The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1375 Blocking TJ's Territory

Chapter 1375 Blocking the TJ Territory (Three Shifts)
"Grandpa, isn't this a waste of time?"

"I thought the sea eagle had some kind of plan, but it turned out that it just sent a few minions, and these trash want to hurt me?"

Peng Caixuan had already returned to the car, looked at Peng Tianlong who was in the co-pilot position, and said with some disappointment.

I thought there would be some action from the US side, but I didn't expect it to be nothing more than this.

Hearing Peng Caixuan's words, Peng Tianlong frowned slightly.

To be honest, he didn't expect Hai Ying to use such a bad method.

This method is too childish for special organizations like them.

It may be okay to deal with ordinary people, but the effect is definitely not ideal when dealing with people inside special organizations.

"I am also very disappointed. I will contact other people to see who else has encountered the enemy."

"Then you can ask."

Peng Caixuan drove, and Peng Tianlong began to contact other people.

Knowing that only Yanjiao had a problem, Peng Tianlong frowned more and more.

He felt that things were a little too simple, that he and he might have missed something.

"No, we missed someone."



"Ji Yang said that when Hamer talked with that woman named Jieli that day, they would also participate, but neither you nor Yanjiao met them."

"Mistake, we forgot to keep an eye on the plane of the American delegation to China!"

Peng Tianlong has rich experience in special missions, but when the horse stumbled, he really forgot to arrange someone to watch the plane of the American delegation to China.

"Then what should we do? Calculated based on the current time, the plane of the visiting group should have flown out of China long ago."

"But now I haven't heard of anyone who discovered Hammer and the others. Grandpa, are you thinking too much?"

Although no one deliberately arranged for people to stare at the plane of the visiting group, Huaxia itself also had air defense forces.

There are various defense and surveillance methods around the border, and once foreign enemies invade, they will be noticed.

"Whether you think too much or not, people like Hammer have to guard against them, and I have to contact the relevant departments immediately!"

When Peng Tianlong spoke with a solemn face, he began to contact the relevant departments.

He mainly contacted the departments on the relevant route of the visiting group's plane leaving China.

When Peng Tianlong asked the coast guard in the TJ sea area, the coast guard department really found something strange. They told Peng Tianlong that the TJ coast guard signal disappeared for a short time two hours ago.

The signal suddenly disappeared, and the coast guard sensed a problem, but when they sent someone to investigate, they found nothing.

"We have reported this matter to our superiors and are waiting for the superiors to deal with it."

"How long has the signal been gone?"

"10 minutes."

"10 minutes? Is 10 minutes enough from the area where the signal disappeared to the nearest coast of TJ?"

"Let me figure it out... If you use some fast-moving ships, it's okay."

"Team Leader Peng, what's the problem?"

"It's a big problem! Inform the coast guard to block all coastlines, and these guys are back!"

According to the reaction of the TJ coast guard department, Peng Caixuan judged that Hammer and others must have returned to Huaxia through the TJ sea area.

The leader of TJ's marine police department heard the seriousness in Peng Caixuan's words, and he didn't ask any further questions, and immediately activated the highest plan to block all of TJ's sea areas...

"Grandpa, Hammer and the others really returned to China?"

"Well, and it's probably in TJ, it seems we can't go back to Kyoto for a while."

"Immediately contact all members of TJ's mysterious group and relevant departments, search all roads of TJ, and find out where Hammer and others are."

Hammer and these people are from Haidiao, if they really want to do something, Huaxia will be in trouble.

All their movements must be mastered so that they can be effectively resolved.

When Peng Tianlong and Peng Caixuan started to contact the relevant personnel, several cars happened to arrive at the position where Gore and others were fighting.

The door of one of the cars opened, and Hammer, Jie Li and Grim stepped out.

Looking at the four corpses on the ground, the faces of the three of Hammer were ugly.

"Gore, the bastard, even acted without obeying my orders."

"He didn't say he died, but let other people die with him!"

Hammer looked at Gore's deformed body, and said in a cold voice through gritted teeth.

Jie Li and Grim didn't say anything when they heard Hammer's words, but they secretly scolded Gore for being stupid.

But keeping silent is not an option. What to do next depends on Hamer's arrangement.

"What shall we do next?"

"Gore is an idiot, his reckless actions may have exposed us in advance."

"Peng Tianlong has rich experience, he must be able to guess, we will definitely not only arrange for these few people to arrest them, now Peng Tianlong may have contacted the relevant departments, knowing that we have returned to China."

"Now we can't determine the location of Peng Caixuan and Peng Tianlong. We will return to the beach immediately. If we can leave, we will leave Huaxia immediately."

Gore's actions disrupted Hammer's arrangement.

Hammer can be said to be the most intelligent person in Sea Eagle. It is his intelligence and strength that made him the vice-captain of Sea Eagle.

Under Hammer's arrangement, several cars that had just left TJ Coast drove to TJ Coast again.

On the way, Hammer warned everyone to be careful and pay attention to all movements around them to prevent being followed or discovered.

"Vice Captain, there are several coast guard ships moving in the TJ waters."

"Sure enough, we were discovered, and we can't leave Huaxia for the time being."

Approaching the coast of TJ, Grimm observed the movement of the coast guard ship of the coast guard department through the portable satellite instrument in his hand.

With this, at least it is certain that Peng Tianlong already knew that they had returned to Huaxia.

"So where do we go next?"

"Grimm, check to see if there are any abandoned factories around here, let's go there to rest temporarily."

"What to do next, and then make plans when we get there."


People like Hamer must not blatantly find a place to rest.

So they can only find a temporary foothold.

However, Hammer still underestimated the ability of Xuanzu. In fact, when they approached the sea, they had already been noticed.

"Young Master Peng, have you found them?"

"So fast? These guys are too careless, where are they?"

"I sent you their location, and I have sent someone to follow up."

"Don't follow them. Hammer is a supernatural user above S rank. You can easily be found if you follow them. It will be dangerous then."

Hearing Peng Caixuan's conversation with the other party, Peng Tianlong decisively stopped the follow-up.

"No tracking? Then how do you know where they are hiding?"

"It's enough to let the police come. They can find them through satellite surveillance. We just need to kill them in one fell swoop after we determine the location."

It turned out that Peng Tianlong was paying attention to this. After confirming the whereabouts of Hammer and others, Peng Tianlong would definitely choose the safest way to wipe them out...

(End of this chapter)

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