The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1227 Ji Yang's Plan

Chapter 1227 Ji Yang's Plan (Part [-])

In order to catch Peng Caixuan and others, the United States must have carried out strict control at the airport, train station, cruise ship, etc.

If you use these normal methods to return to China, it is basically impossible.

That's why Ji Yang denied Peng Tianlong and made himself responsible for the return of Peng Caixuan and others.

Because no matter how secretive methods Peng Tianlong used to open up relationships through various channels, he still couldn't get rid of these vehicles in the end.

But Ji Yang doesn't need it, Ji Yang has his own method.

"Going back to China by normal means of transportation is likely to be discovered by people from the United States, so I plan to let the giant squid pick you up."

"Where are you in the United States now?"

The way Ji Yang thought of was to bring Peng Caixuan and others back through the giant squid.

Using this method is definitely safer than those so-called planes, ships, and trains.

As long as the giant squid receives Peng Caixuan and others and takes them to the bottom of the sea, there is no need to worry.

"The Wenzer we caught in Las Vegas is still in Las Vegas."

"You would never have guessed what Wen Ze was doing in America. No wonder Caixuan and the others had no clue about him for a while."

Las Vegas is the largest city in Nevada, USA. It is famous for its gambling industry and its huge tourism, shopping and resort industries.

Nine of the ten largest resort hotels in the world are in Las Vegas, so this is one of the world-renowned resorts.

Las Vegas is also called "Sin City" because it used to be synonymous with violence, gambling and crime.

Zhu Jiumei asked Ji Yang what Wen Ze would do here, and said that Ji Yang couldn't guess.

Ji Yang rolled his eyes, and said in a cold voice with some disdain.

"What else can he do? In this city of crime, he must live a life of feasting and feasting every day. He goes to the casino to gamble every day. What else can he do."

Ji Yang's answer may be a normal answer that many people would give.

Although many reports now say that corrupt officials live a hard life when they go abroad.

This Ji Yang believes, because when you were in power, everyone feared you, gave you face, and looked at your face.

If you run away, you are still a fart, who cares about you.

People who were bullied by you in the past must have seized this opportunity to deal with you severely. If you are upset, you should go back to your country, and someone will still deal with you when you go back.

The point is, once you go abroad, it will be difficult for you to go back to Huaxia.

So many people who fled abroad and can still come back from abroad have said that it is best not to violate the law and not to be greedy. If you are greedy, you would rather go to jail than go abroad.

If it is not done well, it may even lose your life abroad.

But Wen Ze is different. He was invited by the United States, and he has a lot of valuable information in his hands.

In order to obtain this information, the United States has to protect him and take care of him.

So Ji Yang felt that this guy must be spending time in the casino every day, drinking foreign wine, picking up foreign girls, and gambling for fun.

"You think too much, he has a very difficult time in the United States."

"This guy is so stupid. After he arrived in the United States, he would answer whatever Hai Diao asked. In the end, he was useless, so Hai Diao threw him into the casino to sweep the floor."

"When I bring him back to Huaxia to show you, look at his current appearance, he is really in a mess."

Ji Yang was a little surprised by Zhu Jiumei's answer. Miguo used Huaxia's words to kill donkeys.

According to Zhu Jiumei, the reason why Peng Caixuan couldn't find Wen Ze was because Wen Ze was asked to change the casino for cleaning almost every day.

When cleaning the casino for him, Hai Diao even called it a good name, which was a thank you to him.

Because he was found by people from Huaxia, and if he was brought back to Huaxia, Wen Ze would definitely be sentenced to death.

When Wen Ze saw Peng Caixuan and the others, he simply knelt on the ground and begged to take them away. The look of snot and tears was really pitiful.

Even if Wen Ze died, he didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Okay, I can't live with my own crimes, who asked him to help the Americans."

Although he guessed wrong, but what happened to Wen Ze, Ji Yang felt that he asked for it himself, and it was not worthy of pity at all.

But one is worthless, but there will be a large group of sea eagle members following. It seems that these sea eagle members are not protecting Wen Ze, but set up a trap and wait for the rescuer to drill.

The United States may know that the last time the Hawkeye group was destroyed was related to Huaxia, and wanted to take the opportunity to injure Huaxia.

Unexpectedly, he could not steal chickens and lose a lot of rice. He lost his wife and broke up the army, bringing in the entire Yingzui brigade.

"Don't talk about Wen Ze, let's continue talking about my plan."

"Where are you in Las Vegas, tell me the address, and I will send someone to pick you up."

Even if they leave the United States by taking a giant squid, Peng Caixuan and others have to go to the seaside.

They don't know how many people the United States has dispatched to find Peng Caixuan, but there must be a lot of people, and there must be people checking every major traffic road.

It is very dangerous for Peng Caixuan and the others to go to the beach like this, and someone must cover them.

"Okay, I'll send you the address later."

"By the way, do you have any reliable friends in America?"

"Friend? He's not worthy, but in his capacity, it's okay for you to stay safely in the United States today, and then send you to the beach."

Zhu Jiumei seemed to understand Ji Yang's words, but she didn't bother to continue asking when she saw that Ji Yang was mysterious.

After Zhu Jiumei hung up the phone, she sent the address to Ji Yang.

After Ji Yang received the message, he opened his phone address book and wanted to make a call with the person he thought of.

In fact, the person he was thinking of was none other than Jesse from the Rockefeller family.

This is the first heir of the Rockefeller family that has been controlled by him.

But just when he was about to call Jesse, he suddenly changed his mind. He planned to call Lilith of the Kennedy family first.

He will call Lilith first, not Jesse. Ji Yang intends to let Lilith monitor Jesse.

Although Jesse ate the poison he gave, his life was controlled by him.

But it's hard to guarantee that he won't play tricks. Compared with Jesse, Ji Yang still trusts Lilith the most.

"Hi, who is it?"

"Hello Lilith, I'm Ji Yang, how are you doing recently? Calling you now, will it affect your rest?"

"Ji Yang? Did you really call me? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

There is a time difference between China and the United States. Calculated according to China's time, it should be late at night in the United States now.

Call Lilith at this time, the other party is probably sleeping.

When receiving Ji Yang's call, Lilith's voice was a little drowsy.

Ji Yang's phone call obviously disturbed the other party's rest, but when she heard Ji Yang's name, Lilith immediately regained her spirits, and said in a slightly excited voice.

"Of course it's not a dream, why don't you pinch yourself."

"Oh, it hurts."

Hearing the painful cry from the phone, Ji Yang was a little funny, Lilith really pinched herself...

(End of this chapter)

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