The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1317 It's Not Sinus Wall, It's Zhang Tuo

Chapter 1317 It's Not Sinus Wall, It's Talker Tuberculosis (Part [-])

The man on the bed was not strong and rather thin, his weight was not as heavy as the woman on him.

Being so pressed by the opponent, the man felt it was difficult to breathe, and a certain key position of him seemed to be broken because of the pressure just now.

The man looked at the motionless woman who wanted to cry without tears, and said in a bitter and pleading voice (YN words).

"Honey, let's change positions."

"You're pressing me down like this, I can't stand it..."

The man called out to the woman on his body, looked at the woman on his body, he was able to call out dear, it was really courageous, anyway, Ji Yang was convinced when he heard his words.

But under his call, the woman on his body closed her eyes tightly and her body remained motionless.

If he could still feel the other person's breathing, the man would have thought she was dead.

"Honey, honey, what's wrong with you, dear..."

Seeing that the woman on his body didn't respond, the man was obviously panicked.

Although the other party is still breathing, there is no guarantee that there will be no other problems. If something happens to the other party, he must be finished.

But when he shouted, he felt a chill on his neck, and a sword lay across his neck.

Ji Yang put the sword across the man's neck, and at the same time made a silent gesture, signaling the other party not to bark.

Although the man was a little scared, he still kept his mouth shut obediently. He wanted to nod at first, but there was a sword across his neck. He was afraid that if he nodded, he would be cut by the sword.

"Can you understand English?"

Ji Yang can't speak YN, but he can speak English, and now he can only try to communicate with the other party in English.

It's best if the other party can understand it, and if they don't understand it, there is nothing they can do.

"Are you from Huaxia? Me too. We are compatriots. Don't kill me."

Ji Yang felt very lucky that the other party could speak English, but he did not expect the other party to be from Huaxia.

It is much easier to communicate in Chinese.

"Are you really from China? Then why are you here and with this woman?"

"Your taste is really strong, you can eat this kind of food!"

Knowing that the other party was from Huaxia, Ji Yang was both surprised and delighted.

However, Ji Yang's sword did not retract, and he still looked at the opponent with a bit of vigilance. Although this guy did speak Chinese, he had to guard against it.

In Southeast Asian countries, Chinese language is actually more popular.

People from some countries can communicate in Chinese when you go there.

Although Ji Yang was not afraid of trouble, he still had to prevent this guy from yelling, so he lowered his voice and asked coldly.

"It's not that I have a strong taste, I was also coerced."

When he said this, the man looked at the woman carefully, with a little fear in his eyes.

When Ji Yang told him that the woman had been temporarily knocked out by him (using immortal energy), the man pushed the woman away forcefully as if in relief, and even kicked her hard. It seemed that he actually hated this woman quite a lot.

But think about it, if it is not voluntary, being oppressed by such a woman is indeed miserable enough.

The man kicked the woman's feet, and after venting, he tactfully covered her with a quilt.

Then with snot and tears, he told Ji Yang what happened to him.

"Brother, I know you see her wanting to vomit, and I want to vomit too, so it's better to cover it up."

"My name is Dou Bi, I'm from Huaxia HB, and I'm here to study in YN..."

sinus wall?Funny, forced?
This guy has a tragic life, and his name is quite weird.

When Ji Yang heard his name, the expression on Ji Yang's face changed slightly, but Dou Bi may have been used to this expression, so he didn't feel anything special, and continued to talk about his experience.

The woman on the bed is named Su La, and she and Dou Bi are classmates in the same school.

At the beginning, Dou Bi didn't know who the other party was, anyway, he didn't like the other party's appearance.

But this Sura fell in love with him for some reason, and after he refused many times, he was tied up here one night.

After knowing Sura's identity, Dou Bi naturally did not dare to resist.

It is said that it is better to live than to die. Although it is miserable to be oppressed by such a woman, he really does not want to die.

My body, which was originally [-] kg, is now almost as thin as [-] kg.

"Brother, please save me. If this goes on, I won't be beaten to death by them, or I will be squeezed to death."

Dou Bi looked at Ji Yang with a sad face, and almost knelt down for Ji Yang.

Ji Yang frowned and looked at the other party. The way this kid spoke seemed to be true.

Since they are all from Huaxia, it seems that it will not work if he is left alone.

Anyway, I will kill all the people here later, and let him run away by himself.

"Don't worry, you will definitely survive today."

"Now I have a question for you, this woman named Sura, is her father's name Suto?"

"That's right, it's Suto. Suto is a big warlord in YN, with thousands of people under his command. I..."

When Dou Bi heard Su Tuo's words, fear appeared on his face.

With a trembling voice, he began to speak.

But Ji Yang is not interested in what he said, he just needs to know that this Sura is Suto's daughter.

"That's enough. I know about Suto's situation. You don't need to tell me."

"Now let me ask you, does Suto live here? Has there been any fighting in the past two days? Do you know the situation of those people?"

"You came to see Suto, I tell you, Suto..."

"Shut up, you can just say what I ask, don't talk nonsense, or even if everyone is Chinese, I will still kill you."

Ji Yang feels that Dou Bi is not a funny person, but a chatterbox.

He also said that he was squeezed by Sura to the point of death, but he looked very energetic.

Dou Bi was frightened by Ji Yang, so he quickly changed the tone and said it was serious.

"Suto also lives here, he lives on the second floor."

"In the early morning of the day before yesterday, I did hear gunshots. The gunshots lasted for a long time. I didn't dare to look outside at the time, and I didn't know the specific situation."

"However, I heard from Su La that someone attacked here. Dozens of Su Tuo's subordinates died. Half of the attackers were killed and half were captured."

"Oh, I see, you're with the guy who attacked that night."

Dou Bi looked at Ji Yang with an expression that I finally understood. His eyes were a little excited at first, but when he saw Ji Yang's cold face, he immediately shut his mouth.

"It's great that there are still alive."

There are still people alive, Ji Yang is quite satisfied with this answer.

Now as long as Suto is caught, the captured person can be rescued by the way.

"You stay here, I have to go to work."

"Ah, then I...uh..."

When Dou Bi heard that Ji Yang was leaving without him, he became a little anxious.

But after only yelling a few words, his neck hurt and he passed out. Ji Yang injected a burst of immortal energy into his brain, erasing his memory of seeing him.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Dou Bi did not suppress his voice just now, his voice aroused the vigilance of the guards outside...

(End of this chapter)

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