The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1229 The Chaos Caused by Rats

Chapter 1229 The Chaos Caused by Rats (One More)
According to the address given by Ji Yang, Lilith and Jesse walked into the dilapidated building.

Although it was dawn now, the light in the dilapidated building was still very dark, and there was still a strange smell in the corridor.

It was the first time for both Lilith and Jesse to come to this kind of place.

Smelling the peculiar smell in the corridor, the two felt nauseated in their stomachs and almost vomited out.

They really wondered in such a broken place, can people really live here?
After all, Peng Caixuan and the others were hiding, not enjoying themselves, and it was impossible to find some high-end hotels to live in, so they chose this kind of place.

When Jesse and Lilith came to a room on the top floor, Jesse knocked on the door.

He knocked on the door, but there was no sound from inside.

No sound was heard, Jesse and Lilith frowned.

"It's here, right?"

"That's right, this is what Ji Shao gave, I'm sure I remember correctly?"

"Could it be that the people inside have changed places, so there is no one there?"

No one answered, Lilith asked Jesse, and Ji Yang told Jesse the address, not Lilith.

So if the specific address is here, Lilith can only ask Jesse.

Jesse was sure he remembered correctly, he was sure of that.

"Knock on the door and try again. After all, you are hiding. I'm afraid we are here to catch them."

Lilith said so, and Jesse felt it made sense, so he knocked on the door again.

After knocking on the door this time, a voice was finally heard.

The speaker is in English, ask who it is.

"Ji Yang asked us to come."

Hearing someone talking, Lilith said softly.

As her voice fell, the door was opened, and then two arms stretched out from it, and then dragged Lilith and Jesse into the room.

Lilith and Jesse were suddenly dragged into the room, and they were taken aback.

When they entered the room and saw two burly men (pig demons) looking at them coldly, their bodies trembled in fright.

They felt that the eyes of these two men were scary, much scarier than their own bodyguards.

A strong bloody smell emanated from the man, making it difficult for them to breathe.

"Lilith? Jesse?"

"Yes, I'm Lilith, and he's Jesse. Ji Yang asked us to pick you up."

While the two pig demons were staring at Lilith and Jesse, Zhu Jiumei came over.

When he saw Zhu Jiumei, Jesse's eyes lit up. He felt that Zhu Jiumei was very beautiful, but when Zhu Jiumei looked at him coldly, Jesse quickly lowered his head.

Zhu Jiumei's eyes are very scary, scarier than staring at him as a pig demon.

"Zhu Jiumei, don't scare them, they are sent by the boss to help us, not enemies."

"Hello, my name is Peng Caixuan, and her name is Zhu Jiumei. The boss has already disclosed your identities. I believe you can take us away safely."

After making arrangements for Lilith and Jesse, Ji Yang also called Peng Caixuan and told them about Lilith and Jesse.

In fact, when Peng Caixuan first came to the United States, Ji Yang told him about Lilith and Jesse, and asked Peng Caixuan to find them if he had anything to do.

But Peng Caixuan has never looked for him, so today is the first time we meet.

"Don't worry, since we agreed to Ji Yang, we will definitely take you away safely."

"But we didn't expect that there are so many of you. Even though we drive a commercial vehicle, we still can't fit it in."

Ji Yang didn't say how many people there are in Peng Caixuan's place before, although Lilith and Jesse have already driven a commercial vehicle, but looking at the dozen or so people in Peng Caixuan's place, the commercial vehicle must not be able to fit.

Hearing what Lilith said, Peng Caixuan smiled faintly.

"You just need to take a few of us into the car, and they will leave freely."

Peng Caixuan pointed to Yanjiao and the people from the Xuan group, as well as Zhu Jiumei, a few pig demons, and Wen Ze. These people wanted to take the car.

As for Wei Suo and other rat monsters, they don't need to take a car at all.

They can turn into real mice and follow Lilith and Jesse's car by themselves.

Just the few people Peng Caixuan pointed out could still sit down if they squeezed together. Seeing Peng Caixuan's confidence, Lilith nodded to Jesse.

"Weisuo, follow the car, let's go down now."

"Don't worry, we have a solution."

When Peng Caixuan was about to leave, he told Wei Suo, Wei Suo smiled indifferently.

If it wasn't for Peng Caixuan and the others, Wei Suo and his rat monster would have already run away by themselves.

They turned into mice. Although they were bigger, they could still avoid American soldiers and police.

After all, they could only guess that it was the Huaxia people who killed the eagle-beaked people, but they didn't expect that there were a group of monsters inside.

"Okay, let's go down now. On the way, it's best to create some confusion for them, which will help us leave."

"Understood, then let's go out first."

Although there were Lilith and Jesse, Peng Caixuan felt that he still had to do something for the sake of safety.

After Wei Suo understood what Peng Caixuan meant, he led his subordinates to leave first.

After they left, Peng Caixuan and Lilith went downstairs.

Peng Caixuan and the others quickly entered the car. This commercial car was relatively large and had a lot of seats, so the rest of the people just sat down.

As soon as they got in the car, Jesse just started the car and drove forward, when he saw the American soldiers and policemen who were checking the vehicles not far away panicked.

"My God, where did all these rats come from?"

The chaos of American soldiers is because a lot of rats suddenly appeared from sewers, garbage dumps, and some dirty corners.

These mice were big and small, and there were thousands of them in a dense pile.

So many mice appearing at the same time, it makes one's hair stand on end.

And not counting the appearance of so many mice, they rushed to the American soldiers and police like crazy, attacking them with their claws and teeth.

Even if the US soldiers and police shot and killed the mice one by one, the other mice still rushed towards them without fear.

Seeing such a scene, Jesse felt chills all over his body.

"These rats won't attack us, so we don't have to be afraid, just drive away while we're in the chaos."

The appearance of these mice was naturally a good thing Wei Suo did.

They are all the "little brothers" Wei Suo received in the United States. It was Wei Suo's order that so many mice appeared at the same time and attacked the soldiers and policemen of the United States.

Now the surroundings are in chaos. The American soldiers and police are only concerned about the sudden appearance of thousands of mice, so why bother with checking the vehicles for injuries.

When Peng Caixuan opened his mouth to remind him, Jessie came to his senses and drove away in a hurry.

It takes four or five hours to drive from Las Vegas to Los Angeles, which is not a short distance.

The arrest of Peng Caixuan and others in the United States is not limited to Las Vegas, and many cards are also set up around Las Vegas.

So as soon as Jesse's car drove out of Las Vegas, he was stopped by a group of soldiers with live ammunition...

(End of this chapter)

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