The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 124 Instant Noodles Sold

Chapter 124 Instant Noodles Sold (Part [-])

Although there were some unhappiness during a simple dinner, it was still very warm overall, especially for Ji Yang, who had never enjoyed the warmth of a family before.

"Ji Yang, is it true that you just said that you want to talk to my dad about medicinal wine?"

When Li Zixuan sent Ji Yang away, she remembered what Ji Yang said before and asked curiously.

Hearing Li Zixuan ask himself this matter, Ji Yang felt a little dizzy, and finally he decided to tell Li Zixuan the truth.

When Ji Yang said that he lied to Li Xinghai, Li Zixuan frowned slightly and said softly.

"I knew what you said was false, otherwise how could you not say anything on the road."

"But although my dad didn't ask you just now, I can see that he still takes your words seriously. He will definitely ask you about this in the future."

Li Zixuan's frowning was not because she was angry that Ji Yang had lied, but because she was worried that Ji Yang would be found by Li Xinghai to ask about the medicinal wine later on.

Ji Yang also had Li Zixuan's worries in his heart, but the words had already been said, and he could only take one step at a time.

"My lord, isn't it just a recipe for medicinal wine, can it still stump me?"

I really don't have the formula for medicinal wine now, but it doesn't mean that I don't have it when Li Xinghai finds me.

He knew so many ancient miracle doctors and Dukang, the god of wine, he didn't believe that he still couldn't get a formula for medicinal wine.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang smiled confidently.

"Zixuan, don't worry, the old Taoist priest I'm talking about is going back to Linhai in two days, he must have the formula for medicinal wine in his hand, I just want one."

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Li Zixuan felt a little relieved, and then smiled sweetly.

While laughing, Li Zixuan took Ji Yang's hand and shook it, and at the same time coquettishly said: "Ji Yang, today's beer is brewed by that old Taoist, right? When you see him, order more beer. It's better if you can get the recipe. He brews really good beer."

This is a few meanings, does it mean that Li Zixuan is going to become an alcoholic just because the beer she brought today is so delicious?

She said that she asked the old Taoist priest to ask Li Xinghai for the recipe of medicinal wine, but she didn't forget to ask herself to ask for beer, and said that it would be better if she could get the recipe for beer.

If he could really brew the same beer as Du Kang brewed, Ji Yang really doubted whether Li Zixuan would drink beer as water, or even soak herself in beer.

"Ahem, drink in moderation, you want to be a female alcoholic, don't you?"

Ji Yang said in a cold voice with an educational attitude, he didn't want to have a drunk woman.

Seeing that Ji Yang was a little unhappy, Li Zixuan realized that she was indeed obsessed with tonight's beer, but she didn't want to be a drunkard. In the end, she confessed to Ji Yang. , he will bring tonight's beer for Li Zixuan to drink.

It was very late to leave Li's house. After Ji Yang got in the car, he opened WeChat first, and took a look at his WeChat store, his face beamed with joy.

"Haha, the pack of instant noodles with [-] merits has been sold out. It seems that after the Tianlei assessment is over, the local tyrants will show up."

Ji Yang originally thought that no one would buy the [-] packs of instant noodles, and if he couldn't sell them tomorrow morning, he was going to adjust the price, but now they have sold them.

Ji Yang was so excited, he wanted to see who bought his instant noodles.

"Stove Lord?"

"God of Cookery?"

Ji Yang saw that the people who bought his own instant noodles turned out to be Stove King and Chef God, both of whom are experts in cooking food. They actually bought their own instant noodles, and they bought them in packs of two hundred.

This is really interesting. It seems that not only the food in the underworld is getting boring, but the heavenly court is also the same.

From this point of view, there should still be a market for instant noodles. Although God of Cookery and Zao Jun will study how to make instant noodles after they get them, it is estimated that they will not be able to research them for a while. When they do, I will sell others. .

Now, before the God of Cookery and the Kitchen God can't figure out the bubble, I still have to make some money first.

Time can't be wasted. I haven't come home anyway, so I'll go buy some instant noodles first, and check if there are other things that can be put on the shelves.

But before going to buy bubbles, Ji Yang took a look at his own merits, and when he saw the merits, Ji Yang was taken aback.

I sold two packs of instant noodles, one pack of instant noodles is worth [-] merits, and two packs of instant noodles is worth [-] merits, but why did he gain [-] merits.

What's going on, Ji Yang hurriedly found out the records of the WeChat store and looked at it, seeing that it didn't matter, Ji Yang was so angry that he almost dropped his phone.

"It's too bad. A 80.00% handling fee is charged for putting it on the shelf, and an [-]% handling fee is charged after the item is sold."

If you calculate it like this, you will be deducted 90.00% of the handling fee for every item you sell, and the real merit of the instant noodles you sell is only [-] per package.

"Crap, it's too crappy, it's too dark. The handling fee is too expensive, the handling fee is more than I earn."

Ji Yang felt depressed, but no matter how depressed he was, it was impossible for the WeChat store to change the percentage of the handling fee because of him.

Although the WeChat store fee is a bit low, it is still faster than other methods to earn merits. Do you still have to continue selling instant noodles?

Ji Yang drove back to his residence depressed, and planned to buy some instant noodles along the way, but now the time is running out and the supermarkets are closed.

"24-hour convenience store, luckily it's still open."

After seeing a 24-hour convenience store across the road, Ji Yang stopped the car and prepared to buy instant noodles inside.

When Ji Yang entered the convenience store, he found that there was only one girl aged eighteen or nineteen in the store.

The girl was tall and thin, very delicate and beautiful, with a palm-sized melon seed face with a pair of very smart big eyes, a straight nose bridge, bright red lips, fair skin, and long black hair.

Ji Yang was taken aback when he first saw such a beauty in the convenience store. It was so late, would the convenience store let such a beauty look safe? Even if the convenience store was safe, such a beauty would not be safe, right?
Pan Xiaoying's father was sick today, so she came here to watch the convenience store for her father tonight. She had already made an appointment with someone to accompany her, but the person who accompanied her just arrived and left because of an urgent matter No, now she is the only one looking at the convenience store.

Pan Xiaoying is usually quite courageous, but she was a little scared to let her look at the convenience store alone at night, but when she was about to close the convenience store tonight, someone came.

When Ji Yang walked into the convenience store, Pan Xiaoying looked at Ji Yang vigilantly, and saw that Ji Yang was good-looking, and he didn't look like a bad guy, but there is no one these days. It's called a beast with a human face.

Ji Yang felt that Pan Xiaoying looked at him with vigilance. It was normal for Ji Yang to be so vigilant. When he came to the convenience store to buy things at night, it would be abnormal if the only beautiful clerk in the convenience store smiled charmingly at him. After all, this Not a big sword.

 Xieben still has to go to work on Saturday, and he has to secretly code words, everyone collects, recommends, rewards and cheers
(End of this chapter)

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