The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1307 Refused to help

Chapter 1307 Refused to help (one more)
The two energy angels flapped their wings behind their backs and rushed forward very fast. Both of them held an ancient spear in their hands.

The golden light shone on the spear, and it was not ordinary at first glance.

Facing the two capable angels, Ji Yang would no longer use Tai'a sword, and rushed forward, Tai'a sword disappeared in his hand, and Xuanyuan sword appeared in his hand.

As soon as Xuanyuan Sword was released, Ji Yang's aura suddenly became stronger.

Feeling that Ji Yang's aura strengthened again, the eyes of the two capable angels became slightly dignified.


With serious eyes, the attacks of the two capable angels were not affected.

Drinking lightly, the spear in his hand stabbed out, and two golden rays of light flew towards Ji Yang.

Facing the two golden rays of light, Ji Yang charged forward unabated, and swept out the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, sending out a half arc of sword energy.


The half-arc range of sword aura just covered two golden lights, and one sword aura collided with two golden lights, bursting out one after another.

With Ji Yang's sword, he blocked the spear attacks of the two energy angels, and his strength was obvious.

Ji Yang's cultivation is steadily higher than the two capable angels.

This result was expected by the two capable angels, but after witnessing it with their own eyes, the hearts of the two capable angels sank.

Anticipation and acceptance are two different things.

They wish they felt wrong, but alas, they feel right.

"Boy, it's not fair for two to fight one. Would you like me to help you?"

Ji Yang broke through the attacks of the two energy angels with a single sword, and Chi You's voice rang in his head.

Chi Youming knew that Ji Yang could handle the two capable angels, but at this time he proposed to help.

He didn't really want to help, but he had been idle for too long, and it was true that he wanted to exercise his muscles and bones.

"Let you come out, do I still have anything to fight?"

"These two capable angels are not enough for you to fight, you should rest, and let you fight when you have a chance in the future."

Ji Yang decisively rejected Chi You's proposal.

The last time I dealt with angels was in Vatican City.

At that time, his cultivation base was not yet the third-rank immortal post, and it was a bit difficult to fight an angel, but it was Chi You who helped him in the end.

Now that his cultivation base has reached the third-rank immortal position, Ji Yang plans to use his own strength to kill Neng Angel.

And he promised Chi You that he would fight in the future, this is not just empty talk.

I killed two powerful angels today, and Peng Caixuan pulled out the Holy See in Kyoto.

The Holy See will definitely not forget it, and neither will the Lord they believe in. There must be many battles to be fought in the future.

Even if the other party did not dare to send people from the Holy See and angels to China, when he went to America to avenge Peng Caixuan, the other party would definitely send angels.

At that time, it will definitely not be as simple as two or three angels.

As long as the Lord is not a fool, he should be aware of this, because three or five angels can't beat Ji Yang at all.

Maybe the next time you fight against an angel, it is very possible that the other party will send an archangel.

"Your boy is also a battle madman."

"Forget it, I won't interfere this time, I'm going to sleep, remember to call me next time there is a fight."

Being rejected by Ji Yang, Chi You was somewhat upset.

But he had no choice but to accept it in the end.

Chi You was rejected, and the little dragon girl who wanted to speak up didn't speak up either. In the end, it was Ji Yang who dealt with the two capable angels alone.

Four-winged angel, the status in heaven is not too bad, but it is not high.

At most, they are no stronger than rank four, and the two capable angels in front of them look even worse.

According to Jin Guang's judgment just now, they are just a little more than the sixth rank, and they are not as good as the fifth rank of immortals.

Such two capable angels, it's really not difficult for Ji Yang to beat them.

"Left and right cooperate to attack!"

The two powerful angels know how to cooperate, seeing that it is not an advantage for the two to confront each other head-on, one of the powerful angels communicates with the other through spiritual consciousness.

It is also a point to pay attention to the left and right flanking cooperation.

The other angel agreed, and the two angels flapped their wings and flew into the air at the same time.

Then the body turned around, holding golden spears respectively, and rushed towards Ji Yang's left and right sides.

"I know how to cooperate with attacks, but your cultivation is too weak, no matter how well you cooperate, you still can't change the ending."

"Dragon Chanting swordsmanship, roar..."

Seeing the two capable angels attacking him from the left and right sides, Ji Yang smiled coldly, and immediately cast the Dragon Chanting swordsmanship.

With the sound of a dragon chant, a dragon shadow flew towards the energy angel on the right, while Ji Yang rushed up to the energy angel on the left.

Even though Ji Yang's dragon chant sword technique is just an illusory dragon shadow, it is quite powerful.

When the energy angel on the right saw the dragon shadow flying towards him, his expression was startled, and he quickly changed his attack style.



The Angel's spear pierced Longying's dragon's head, and Longying let out a dragon chant, but it was not broken.

The dragon shadow collided with Neng Angel, and Neng Angel screamed in pain, his body was hit and flew upside down towards his mouth.

It was simply a dragon shadow, and after hitting the energy angel, the dragon shadow disappeared immediately.

If it was replaced by a real dragon, under continuous attacks, this capable angel would die soon.

The energy angel on the right temporarily saved his life, but the energy angel on the left was not so lucky.

Ji Yang personally fought against him, there was no sword move at all, it was a crazy style of chasing and striking.

The Neng Angel on the left barely blocked two or three moves, but he couldn't resist Ji Yang's crazy attack.

"Come and help me, quick!"

Knowing that he couldn't deal with Ji Yang alone, the Angel on the left began to ask his companion for help.

It's just that his companion was injured at this time, and it was obviously too late to rescue him quickly.

"Cut off your two wings first."

Facing Neng Angel who was asking for help, Ji Yang's attack speed did not slow down, his body dodged to Neng Angel's left side, and Xuanyuan Sword slashed at Neng Angel's left two wings.


The angel's wings are the source of the angel's strength.

If the wings are destroyed, the angel's fighting power will be weakened in an instant.

Originally lost to Ji Yang, if the combat power weakened, wouldn't it be certain death.

Maybe if the angel said no, would Ji Yang stop?Certainly not, and the result cannot be changed.

The two wings on the left side were chopped off, and the energy angel let out a scream, and his breath languished instantly, and the flying body began to fall towards the ground.

"go with!"

Watching Angel Neng fall to the ground, Ji Yang didn't chase after it, but slashed out of the void with his sword.

When the sword was cut out, a purple fire flew out, directly hitting the remaining two wings of the energy angel, and the feathers of the two wings were burned instantly.

The feathers were burned, and the purple fire spread to the whole body of the energy angel, and the energy angel instantly turned into a burning man.

"Ah... help me, save me..."

Ji Yang's purple fire was so powerful that the Nengtian couldn't resist it at all. After shouting a few times, his body had already fallen to the ground, motionless.

A capable angel was easily killed by Ji Yang.

The other angel saw his companion being killed, his face turned pale, and he flapped two pairs of wings behind him, and flew high into the sky.

If you can't beat one of them, how can you beat yourself?
Let's run back to heaven and explain the situation...

(End of this chapter)

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