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Chapter 1389 What will happen to America afterwards

Chapter 1389

The matter in the United States this time has basically been settled.

The biggest problem is that Hamer has been arrested, and Ji Yang doesn't need to participate in the finishing work.

Speaking of which, in this arrest operation, Ji Yang didn't exert much strength, he was mainly in the headquarters of Xuanzu.

Of course, this was the case when the headquarters of the Xuan Group was not attacked by surprise. If someone took advantage of the chaos to attack, Ji Yang's role would naturally be greater.

Now that the situation he was worried about no longer exists, it is time for Ji Yang to leave Lin Ji and go to Dongfang's house to attend the Guardian Alliance Conference.

Calculating the time, I should be able to arrive before the Guardian Alliance Conference.

"Boss, there are a lot of people dispatched from the United States this time, and now is a good time to arrest these people."

"Now the Xuan team is not full of people, and I have to join the final search and arrest, so I can't go to Linji with you."

Peng Caixuan looked at Ji Yang bitterly, and said a little depressed.

To be honest, Peng Caixuan really wanted to go.

He also wanted to see what it was like to see these guardian alliance families with extremely high cultivation bases, whose identities and sense of mystery surpassed those of ancient warriors.

But now the United States still needs manpower in the final sweep, and it is impossible for him to follow Ji Yang.

"Take care of the rest, those people, you'll always have a chance to see them."

Ji Yang saw the displeasure on Peng Caixuan's face, smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Although I have already decided to go to Linji, it is impossible to leave now, after all, it is already late at night.

He had asked someone to book a plane ticket for him earlier, and the time was tomorrow morning.

Before leaving Kyoto, there will be a celebration banquet tonight.

The United States suffered heavy losses this time, and Huaxia was very happy, so this celebration banquet was naturally inevitable.

"Lu Xue, Lu Zhanxing?"

At the celebration banquet, Ji Yang met Lu Xue and Lu Zhanxing.

When seeing the two of them, Ji Yang and the siblings were a little surprised.

Seeing the two of them, Ji Yang still had some old-fashioned thoughts. He seemed to have returned to the time when he first met the two of them. It was also from that time that Ji Yang and Xuanzu had an inextricable relationship.

If it wasn't for the inextricably linked opportunities with the Xuan Group, Ji Yang would not have a younger brother like Peng Caixuan, nor would he have some friends in the Xuan Group.

It was also after getting acquainted with Xuanzu that Ji Yang's life became more and more exciting.

"Ji Shao, long time no see."

The current Ji Yang has a great reputation in the entire Xuan group.

It can be said that there is not a member of the mysterious group who does not know about him.

Lu Zhanxing and Lu Xue greeted Ji Yang, Ji Yang smiled badly, looked at Lu Zhanxing and said softly.

"Lu Zhanxing, are you done?"


"Lu Xue."

Ji Yang still knows a lot about the relationship between the siblings.

He was teasing Lu Zhanxing at this time, Lu Zhanxing blushed and looked at Lu Xue.

Lu Xue's face also turned red when Lu Zhanxing looked at her, she looked at Ji Yang shyly, and said in shame and indignation.

"Ji Shao, it's been a long time since we haven't seen each other. Is it appropriate to tease us as soon as we meet?"

"Hey hey, I'm just curious, just curious, come to drink, drink..."

Ji Yang chuckled, blinked at Lu Zhanxing, and raised his glass to the siblings.

Lu Zhanxing looked at Ji Yang who was blinking, then unconsciously looked at Lu Xue, and returned a knowing look to Ji Yang.

The celebration banquet on China's side was held, and everyone was jubilant. Looking at the United States on the other side of the earth, the atmosphere in the United States is very depressed at this time.

Especially in a room in a secret base, under the oppressive atmosphere, there is still a smell of gunpowder.

There weren't many people sitting in the room at this time, but anyone who took it out had a very high status.

Sitting in the main seat is none other than Shi Di from the U.S. Department of Defense.

"Minister Shidi, this is the most elite genetic warrior team I have arranged in China, is this the end?"

"Every fighter was cultivated by the gene team with countless time and painstaking efforts, but they all died because of a vice-captain of the sea eagle!"

Perez sat next to Shidi's left hand, clenched his fists, and shouted angrily.

At this time, he really couldn't control his emotions.

China's regulatory measures are too strict, and it is very difficult to get some people to enter China's territory.

In order to get some genetic warriors into China, Perez spent a lot of effort, hiding his identity, and going through various channels.

And TJ is the general liaison station of the genetic warrior in China.

The dozens of genetic warriors who rescued Hamer, although not all of Huaxia's genetic warriors, accounted for 80.00%.

With their deaths, and the few who were arrested during this overall operation, it can be said that all the genetic fighters that Perez arranged in China are basically finished.

The remaining two or three people did not dare to take any action.

In other words, Perez spent a lot of effort and spent many years arranging genetic warriors in China, which is completely worthless.

"Perez, isn't the previous lesson not enough?"

"Hammer is the vice-captain of Sea Eagle. You don't know how valuable he is and what it means to the country of America. Can your dozens of genetic fighters compare?"

"If you continue to target Hai Ying everywhere, I will let you taste the pain from before!"

Team Gene suffered heavy losses, so didn't the Sea Eagles suffer heavy losses?

Hammer was arrested. If it wasn't for the instructions from above, he might have led people to China to save people now.

With a fire in his heart, Perez is now speaking to Hamer, that is to sea eagle.

It's strange that Savako can get used to him.

"Savako, you..."

Mentioning the previous incident, Perez was afraid of resentment.

There were other people sitting around, so of course he couldn't lose face by showing that he was afraid of Savako.

Hearing Savako say this about himself, Perez turned cold, stood up, pointed at Savako and wanted to fight back.

Seeing Perez like this, Savako didn't say a word, and stood up directly, as if he was about to make a move.


"A king of sea eagles, the supreme commander of a genetic team, you are in high positions, do you look decent?"

"Perez, this task was ordered by the president. If you have any opinions, you can go to the president to discuss it."

"Savako, control your temper. I asked you to come here not to listen to your complaints, nor to watch you get angry and quarrel. What I want to hear is, what should we do next?"

Just when Savacco and Perez disagreed and wanted to do something, Shi Di slapped the table and yelled at the two.

When Shidi scolded, both Savako and Perez snorted coldly before they fell silent.

The quarrel here cannot make up for the loss of the United States. Now we have to consider how the United States will face China next, whether to accept it silently, or to launch a new round of revenge and strikes to make China pay the price...

(End of this chapter)

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