The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1243 Thunderbolt Chasing Soldiers

Chapter 1243
The person that Xiao Longnu said could bring the dead back to life was naturally Ji Yang.

Ji Yang learned the magical power of resurrection from Zhu Bajie. Although Xiaolongnv didn't know what it was about the resurrection from the dead, but Ji Yang could use the magical power of resurrection to revive his parents. Why couldn't Peng Caixuan be resurrected.

Fang Yu and Li Shang have been dead for more than 20 years, and they don't even have a physical body.

Now Peng Caixuan's body... Well, although his physical body was severely damaged, it is still there.

Moreover, he had just died, and his soul hadn't left his body yet. Xiao Longnu thought that Ji Yang would definitely be able to revive him.

There are dozens of blood holes on Peng Caixuan's body, large and small. It is not too much to say that his current body is a sieve.

Looking at Peng Caixuan's body at this time, the faces of Xiaolongnu, Zhu Jiumei and others were all ugly. Just looking at these blood holes, one could tell how much pain he had endured to save Yanjiao.

Feeling uncomfortable in her heart, her eyes couldn't bear it, but Xiao Longnv didn't forget the business.

The dragon energy in the body turned, and the little dragon girl poured the dragon energy into Peng Caixuan's body, sealing his three souls and seven souls, so that the soul would not go out of the body.

Then a gust of cold air was exhaled from the mouth, the cold air wrapped Peng Caixuan's body, and a five-meter-square ice cube appeared.

Peng Caixuan's body was frozen in ice.

Xiao Longnu did this to protect Peng Caixuan's body from decay.

It takes more than two days to travel from the United States to China. If the corpse is not frozen and soaked in sea water along the way, the consequences can be imagined.

After sealing the three souls and seven souls and freezing Peng Caixuan's body, Xiao Longnu looked at Yanjiao.

Both Yanjiao's eyes were swollen from crying, looking at Peng Caixuan's body inside the ice block, she couldn't stop sobbing.

"Don't cry, let's go back to Huaxia now and ask Ji Yang to save Caixuan."

"It is true that we must leave immediately. Today's incident is bigger than the destruction of the Eagle Claw Brigade. The US side will definitely not let it go, and will definitely take a new round of arrests immediately."

"That's right, the giant squid should be at the beach by this time, let's hurry to the beach."

When Xiao Longnv spoke, Zhu Jiumei echoed.

Zhu Jiumei's worry is very reasonable. No matter whether she is in a hurry to return to China to rescue Peng Caixuan, she should leave the country immediately.

The five-meter-square ice cube is huge and not light in weight.

If it is an ordinary person, it will definitely take a few people to move.

But such a big ice cube is too easy for Xiao Longnu and others, anyone can lift it up.

Zhu Jiumei ordered one of her subordinates, a pig demon, to rush towards the beach holding ice cubes in both hands.

When they came to the beach, following the scream of the little dragon girl, the sea water began to churn, and the tentacles of the squids stretched out, and ten giant squids floated on the surface of the sea.

"You take this, this is a water-proof pearl, with this, there will be no danger for the giant squid to take you into the sea."

Even if Zhu Jiumei and the others are not ordinary people, they can't do it if they hold their breath in the sea for two days.

So Xiao Longnv had already prepared, two water-proof pearls per person, if there is not enough later, she will give it again.

Water-avoiding pearls, when Ji Yang got them for the first time, they were very precious.

But with the appearance of the little dragon girl, after contacting the Linhai Dragon King, it can be said that there are as many water-avoiding pearls as you want.

After everyone took the water-proof pearls, they jumped onto the giant squid one by one. The ice block where Peng Caixuan was located was also entangled by a giant squid with its tentacles.

When everything was ready and the giant squid was about to lead everyone into the sea, the sound of mechanical engines and the sound of propellers turning came from far away...

Hearing these voices, Xiao Longnu and the others turned cold.

Zhu Jiumei's previous guess was really correct, and the US side really sent people to arrest them again.

With the previous lessons, there must be more people dispatched this time, and the equipment is stronger.

"What should I do? Do you want to kill these guys too?"

Sitting on the body of a giant squid, Wei Suo said softly with cold eyes.

Hearing what he said, Zhu Jiumei and the others nodded. Anyway, they have already killed a group of people, so what if they kill another group.

But the others nodded, but Xiao Longnu shook her head.

"Don't waste time with them, the most important thing is to bring Caixuan back to Huaxia."

"You go first, I will stop them for a while, and then catch up with you."

Although she sealed Peng Caixuan's three souls and seven souls, and even froze Peng Caixuan's body, just to be on the safe side, Xiao Longnu felt that the sooner she could bring Peng Caixuan back to Huaxia, the better.

Over time, problems will inevitably arise.

As soon as her words came out, others felt the same reason.

The most important thing right now is not to fight, but to bring Peng Caixuan back to Huaxia and give it to Ji Yang to revive him.

As for the people chasing them, it doesn't matter if they ignore them or not, if they follow the giant squid into the sea, can they still go into the sea?Can a giant squid be as fast as a giant squid in the sea?

"Okay, then be careful yourself!"

Zhu Jiumei and the others nodded to Xiao Longnv, and Xiao Longnv gave a disdainful smile and ordered the giant lion-headed squid to dive into the sea with Zhu Jiumei and others.

After the giant squid dived into the sea with Zhu Jiumei and others, a silver light flashed on the little dragon girl's body, and her body turned into a dragon shape more than ten meters long.

Turning into a dragon shape, the little dragon girl flew into the air.

After flying into the air, Xiao Longnv vaguely saw the pursuers from the US side.

Whether it is individual equipment or mechanized equipment, the pursuit troops dispatched by the United States this time are stronger and more numerous than before.

For fighter jets alone, there were more than ten dispatched this time, and the number of tanks and armored vehicles was more than twice that of before.

If the United States dispatched these words during the first arrest.

In the battle just now, the outcome of Peng Caixuan and others will be disastrous.


Xiao Longnv just wanted to stop them a little bit, not to fight to the end, so when she saw the figure of the pursuers, she let out a dragon moan.

The sound of the dragon's chant spread for several kilometers, and all the pursuers heard it.

The sound of the dragon roar made their bodies tremble, because they were far away, they could only vaguely see something in the air, but they couldn't see what it was.


After the little dragon girl's dragon chant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and purple lightning flashed among the clouds.

The sky was still clear one second, and the next second it was covered with dark clouds. The pursuers in the United States were a little strange.

The expressions of the pilots of the fighter jets changed even more.

It is very dangerous to fly a fighter jet in this kind of lightning weather. Once the fighter jet is hit by lightning, their results will be miserable.


Whatever you are afraid of, you will come here.

The fighter pilots were afraid that their fighters would be hit by lightning, but the lightning hit them.

More than a dozen lightning bolts fell from the sky at the same time, and all landed on the fighter jet.

Zi Lei specializes in bombing fighter jets, this is all a good thing done by Xiaolongnv, she is the one who controls Zi Lei to do so.

Ordinary lightning strikes fighter jets will be dangerous, but if they are struck by purple lightning that is more powerful than ordinary lightning, the results of these fighter jets can be imagined.

A siren sounded in the air, and fighter jets fell from the sky to the ground one after another...

(End of this chapter)

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