The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1315 Grasping Quietly

Chapter 1315 quietly grasping (three more)
The land area of ​​YN itself is not large. It takes about an hour by boat from the place where Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan get off the plane to the small island where Suto is.

And they flew both ways, and within half an hour, they saw the small island where Suto was.

Before reaching the island, the two of them were still in the air, and they felt the smell of blood emanating from the whole island.

The whole island looks lifeless, some people in ordinary clothes walking around the island with guns in their hands, these people are Suto's subordinates.

After all, they are just stragglers, and they are incomparable with the regular ones.

With Ji Yang's eyesight, even if he was in the air, he could see the laziness on the faces of Suto's subordinates.

With such a group of bastards, it's really strange that the people from the Xuanzu failed to capture Suto.

"Boss, what shall we do next?"

Since Ji Yang was by his side, Peng Caixuan had to ask Ji Yang about many things before making plans.

Peng Caixuan asked himself, and Ji Yang began to think.

The small island below is not big, and the people don't seem to be too many. It's just 2000 people.

Moreover, there are some stragglers, so there is no problem in dealing with them.

However, this time the mission is said to be a secret arrest, so Ji Yang thinks it is better to do it quietly while trying not to make a big noise.

Although I don't like YN, there are some ordinary residents on the island.

YN can do things that are inferior to animals, but Ji Yang is not an animal, he still has to consider ordinary residents.

If he can not hurt them, Ji Yang will try his best not to hurt them.

Don't say that Ji Yang is not cruel enough, but Ji Yang is a human (god), he is not a cold-blooded beast.

Although he really wanted to launch a Zilei attack and kill all the people on the island, he couldn't do it.

"Determine the location of Suto, we will do it at night."

In the end, Ji Yang still decided that it would be better to catch Suto secretly.

If there is an accident at that time, we will talk about it at that time.

After the two found a place that was relatively concealed and would not be noticed, they began to look for Suto's residence.

In fact, it was not difficult to find Suto's residence.

Life on this small island looks a little poor, with few good houses.

Since Suto is the boss here, his residence should be the best.

When Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan noticed a courtyard that looked like a prison, the outer wall was four or five meters high with iron nets on it, and there were many people with guns standing guard around the courtyard.

Ji Yang felt that this should be Suto's residence.

"Boss, do you think Suto lives here?"

Looking at the courtyard in front of him, Peng Caixuan asked with a frown.

"I couldn't live here before, I'm not sure."

"But now, he must live here, because this is the most heavily guarded place on the entire island."

"What happened to the Xuanzu, Suto must be very careful now, he 90.00% lives in it."

It doesn't matter if Ji Yang is guessing or feeling.

Anyway, Ji Yang felt that Suto lived in it.

Hearing Ji Yang's analysis, Peng Caixuan nodded after thinking for a while.

Ji Yang's analysis is very reasonable. Compared with other places, this is indeed the most likely place where Suto is.

After confirming the place, Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan found a restaurant that was not clean but rather messy, and ordered some random things to fill their stomachs.

By the way, observe the surrounding situation here, and wait until night to do it.

To be honest, YN's food is really not very delicious, but Huaxia's food is more delicious.

While eating casually, Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan observed the gate of the prison-like courtyard.

At the gate, there were five or six people standing. They were dark-skinned, short in stature, but dressed in colorful clothes.

They carried guns on their backs, and when they saw women walking by, they would whistle a few times at women.

When a man walked by, they yelled and deliberately frightened the man.

Neither the woman who was whistled nor the man who was frightened dared to say a word, and they all walked away quickly, obviously they were very afraid of these people.

"It really is a bunch of bastards, boss, do you want to kill them all by the way at night?"

In this courtyard, it is impossible for all Suto's people to be there.

Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan didn't know exactly how many people there were inside, but there were more than 30 people from outside activities, and there must be more inside.

In other words, there are at least hundreds of people in it.

Two people killed hundreds of people, and only people like Peng Caixuan and Ji Yang dared to say that.

"Okay, let's take all these people together tonight."

"Kill all of them except Suto."

Ji Yang may not be easy to deal with ordinary civilians, but judging by the behavior of these people, they are not good things.

Ji Yang will not be soft on this kind of person.

Hearing that Ji Yang agreed with his words, Peng Caixuan showed an excited smile on his face.

It's really not interesting to just catch Suto, it's interesting to kill these people by the way.

Maybe it's because I'm in a good mood, so the food that was originally unpalatable now tastes delicious.

As night fell, the sky was pitch black without even a single starlight, but the occasional wind blew a little hot.

Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan were standing a hundred meters away from the courtyard where Su Tuo might live. Although it was very dark, with their eyesight, it was no different from daytime.

"Boss, this guy's residence is like a small military base, and there is even a watchtower."

"Look there, there's obviously someone hiding there. I guess it's a sniper or something. It seems that although the mysterious group's operation last time was unsuccessful, it still scared him a lot."

Immediately to start, Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan observed the surrounding environment for the last time.


A strong wind suddenly blew up in the sky, and the sky became more and more gloomy. The dark clouds gathered, and it rained heavily at this time.

Suddenly it rained heavily, and the people outside the courtyard began to look for shelter from the rain.

Seeing these people sheltering from the rain, Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan smiled cruelly.

"See, God is helping us."

On such a day, it is easier to sneak into the courtyard.

Why not enter by force? Didn't you mean to kill everyone here?
Because it is still uncertain whether Suto is there, Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan still have to go in secretly, and after catching Suto, they will clean up these minions.

"Come on, let's go in now."

It started to rain heavily, but Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan didn't get wet at all.

When the rain fell on them, it was blocked by immortal energy and true energy.

The four- to five-meter-high outer wall is too high for many people, and it is impossible to go up without anything to rely on.

But Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan just jumped up, kicked their feet on the wall, and turned their bodies directly into it.

When the two entered the courtyard, they squatted down immediately. There were bushes right in front of them, making it harder for them to be found.

Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan discovered that there were many more guards in the courtyard than outside, and the number was larger than they expected, at least two or three hundred...

(End of this chapter)

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