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Chapter 1273 If You Want To Kill You, Just Kill It

Chapter 1273 If you want to kill you, kill it (second update)

Yanjiao would kick people to death with one kick, this was completely expected by everyone on Ji Yang's side.

The robbers who hijacked the plane were just ordinary people, how could they bear Yanjiao's kick with a little anger.

After this kick, if the kicked person is still alive, this is the real accident.

The people on Ji Yang's side can think of it, but the robbers can't think of it.

Knowing that his own person was actually dead, or was kicked to death by a woman, his heart was shocked, and he instinctively aimed his gun at Yanjiao.

How much strength is it to kick a person to death.

Even if it is a man, it is impossible to do it easily, let alone a woman.

"Don't move around, or I'll shoot you."

"You can kick my brother to death with one kick. You are a very powerful woman, but no matter how powerful you are, you can't beat our guns."

The leader of the robbers looked at Yanjiao with obvious fear in his eyes, but he spoke very forcefully.

The other robbers beside him nodded when they heard the leader's words. Someone had already pulled the bolt of the gun, as if they were ready to shoot at any time.

The passengers on the plane all looked at Yanjiao curiously, with different thoughts in their hearts.

Some people thought that Yanjiao was so powerful that she kicked someone to death with one kick, but more people thought that Yanjiao was too impulsive.

Even if you have the ability, shouldn't you be careful, now that people are kicked to death, with so many guns pointed at you, you are not dead, unless you are a god who is not afraid of guns.

Yanjiao didn't know what everyone was thinking, when she heard what the robbers said, she just looked at them coldly.

The number of robbers is not small, there are as many as seven or eight.

With so many robbers boarding the plane and carrying guns, I really don't know what the airport security check in Linhai is for.

But these people are scary in the eyes of other passengers, but Yanjiao really doesn't think highly of them.

She had just experienced the scene where the planes and tanks were dispatched, and the scene before her was really trivial.

It's just that there are many passengers around, which is really troublesome. I am not afraid of these robbers, but I have to consider the safety of other passengers.

While the robber leader was talking, he took two steps back, and at the same time signaled to the two robbers beside him to walk to Yanjiao's side.

The intention is obvious, to control Yanjiao.

People who dare to do such a thing as hijacking cannot be ordinary people.

"What are you looking at, tie her up first, so many guns are pointed at her, you are afraid of shit."

"This woman looks good. After the plane arrives in Southeast Asia, I will give her to you as a reward."

Only under the signal of the robber's head, the two robbers did not dare to move.

They were looking at their dead companions on the ground, it seemed that they were very afraid of Yan Jiao.

If they dared to hijack the plane, even though they risked their lives, they really didn't want to die.

Seeing that his subordinates were not moving, the leader of the robbers shouted loudly. When he shouted, the two men moved forward.

Seeing the two robbers approaching Yanjiao, the stewardess beside Yanjiao trembled and unconsciously hid from Yanjiao.

But you can hide as long as you want, use the pair on your chest to rub against something.

"Stop rubbing, I won't be polite to rubbing against me again."

Yanjiao felt that this stewardess must be abnormal in some aspects, and she still wanted to seduce her at this time.

The flight attendant's face turned pale when Yan Jiao said it, and she smiled awkwardly.

"One more step forward, and I will kill you."

At this time, the two robbers with guns in their hands were less than ten meters away from Yanjiao, and this distance, that is to say, five steps more, would take them there.

When they reached this position, a cold voice sounded.

These words did not come from Yanjiao, but from a position beside Yanjiao.

The person sitting in this position is none other than the Flood Demon King.

As soon as the Flood Demon King spoke, the two robbers who were close to Yanjiao really stopped, why they stopped, these two robbers didn't know.

If I had to say it, it might be because I was afraid.

The two robbers stopped, and the Flood Demon King stood up from his seat.

The Flood Demon King was dressed in black, tall and slender, with an indifferent expression and a chill in his eyes.

When the Flood Demon King stared at the two people who had stopped, the two people unconsciously took a few steps back.

Nima, this look is too scary, like two knives.

Didn't Ji Yang just say that it was because the Jiao Demon King opened his mouth, so he said someone hijacked the plane?

That being said, is the Flood Demon King responsible for this matter?
Now that the Flood Demon King stood up, he naturally planned to solve this matter.

Originally, Peng Caixuan also wanted to stand up when he saw the robbers approaching Yanjiao, but Yanjiao is his woman, how could he not care about it.

Even if he knew that Yanjiao could deal with these people, it was impossible for him to watch.

Here I am, how can I not protect my woman behind me.

But the Jiao Demon King stood up, and Ji Yang at the side gave Peng Caixuan a wink, telling him to watch.

Peng Caixuan understood, pulled Yanjiao, and Yanjiao sat down.

Flood Demon King is not a fool either, he understands what Ji Yang means, but he doesn't care either.

Since I decided to take care of it, it doesn't matter if others don't. Flood Demon King can easily deal with a few garbage robbers.

"A bunch of trash!"

The leader of the robbers cursed angrily when he saw his two men stop.

Looking at the Flood Demon King, although he also felt that the Flood Demon King was a bit scary, he still shouted bravely.

"It seems that you are in the same group. No matter who you are, you'd better sit down obediently."

"Otherwise, I'm going to kill someone."

Jiao Demon King stood up and Yanjiao sat down.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jiao Demon King and Yanjiao must be together.

Even if Yanjiao can kick people to death with one kick, the Flood Demon King is definitely no worse than her.

The robbers were very depressed. This hijacking had been planned for a long time, and logically speaking, there should be no accidents.

But how did I come across this kind of person? It was really a mistake.

The leader of the robbers threatened the Jiaomo King with the passengers, which showed that he was still afraid, otherwise, he should be targeting the Jiaomo King now.

It's just that what the robbers never expected was that after he finished speaking, the next sentence of the Flood Demon King almost made him spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"If you want to kill you, you can kill them. Anyway, they have nothing to do with me."

"As long as I kill you in the end, it can be regarded as avenging them, and that's enough."

The robber's words may be effective for some ordinary people, but he is facing the Flood Demon King.

The Flood Demon King is a monster, and he doesn't know how many people he has killed, so it doesn't make any sense to tell him.

When the surrounding passengers heard the words of the Flood Demon King, their faces changed drastically.

They thought that the Flood Demon King stood up to save themselves, but who knew that he would say such words.

What's the use of revenge, my life is gone.

The young man who was intimidated by the Flood Demon King before was even more ashamed now, and now he felt that his previous actions were right.

If he spoke at that time, the Flood Demon King would definitely do something that he would regret.

(End of this chapter)

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