversation with Yang Yuhuan, Ji Yang memorized Yang Yuhuan's beauty-care method, and then fell asleep.

When the sun rose the next day, Ji Yang heard bursts of charming laughter coming from outside the bedroom.

This laughter sounded like that of Mu Hong and his daughters.

Getting up from the bed, Ji Yang pushed open the door of the room, and he saw Mu Hong and his daughters chatting with Fang Yu.

Although Fang Yu is Ji Yang's mother, if you only look at the appearance, there is no difference in age between her and Mu Hong's daughters.

After being imprisoned by the Xuanyuan family for more than [-] years, her personality has not changed much. It can be said that she and Mu Hong's daughters are actually very close, both in appearance and in heart.

"What are you talking about? You are so happy."

"Wouldn't it be to please my mother early in the morning? In fact, it's more direct for you to please me."

Ji Yang walked over, sat down and put his arms around Huang Xiaoxin and said with a smile.

Although Mu Hong and the girls said that Ji Yang would not let Ji Yang touch them for a month, it was still okay to give them a hug.

"Hee hee, we are talking about your embarrassing stories. Auntie and Meier are very interested in your embarrassing stories."

Huang Xiaoxin, who was hugged by Ji Yang, covered her mouth and sniggered. Hearing her words, Ji Yang's smile froze on his face.

Seeing his expression, several people laughed even more happily.

"Hey, I originally wanted to give you a gift, but I didn't expect you to embarrass me so early in the morning. It really hurts my heart, so sad."

Although he was ridiculed, Ji Yang didn't care much about the ridicule of Mu Hong and others.

He murmured pretending to be sad, and several people were also interested in his words.

Everyone questioned him, and Ji Yang told him that he had learned a set of beauty-enhancing methods from Yang Yuhuan.

However, when talking about it, Ji Yang didn't specify the content of the method of beauty.

Mu Hong and the others are no strangers to the Four Great Beauties of China.

When they heard that Ji Yang had learned Yang Yuhuan's method of nourishing beauty, they were all a little excited.

It seems that what Yang Yuhuan said is correct, whether it is ancient or modern, women love beauty.

Women know women best.

Under the expectant eyes of several people, Ji Yang just explained Yang Yuhuan's method of beauty in detail.

"Yang Yuhuan's beauty-enhancing method is what I asked for from Yang Yuhuan. For the sake of being so good to you, can my punishment be revoked?"

The method of nourishing beauty is used to calm down the anger of Mu Hong and the three daughters.

Ji Yang said with a bit of flattery, Mu Hong and the three daughters laughed, said no in unison, and then burst out laughing.

Hearing the word no, Ji Yang sighed, it seems that this beauty-enhancing method was given away for nothing...

(End of this chapter)

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