The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1319 Genetic Team

Chapter 1319 Genetic Team (Part [-])
After killing more than a dozen people in an instant, Ji Yang rushed forward without stopping.

He saw that there were people rushing towards the small building where Peng Caixuan was located. Some of these people were armed with guns, and there were two tanks among them.

In order to save his life, Su Tuo lived here. The mission of the Xuan Group failed last time. He knew that Huaxia would definitely not let it go.

So he was well prepared, even having arrangements for tanks and cannons.

Seeing these people, Ji Yang moved his sword up and down, beheading them one by one.

Killing these people is also reducing the pressure on Peng Caixuan.

At this time, in the small building that Peng Caixuan went to observe, Peng Caixuan was holding a five-element fan in his hand, and looked indifferently at the twenty or thirty people opposite.

These twenty or thirty people all look like Omi people.

From entering the courtyard to the building, Peng Caixuan has been very smooth.

Although he was almost spotted a few times on the road, after all, he can't hide himself, and there are more people patrolling.

But he was still safe and came to the building without being discovered.

When he got to the side of the building, Peng Caixuan felt that there were many people in the building.

Roughly estimated, there are three No. 40 people (Bin Luo and his men, and those who were arrested by the Xuan group).

Finding so many people here, Peng Caixuan also became more careful.

After all, entering the building and being outside are two different things.

The place outside the building is wide and it is easy to hide.

But entering the building, it is easy to be found.

And he also felt that the breath of the people in the building was not weak.

This discovery made Peng Caixuan cautious, and his body jumped to an empty room on the third floor.

After reaching the room on the third floor, Peng Caixuan entered the building smoothly.

But he still underestimated Bin Luo and the others in the building, and Peng Caixuan was soon discovered.

At that time, Peng Caixuan was opening a room. When the door opened, he saw two people hanging in the room.

The shoulders of the two men were pierced by iron hooks, and their hands were tied by iron chains and hung from the roof of the shed.

The two were covered with bruises, and the wounds were still bleeding, looking miserable.

The point is, he found out that the other party was an oriental face, and he also knew him, they were two members of the mysterious group.

Seeing the people in the Xuan group so miserable, Peng Caixuan's teeth were itchy with hatred, and he couldn't control the breath in his body. It was because he didn't control the breath well that he was discovered.

Although he easily killed the two people who found him, after Peng Caixuan rescued the two members of the Xuan group who were hanging, he was surrounded.

The previous explosion was caused by one of the besiegers spitting out flames.

That's right, just breathing out flames, Peng Caixuan was also stunned at this scene.

But why the other party has this kind of ability, he is not clear now, but the skin of the fire-breathing person is as red as fire, and there is not a weak flame breath on his body, this Peng Caixuan can feel it. .

"It's not wrong to keep these few people. Someone in Huaxia has taken the bait."

"With the style of the Huaxia Xuan Group, your status in the Xuan Group should not be low. If you are arrested, it will be much easier to negotiate terms with Huaxia later."

The speaker was about forty years of age, a stocky man with a beard, and he was Colonel Binlow.

Bin Luo could kill all the members of the Xuan Group who had captured Suto earlier.

But in the end, he only killed half of them, leaving five people behind.

There are two hanging here, and there are three more people on the first floor.

Bin Luo's purpose is very simple, that is to use these people as bait to lure other members of the Xuan group to take the bait.

Seeing Peng Caixuan now, he knew that his plan had succeeded.

"Hmph, you want to catch me just because of you trash?"

"Listen to the intonation of the speech, you should be Americans, right?"

It seemed to be an inquiry, but Peng Caixuan had already confirmed the identities of these people, that is, they were from the United States.

I just went to the United States to make a big scene, and now I met the Americans again.

Peng Caixuan felt that he and the country of Mi had a special relationship.

"The people in Huaxiaxuan Group are arrogant. You only have one person, and we have 30 people. Do you think you can escape?"

Bin Luo admired Peng Caixuan's courage, but didn't think his words were right.

It's true that Bin Luo and the others are from the United States, but they come from a very secretive official organization. In terms of combat effectiveness, they think they are no weaker than the Sea Eagles.

With 30 people like this, can't they catch only Xuanzu?

"China is developing too fast, and you have already affected the international status of the United States."

"What happened in the United States a few days ago was done by you. Hai Ying claimed to be the strongest organization in the United States. In fact, they are already outdated. Although the ability is strong, but the number of people is too small, the strongest should be our genetic team."

The matter of the United States that Bin Luo mentioned was the matter of Peng Caixuan killing the eagle's mouth of the sea eagle.

Judging by Bin Luo's attitude, although he and Hai Diao both serve the United States, they are not in harmony.

Just hearing him mention the matter of the country of America, Peng Caixuan showed a cruel smile on his face.

"What kind of sea eagle, what kind of genetic team, they are all the same in my eyes."

"I can kill the sea eagle's beak, and I can kill you today. Last time I was in the United States, I lost my life. I will collect some interest from you today."

"What, you did the thing about the eagle beak of the sea eagle. It's really great."

"As long as you are caught, the Congress of the United States will know that our genetic army is the strongest force in the United States."

Hearing that Peng Caixuan had exterminated the American sea eagles, Bin Luo was not only not afraid, but rather excited.

The gene team is composed of genetic drug modifiers, and they have been in a state of competition with the sea eagle.

In terms of individual combat effectiveness, the genetic team may not be as good as sea eagles, but their number far exceeds that of sea eagles, because genetic medicine can even make an ordinary person have strong combat effectiveness, as long as your body meets the requirements.

Peng Caixuan destroyed the eagle beak, but was caught by himself, which means that the gene team is stronger.

"Catch me, then you have to have that ability."

"Let me see, is your fucking genetic team really harder to deal with than Eagle Mouth?"


Gene team, upon hearing this name, Peng Caixuan already knew who they were.

The genetic warrior was captured by Huaxia a long time ago, and now Huaxia is still researching this genetic medicine, but it has not been successful yet.

Facing [-] or [-] genetic warriors alone, although Peng Caixuan was confident, he was not arrogant, and when he spoke, he made a move first.

Fanning the Five Elements Fan in his hand, the flames spread towards Bin Luo and the others.

Seeing the flames approaching, Bin Luo's eyes froze, his body stepped back, and two strong black men rushed out, holding the flames with their bodies.

When the two were under the flames, their dark skin became thicker, and a layer of scales appeared on the surface of their bodies.

Although the expressions of the two were painful, they really held on.

It seems that the genetic medicine these two people took should strengthen the body. The fire-breathing one before is probably the genetic modification of a fire-attribute supernatural person (with this kind of attack for a short period of time).

Peng Caixuan thought of this, and he is also a scientist in Huaxia. According to the conclusion given by the research data, he happened to have seen...

(End of this chapter)

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