The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1362 Super Embarrassed Gore

Chapter 1362 Super Embarrassed Gore (Part [-])

The building arranged by Huaxia for Hammer and others was more than a dozen stories high. Gore entered it invisible, his eyes sweeping around.

After all, he is an A-level power user, his own strength is still very sturdy, and he has a keen sense of breath.

In the lobby at this time, there were two receptionists and two guards, both of whom were Chinese.

Seeing these four people, Gore's eyes froze. He felt that these four people were definitely not ordinary people. Whether it was the female receptionist or the male guard, their aura reached the level of a B-level superhuman.

A B-level ability user is equivalent to an ancient martial artist of the Xuan rank.

In other words, these four people are ancient warriors of the Xuan rank, and their purpose here is very simple, that is to monitor.

"Huaxia is very vigilant this time. Fortunately, the deputy captain arranged carefully and prevented us from following in the open."

Feeling the four ancient warriors, Gore secretly thought.

After looking at the four of them for the last time, Gore walked towards the stairwell and followed the stairs to the floor where Hammer was.

According to the locator carried by Hamer, Hamer is located on the tenth floor.

"I seem to feel that someone has appeared in the hall?"

After Gore walked into the stairwell, a male guard asked suspiciously.

"People are scary in broad daylight, where are they? Why can't we see them?"

"Will someone be invisible, and then come in or go out? I heard that there are people with invisible abilities among the sea eagles."

"There are cameras all around here, as well as thermal imaging settings. Unless the person who appears is a dead person, I can show it on my side!"

One of the women at the front desk pointed to the computer in front of her and said confidently.

High technology is reliable, but it cannot be completely relied on. Even if the thermal imaging technology is excellent, it cannot achieve 100% capture.

As long as you find a way to control your body surface temperature, you will not be discovered.

However, the four mysterious team members here should have a lot of trust in thermal imaging technology. After hearing what the front desk said, they nodded to each other and stopped talking.

At this time, Gore has successfully reached the tenth floor.

"Is there someone watching here? There are also dark places."

In addition to invisibility, Gore's ability also has the feeling of breath.

He felt that someone was clearly present in the air vent above the corridor.

Although this person deliberately hid his aura, but it seemed that his cultivation level was not high, so he was discovered by Gore. In addition to the dark place, there were also two people walking around in the corridor.

He felt that China's defense against the American delegation to China was enough.

"Someone is watching. It seems impossible to enter the room of Vice-Captain Hammer and go through the main entrance."

If no one was watching, Gore could still knock on the door and enter, but it must not be possible now.

Once you knock on the door, you will attract attention.

Isn't it weird that the watcher can't see or feel anything, but there is a knock on the door?At that time, those who are interested will definitely find the problem.

Gore stepped back into the stairwell, looking out.

Hamer's room is the second room next to the stairwell. If you can't go through the door, then go through the window.

"It's really high enough."

This is the tenth floor, tens of meters above the ground. If you fall, even if you are as strong as an A-level power user, it will be miserable if you don't die.

Gore stood at the window, took a deep breath, and pressed his palms against the outer wall.

The clothes on Gore are unique, and they have the function of invisibility. Otherwise, even if he is invisible, the clothes are still there, so it is useless.

He can't take off his clothes and play with his naked body, can he?
What's more, when fighting, it is impossible for someone to give him time to undress.

This suit can not only be invisible, but also has many functions. If it is not in the invisible state, it can be seen on the palms and soles of his feet. At this time, there are things like suction cups.

This kind of thing has great suction, and Gore can rely on these to cling to the wall.

Through clinging, Gore climbed out of the window of the room where Hamer was in a few moments.

"Ah... ah... oh... baby"

"Baby, this Huaxia wine is really powerful, much better than our little pills."

"Oh... I'm almost there, I'm almost there... Push hard..."

Gore had just arrived outside Hammer's room when a burst of blood-boiling voices came from the room.

Hearing this sound, the muscles on Gore's face twitched a little, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He is not a child of two or three years old, he is very clear about what is going on with this voice.

And hearing the voice, he just knew it was Hamer and Jie Li.

Listening to their conversation, it seems that they have reached a critical moment, which makes Gore very embarrassed.

"Should I knock or not?"

Gore looked at the window with the curtains drawn, feeling tangled in his heart.

Hammer and Jieli are at a critical moment, and knocking on the window at this time will definitely disturb them and ruin their good deeds, what if the other party gets mad.

He knows Jie Li's temper. This woman is usually called a little wild cat, but once she loses her temper, she is definitely a big tiger.

Even if Hammer didn't blame him, Jie Li probably wouldn't spare him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"My God, isn't it, it's raining at this time?"

"Oh...comfortable, so comfortable..."

When Gore was struggling, God also played a big joke on him, and it started to rain.

Although the rain was not too heavy, and the clothes were waterproof, his head was not comfortable being soaked in the rain like this.

What's more, Jieli in the room actually shouted that she was comfortable at this time?

Gore's current mood is as complicated as it gets. He really feels like he's been (punched) by a dog.


Not knowing whether it was because of the rain or some other reason, Gore felt his nose itch and even sneezed.

When the sneeze came out, Gore's face changed. This sneeze would definitely attract the attention of Hammer and Jie Li.

"Is there someone out there? Who?"

"Damn it, it must be someone who is monitored by the Huaxia Xuan Group, and they even monitor this kind of thing. I will arrest you and question Peng Tianlong!"

Hearing the sound of sneezing, Hamer and Jie Li were startled.

Hamer's firmness softened instantly, Jie Li instinctively pulled up the quilt to cover herself, Hamer pushed open the window and reached out to grab it.

"I'm the vice-captain, Gore."

"Gore? What the hell are you doing?"

"You bastard, you actually peeked at us, come in first."

Hammer grabbed it out with one claw, and Gore yelled quickly.

If he doesn't shout, Hamer doesn't know what will happen to him. Now he can't show his body, otherwise he will be discovered by the surrounding monitoring equipment, so he can only shout.

When Hamer heard that it was Gore, he couldn't let Gore continue to climb on the wall, so he let Gore enter the room through the window.

But as soon as Gore entered the room, as soon as his body appeared, he felt a gust of wind blowing towards his face.

"Gore? You bastard, you even peeked at me and Hamer doing something like this, I'm going to kill you."

It turned out that it was Jie Li who had already put on her pajamas and punched him...

(End of this chapter)

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