The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1381 Going to Kyoto without Zhang Miguo

Chapter 1381 Not going back to America, going to Kyoto (second update)

"King Diao is calling, let everyone be ready to leave at any time, we may be returning to the United States soon."

Hamer was at a loss at this time, but saw Savako's call.

Seeing this call, Hammer couldn't help but feel a little excited. He thought that Savako had come to inform him to evacuate.

After all, things like this in Huaxia have already caused trouble. No matter how much the country has lost, since the incident has happened, people like myself should have a chance to withdraw.

"Follow the vice-captain, I'll gather everyone right away."

Upon hearing Hammer's words, Grimm immediately became excited.

Grimm came to China according to Hammer's instructions before coming to China, although he already had the determination to die.

It is possible to not die, of course it is better not to die.

When Grim left quickly, with Jie Li watching with expectant eyes, Hammer calmed down first, and answered the phone with a smile.

It is said that there are expressions on the phone. Although Savako can't see Hamer's expression, he believes that the other party can hear the happiness in his heart.

"King Diao, I have already arranged preparations for retreat. Did you call to inform me that I can retreat?"

"Retreat? What retreat? Did I ask you to retreat?"

"Isn't it a retreat? Does the Eagle King have any instructions when he calls at this time?"

Seeing that it was getting dark, Savako's call at this time was not to evacuate.

Such an answer made Hammer feel bad.

Jie Li, who was looking at him from the side, also collapsed instantly.

"Hammer, the Eagle King won't let us retreat?"

Jie Li shouldn't speak at this time, but she couldn't hold back, because retreating is a matter of life.

Hearing Jie Li speak, Hammer glared at her and winked at her.

Signal her to either leave or shut up.

"This time things have become big. In order to create opportunities for you to escape from China, hundreds of us were arrested. In the previous meeting, I almost killed Perez at the meeting!"

"What, you almost killed Perez, what happened?"

"Hmph, it's not because of your plan. Now everyone is pointing their fingers at the sea eagle. At the meeting..."

Savako briefly told Hamer what happened at the previous meeting in the United States.

Knowing that because of China's affairs, various departments in the United States had such a big reaction, Hamer's heart became heavier and heavier.

He is a smart man. Now that things have come to this point, Savako must be under a lot of pressure. If there are no rescue measures, Hai Ying will definitely be in trouble this time.

"Savako, what is the purpose of your call?"

Hammer's name for Savako changed from the previous Eagle King to Savako.

He has worked with Savako for many years, and the friendship between the two must have existed.

And every time he called Savako, in Hammer's eyes, Savako was not just the eagle king, he was also his friend.

Now, he is asking the other party as a subordinate, or asking Savako as a friend.

"Hammer, you are a smart person, your brain is better than mine, I have to admit that."

"I don't need to say, I think you already know the purpose of my call. Now all actions in China must be terminated. The losses of the United States cannot continue to expand. All spies and agents will immediately terminate their operations."

"That is to say, you will no longer get help from anyone. You must find a way to return to the United States by yourself. This is also the instruction from above."

When Savako said this, there was a bit of helplessness in his tone.

No matter how strong the sea eagle is, and how good he is as the king of eagles, he is not the final decision-maker of the United States.

For some things, he also has to listen to the arrangements above, and must implement them.

The existence of the sea eagle is to protect the interests of the United States. Now the interests of the United States have been seriously damaged. If the losses of the United States continue to expand due to personal emotions, then he is not qualified as the Eagle King.

The sea eagle will also be severely punished for this incident.

Hamer is a smart person, so even if Savako didn't explain the powerful relationship clearly, he would understand.

"Savako, I understand."

"I am the vice-captain of the sea eagle. I know my responsibility. Now that the personnel have assembled, we will no longer hide it. Someone must be responsible for the loss of the United States this time, so let me be responsible."

"The sea eagle must never collapse, and it must never be replaced by others. Savako, I hope you will remember this."

Hamer's words were full of determination.

As a person of Sea Eagle, one must consider for Sea Eagle and the country of America, and put personal interests behind the interests of Sea Eagle and the country of America.

"Hammer, no one can replace the sea eagle. Whoever wants to touch the sea eagle, I will send him to hell."

Hamer would not doubt Savako's assurance.

What he did to Perez before has actually proved this point.

"Hammer, I still hope that you can return to the United States alive. After you come back, I will treat you to a drink."

"Okay, then prepare your wine and wait for us to return!"

These were the last words of Hammer and Savako. After saying this, Hammer and Savako hung up the phone tacitly.

After hanging up the phone, Jie Li walked to Hammer's side, with a wry smile on her face, but she said firmly, "No matter what you want to do, I will support you!"

"This is my woman!"

"Everyone gather here!"

Hammer hugged Jie Li and kissed her, looked at her approvingly, and then shouted loudly.

Grimm had already assembled the people, and as soon as Hammer's words came out, these people quickly came to Hammer.

"Vice Captain, are we going back to America?"

"Vice Captain, it's quite chaotic outside now, how do we go back, and how do we arrange it?"

"I can finally go back. Before we go back, should we have a big fight first? After hiding for so long, I'm going crazy."

"What the hell, there are Huaxia military police outside, and people from the Xuan Group are active. You didn't see the four who went out to inquire and didn't come back..."

When these people came to Hammer, they all thought that Hammer was going to announce his return to the United States.

Some of the more excited people wanted to do something else in Huaxia before leaving.

"Shut up and listen to the deputy captain's arrangement."

"Vice Captain, what instruction does the Eagle King have, when and how should we withdraw?"

Grimm saw that Hammer's expression was not right. As the group leader of these people, Hammer didn't speak, so he naturally wanted to speak.

With his roar, everyone fell silent and looked at Hamer expectantly.

"We can't go back to the United States for the time being, and now everyone is ready to leave Kyoto!"

But under their expectation, Hammer said in a cold voice with a serious expression.

Hearing his words, everyone was stunned, and it can be said that they were stupid.

It's fine if you don't go back to the United States at this time, why go to Kyoto?Is this too dangerous?

(End of this chapter)

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