The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 134 The culprit is that people are not ghosts

Chapter 134 The culprit is that people are not ghosts (third shift)

Teng Qiong's villa is indeed a mess now, and businessmen are unwilling to do business that loses money, let alone something that they know they will lose money in front of them.

As for Teng Qiong's villa, if Linhai Misty Rain's developers take it back, they will definitely not be able to sell it, and it will only rot in their own hands in the end. No wonder they are reluctant to take it back.

But after listening to Teng Qiong's words, although the other party told about the weirdness of the villa, Li Fu also said that he saw a ghost, but Ji Yang felt that the information provided by the other party was useful, and he still had to go and see for himself. OK.

"Sister Teng, take me to your villa to have a look."

Teng Qiong thought that Ji Yang was just talking big, or was just curious about her villa, but she never thought that Ji Yang would really go to her villa.

But after she finished talking, she was surprised that the other party wanted to go to her villa.

"Young people are very curious. I think you should not go there. That villa is really evil and dangerous. I think it's fine."

Teng Qiong persuaded Ji Yang, it seemed that she still thought that Ji Yang wanted to go to the villa out of young people's curiosity.

"Sister Teng, don't worry, I will be careful, it's just a few brats, I, Ji Yang, haven't paid attention to them yet."

"Yes, Sister Teng, my boyfriend knows Taoism, you can let him go and see."

Li Zixuan also heard Teng Qiong's doubts about Ji Yang. If it was in the past, Li Zixuan would definitely not let Ji Yang take risks, but after learning that Ji Yang knows Taoism, she is not afraid that Ji Yang will be in danger. Open your mouth and say.

Seeing that both Ji Yang and Li Zixuan were so sure, especially after hearing that Ji Yang knew Taoism, she nodded.

"Okay, but even if you know Taoism, you have to be careful. I have hired Taoist priests before."

After Ji Yang and Li Zixuan left with Teng Qiong, both Xiaoyu and Xiao Liu looked at a loss.

"Sister Yu, should we follow?"

Xiao Liu asked a little at a loss.

"It's definitely the same as the past, but I have to call the manager first."

Xiaoyu nodded, then called the manager, and then rushed over with Xiao Liu.

When Xiaoyu and Xiao Liu arrived at the villa, the three of Ji Yang were still standing outside the villa.

Ji Yang had only seen the sand table at the sales office before, but he hadn’t been able to see the appearance of Linhai Misty Rain with his own eyes. Just now, when he walked with Teng Qiong, he found that Linhai Misty Rain’s greenery is very good, and the villa is also very beautiful.

Teng Qiong bought another better one, and Ji Yang liked it the more he looked at it.

"Zixuan, you and Sister Teng are waiting for me outside, I'll go in and have a look."

After Ji Yang gave Li Zixuan a reassuring look, he walked into the villa.

Pushing open the small door outside the villa, Ji Yang entered the small courtyard in front of the villa. He first looked in the small courtyard outside the villa, but he didn't find a trace of yin. If there is really a problem, it seems to be Inside the villa.

Ji Yang had already known the specific situation of the villa through Teng Qiong's introduction before. This villa has three upper, middle and lower floors, with an area of ​​more than 700 square meters, and there is also a basement. The villa is much more upscale, and the price is also much higher.

When Ji Yang entered the villa, he found that Teng Qiong and his wife had put a lot of effort into the decoration. The whole villa was well planned. In addition to the living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom, there was also a gym and a video room. There is a games room and more.

Ji Yang liked this villa very much on the outside, but after entering the interior, he liked it even more.

What made Ji Yang feel a little strange was that after entering the villa, he still didn't feel any yin energy.

"There's definitely something wrong with this matter. If it's really what Teng Qiong said, even if the ghost doesn't show up now, there must be a lingering yin in the villa, but I don't feel it at all."

Ji Yang is now a ninth-rank immortal, and he is much more sensitive to yin qi than before. He believes that he has absolutely nothing wrong with it.

If there is no yin energy, then it is not a ghost, but why did Li Fu say that he saw a ghost, and he became like this now?

Could it be that Teng Qiong and Li Fu were lying? As soon as this idea came up, Ji Yang rejected it.

"It looks like I'm going to stay here for one night, maybe I'll find out at night."

Ji Yang had this idea, he also walked out of the villa, and told Li Zixuan and others about his idea of ​​staying here for one night.

Hearing that Ji Yang wanted to stay here for one night, Li Zixuan didn't say anything. Although Teng Qiong was a little hesitant, she thought that the villa had been vacant for a month, and she didn't want to live here. If the other party wanted to live, let him live.

Ji Yang didn't let Li Zixuan stay with him, after all, he still doesn't know what will happen at night.

Although Li Zixuan was a little displeased, she still left with Teng Qiong and the others.

After everyone left, Ji Yang waited alone in the villa. During this period, he also carefully walked the third floor and the basement of the villa several times, but he still didn't find any yin.

As night fell, Ji Yang sat silently in the living room, waiting for the strange noises and strange shadows from Teng Qiong's mouth.


At one o'clock in the morning, the abnormal noise really appeared, Ji Yang frowned, and looked towards the second floor.

The voice came from the second floor, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. Although there was a strange noise, the Yin Qi still did not appear again. ,
If ghosts exist, it is impossible for there to be no yin energy. Ji Yang can now be sure that the culprit is definitely not ghosts.

Ji Yang quickly rushed to the second floor, but when he came to the second floor, he found that there was nothing on the second floor.


And just when he didn't find anything, he suddenly felt a movement behind him, turned his head, and shouted loudly behind him.

When Ji Yang turned around, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. He found that there was a big centipede on the wall behind him. This centipede was more than [-] centimeters long and about two fingers wide. The green light looks very scary and terrifying.

"Damn, where did this guy come from, why does he look so disgusting."

Not only did this big green centipede look scary, but it also looked like it was going to sneak up on Ji Yang.

Fortunately, Ji Yang was more sensitive, and turned around in time when the big green centipede was about to attack him. Seeing Ji Yang turn around, the big green centipede wanted to run away.

"Hey, that's pretty smart, but did you manage to run away?"

Seeing that the big centipede wanted to run away, Ji Yang sneered disdainfully, and quickly grabbed the big centipede with his right hand.

Ji Yang grabbed the big centipede in his hand, and the big centipede twisted its body frantically trying to break free from Ji Yang's palm, but after finding that it couldn't break free from Ji Yang's hand, it even wanted to bite Ji Yang.

Looking at the sharp mouth of the big centipede, Ji Yang's fingers might be bitten off after one bite.

"Well, it feels like..."

"It turns out that it's human beings, not ghosts!"

Ji Yang reached out with his left hand and controlled the head of the big centipede so that it couldn't bite him.

When he controlled the head of the big centipede, he actually felt a strange breath from the big centipede.

 Where is the recommended reward?Xie Ben is almost exhausted, give me a bottle of Red Bull to refresh me...

(End of this chapter)

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