Chapter 131

Sinking fish and geese, closing the moon and embarrassing flowers.

These eight characters are used to describe the four ancient beauties, and Wang Zhaojun is Luoyan. When Ji Yang saw Wang Zhaojun's head, he really felt that the other party was more beautiful than rumors.

Looking at Wang Zhaojun, who was dressed in Hanfu, with tall buns and willow-leaf eyebrows, with beautiful eyes like stars and red lips, holding a Ruan in his arms, the beautiful Ji Yang didn't even know how to describe it.

"The four ancient beauties are really not built, they are really beautiful."

Ji Yang realized that he was losing his composure, and he laughed dryly, agreeing to Wang Zhaojun's friend request.

Seeing that Ji Yang agreed to his request, Wang Zhaojun also took the initiative to send Ji Yang a WeChat message.

"My lord, I don't know why you are looking for a little woman?"

Ji Yang is now a ninth-rank immortal, although this ninth-rank immortal is just a small fairy like sesame mung beans, but although Wang Zhaojun is one of the four beauties in ancient times, he has no position in the underworld, so when talking to Ji Yang, he must Use honorific title.

Seeing that Wang Zhaojun understood etiquette so well, Ji Yang was also very happy. He wondered if the other party would make his bones crumble if he talked to him like this in person.

"I'm looking for you because someone got the Ruan you used back then in the mortal world. I want you to help me identify it."

"What, mortal world?"

"My lord, you said you are in the mortal world?"

Wang Zhaojun was very surprised when he heard Ji Yang mention the word mortal world.

Although she is just an ordinary ghost in the underworld, she also knows that the underworld separated by the law of the three realms cannot communicate with the mortal world.

But now Ji Yang told her about the mortal world, which made her surprised.

Ji Yang was already used to similar shocks, and he didn't mean to explain to Wang Zhaojun, but just got down to business.

"Well, I'm in the mortal world. I'll send you Ruan's photo. See if it's the one you used back then."

"Good lord."

Ji Yang took several photos of Ruan carefully, and then sent them to Wang Zhaojun.

After the photo was sent to Wang Zhaojun, Ji Yang began to wait for the other party's reply.

Wang Zhaojun didn't keep Ji Yang waiting for a long time, so he replied.

"Reporting to my lord, this Ruan was indeed used by the little girl, and I brought it from the Han Dynasty to the Xiongnu."

"Dare to ask how your lord got this Ruan. When I was on the way to the Huns, I saw the yellow sand rolling all the way, the horse neighing and the geese screaming, and I couldn't calm down, so I played "Pipa Complaint" on the horse."

"I don't know if it's because the sound of the little girl's pipa is so desolate that it caused countless wild geese to fall. After I went to the Huns, I put this Ruan away. How did your lord get it?"

Pingsha Luoyan, isn't Wang Zhaojun telling the story of Pingsha Luoyan, and it is precisely because of this story that Wang Zhaojun has the name of Luoyan.

It's just that Ji Yang always thought that this matter was fabricated, but he didn't expect it to actually happen.

But Ji Yang really didn't know how to explain the origin of the Ruan to Wang Zhaojun. He couldn't say that he killed Tian Haisheng himself, so he got this Ruan by accident.

In the end, Ji Yang simply told Wang Zhaojun that he bought this Ruan accidentally from someone else, and Wang Zhaojun simply didn't doubt it, and didn't ask other questions.

"My lord, the little girl has a request. This request may be a little too much, but the little girl still hopes that the adults can agree to me."

Although Wang Zhaojun didn't ask Ji Yang, he made a request to Ji Yang at this time.

Ji Yang frowned at the request that was a little too much, feeling very puzzled in his heart.

"My lord, this Ruan has been handed down for thousands of years. I think you must have spent a lot of money to buy it, but this Ruan is the little girl's favorite thing. I don't know if my lord is willing to give Ruan to the little girl."

"As long as the adults are willing to give Ruan to me, the little girl will be grateful to the adults."

Hearing this, Ji Yang finally understood what Wang Zhaojun meant. It turned out that she wanted this Ruan.

This Ruan belonged to Wang Zhaojun, and I don't know that those archaeologists got it from it, and it ended up on the black market.

Thinking about it, Tian Haisheng also spent a lot of effort and money to get this Ruan, otherwise he would not have put this Ruan in the hidden compartment.

Moreover, Ji Yang knew that this Ruan really belonged to Wang Zhaojun, so its value was immeasurable. If he bought it himself, it would definitely be an exaggerated income.

But in the end Ji Yang thought about it, and decided to give the Ruan to Wang Zhaojun.

Agreeing to give Ruan to Wang Zhaojun, Ji Yang didn't expect the other party to give him any reward. After all, Wang Zhaojun is just an ordinary ghost in the underworld. Nothing at all.

Ji Yang gave Ruan to Wang Zhaojun out of respect for Wang Zhaojun.

When Wang Zhaojun went out of the fortress, she completely sacrificed her ego to fulfill the greater ego. Her sacrifice made the Western Han Dynasty reconcile with the Xiongnu for half a century.

Ji Yang made a decision in his heart. Now he can also send items directly through WeChat, but he passed Ruan to Wang Zhaojun without the slightest hesitation.

After Ji Yang sent Ruan to Wang Zhaojun, Wang Zhaojun didn't speak for a long time, neither did Ji Yang, and the whole WeChat was very quiet.

Anyway, I didn't want to ask Wang Zhaojun for any reward at first, Ji Yang smiled lightly, and was about to put away WeChat.

But just when he was about to put away the WeChat, he felt that the WeChat was shocked, and there was a buzzing sound in his head, and countless information flooded into his mind.

What flooded into my mind turned out to be many pipa scores.

"My lord, the little girl's status in the underworld is humble, and there is no elixir magic weapon to give to the lord. These pipa scores are the most precious things that the little girl has had for thousands of years. I hope it can be helpful to the lord."

"If the adults need any help from the little girl in the future, the little girl will do her best."

Hearing Wang Zhaojun's words, Ji Yang smiled calmly.

Regardless of whether this pipa score is useful to me in the future, as Wang Zhaojun said, this is the most precious thing she has had for thousands of years. The other party has given her the most precious thing, so what else can I say.

"Ji Shao, have you checked Ruan, is it the one used by Wang Zhaojun back then?"

After Ji Yang left the room where the antiques were kept, he saw Quan Chang and Wang Jizheng looking at each other with big eyes.

When the two saw Ji Yang coming out, they couldn't help asking.

"Well, this Ruan is indeed Wang Zhaojun's fault."

Ji Yang nodded and told the truth.

"Hahaha, I'll just say it's true, you kid still doesn't believe it."

"This month's drink money is on you."

Quan Chang cried out excitedly when he heard Ji Yang's words.

These two people even made a bet just now, the bet is that whoever loses will be responsible for the other party's one month's drinking money.

"Isn't it just a month's drink bill, I can afford it."

"Ji Shao, I didn't take a good look at that Ruan just now, can you show me Ruan?"

Although he didn't know how Ji Yang was sure that Ruan belonged to Wang Zhaojun, Wang Ji still wanted to take a good look at this Ruan.

Hearing what Wang Ji said, Ji Yang shook his head.

"No one will see this Ruan in the future."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, he left without waiting for Quan Chang and Wang Ji to speak.

 The head of Xieben’s writing is too big, the weather is too hot and the body can’t take it anymore, Xieben works so hard, everyone recommends a reward and continues to support it

(End of this chapter)

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