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Chapter 1353 The reason why fusion is necessary

Chapter 1353 Reasons for Fusion (Part [-])

The question now is not about whether there is really a remnant soul of Ji in the body of the general.

So even if he saw Fuxi's face was ugly, Taishang Laojun didn't comfort Fuxi, or continued to talk about it with him.

He should ask Ji Yang to see what Ji Yang wants to do.

"The fact that there is a remnant soul in the general's body really shocked me."

"Then you are looking for me, do you want me to help you find a way to extract Ji's remnant soul from the general's body?"

"It's not impossible to say this, but with your current cultivation base, it's definitely not possible. I might have to go there myself."

Ji Yang didn't say what he was looking for, but based on what Ji Yang saw, Taishang Laojun still made a wild guess.

He guessed that Ji Yang wanted to use Ji's remnant soul, but he didn't know that Ji Yang wanted to help the minister fuse, not pull him away.

"No, it's not separation, but integration."

"Fusion? This is harder than pulling away."

Fuxi and Nuwa were able to get rid of the remnant soul of Ji back then, and the Taishang Laojun naturally could do it too.

If it wasn't for Fuxi and Nuwa's carelessness, this remnant soul would have been taken away at that time.

But now that Ji Yang said that he wanted to help the general fuse with Ji's remnant soul, this Taishang Laojun really had to use his brains.

When the Taishang Laojun replied, it seemed that he was not very optimistic. When he said that he was withdrawing from the soul, the Taishang Laojun was still very positive.

Now when he talked about integration, he actually said it was difficult.

I have chatted with Taishang Laojun several times, and in Ji Yang's memory, this is the first time Taishang Laojun said a difficult word.

Seeing this, Ji Yang couldn't help but frown, his eyes looked at the general who was not far away intentionally or unintentionally.

"How? Is there an answer?"

The general had been staring at Ji Yang, and when he saw Ji Yang looking at him, the general asked excitedly.

It was a subconscious glance at first, but I didn't expect to be noticed by the general. Now the other party is still asking himself, Ji Yang probably won't say it if he wants to.

"Does it have to be fused? Can't you pull it out for you? Just let this soul of Ji disappear?"

Ji Yang didn't answer directly, but instead asked the general.

Whether it was what Ji Yang saw in the general's mind, or the general's reaction after confronting him later.

He never said a word about pulling out the remnant soul in his body, all he said was fusion.

To be honest, in Ji Yang's mind, whether it is fusion or separation, it is actually the same.

Anyway, as long as Yan's remnant soul doesn't make trouble in his body, the general can completely control his body, isn't that all right?
"No, it must be integrated!"

When Ji Yang asked, Jiang Chen resolutely refused with firm eyes.

Seeing that he refused so decisively, Ji Yang frowned more and more.

He felt that the general's thinking was too stubborn.

"Don't you just want to be harassed by Yan's remnant soul? Why don't you just pull away?"

"Now Taishang Laojun told me that if you want to get rid of Ji's remnant soul, then he has a way now. If it is fusion, he hasn't said this yet, but he also said that it is more difficult than pulling away!"

The general was so persistent, Ji Yang simply told the general what the Supreme Lord said.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, the general narrowed his eyes and shouted in a cold voice.

"How can separation and fusion be the same? Don't forget, Ji is a divine beast."

"Although Nuwa took away three quarters of Jie's soul, the remaining quarter is still very powerful."

"If J's soul is taken away, then I can no longer use J's power. Just a body, do you think there will be such terrifying power?"

"I must fuse J's soul, so that I can truly possess J's power, so that my own strength will not be weakened."

It turns out that this is the reason why the general has always wanted to integrate J's soul instead of extracting it.

Ji Yang can also understand the truth in his words.

Body and soul, these are two forces.

As long as the body, the general's superficial physical strength and powerful healing ability may still be there.

However, the attacks of J's Body and J's Wrath that he used before must be based on the premise of J's remnant soul.

In this way, it really can only be integrated, not separated.

Otherwise, without the power of the remnant soul, the strength of the general will be greatly reduced.

What Ji Yang wanted was a powerful general, not parallel imports, and the general himself would definitely not want his strength to be weakened.

"Okay, then I'll ask again."

"But now it's almost dawn, it's probably inappropriate for us to stay here, right?"

From the appearance of Jiang Lin and Jiang Huan to the appearance of generals later, this process is not too short.

Look at the sky at this time, the east has already begun to appear pale, it is about to dawn.

Once dawn, pedestrians will appear even in the sparsely populated suburbs. Ji Yang doesn't want to see the generals, or Ji Yang and the generals continue to fight and affect the pedestrians.

Jiangchen closed his eyes, then opened them quickly, and nodded to Ji Yang.

"It's almost dawn, so you should find a place."

Generals rarely come to the capital, and if he hadn't come to look for Jiang Huan and Jiang Lin, he wouldn't have come this time either.

In the capital, he didn't have a place to stay, so naturally he had to find a place for Ji Yang.

Anyway, he is not afraid of Ji Yang's mischief, he believes that even if Ji Yang mischief, even if he can't beat him, there will be no problem in escaping.

And his revenge after escaping will be very terrifying.

So he was quite at ease about his own safety, or Ji Yang in other words, he believed that Ji Yang didn't want to be retaliated by himself.

"Okay, I'll tell Taishang Laojun first, let him think of a way first."

If you find a place by yourself, then you can find a place by yourself. Anyway, in Kyoto, there are quite a few places Ji Yang can live in now.

But before leaving, he still needs to contact Taishang Laojun first.

Taishang Laojun just said it was difficult, but didn't say anything else. It is estimated that there is no good solution for the time being.

"I'll go back to Tushita Palace right now, and check to see if there is any good way."

Sure enough, Ji Yang asked Taishang Laojun to think about it first, so he said to go back to Tushita Palace to investigate. It seems that Taishang Laojun really has no ready-made solution now.

After telling the general minister the reply Taishang Laojun gave him, the general minister nodded and prepared to leave with Ji Yang.

As for what the general said before, if Ji Yang can't find a way, he will suck Ji Yang's blood and kill Ji Yang.

But now he didn't do anything. His behavior actually indirectly explained his psychological activities.

If he is not a fool, he should know that with Ji Yang's help, he has a better chance of obtaining a way to fuse the remnant soul.

If he killed Ji Yang, not to mention that he couldn't find a way to fuse the remnant soul, he would directly offend the gods in the heavenly court, which would not be worth the candle.

So what he said before to kill Ji Yang, suck Ji Yang's blood, just listen to it.

However, just as Ji Yang and the general were about to leave, several powerful auras rushed towards Ji Yang's position.

Feeling these auras, the body energy in the minister's body was unconsciously circulated, and the eyes were vigilantly looking at the location of the aura, ready to take action at any time...

(End of this chapter)

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