The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1414 One person and one trick is enough

Chapter 1414 One move per person is enough (one more)
Mu Xingyun was already at the end of his strength, and he had just forcefully circulated the true energy in his body to attack Wumeng.

Afterwards, he was slashed in the chest by Wu Meng, and while the blood was flowing, his true energy was also leaking out rapidly.

At this time, it was not easy for Mu Xingyun to stand without falling, and it was impossible to avoid Wu Meng's knife.

But Mu Xingyun is not a person waiting to die, even if he is going to die, he will resist until the last moment.


Seeing Wu Meng's sword attack with hatred, Mu Xingyun yelled and raised his long sword to block it.

"Clang...crack bang..."

It's just that as soon as he raised the long sword in his hand, he felt a huge force coming from the blade, his arm softened, and the long sword fell quickly.

But he still gritted his teeth and blocked Wumeng's knife two centimeters away from his head.

At this position, although Wu Meng's knife did not cut Mu Xingyun's head, the knife energy on the knife had already left a scar on Mu Xingyun's head.

Although this scar was not fatal, it was enough to show the power of Wu Meng's knife.

But although Mu Xingyun tried his best to block the knife, his sword was at its limit.

Dense cracks appeared on the sword body, and then broke in response, and Wu Meng's sword fell towards Mu Xingyun's head.

"Do not……"

Mu Hang was some distance away from Mu Xingyun, and it was obviously too late for him to save Mu Xingyun.

What's more, there is an elder of the Wu family in front of him. Although one arm of the elder of the Wu family has been injured, he knows that he must hold Mu Hang at this time.

As long as Wu Meng kills Mu Xingyun, Mu Hang will be next.

Just when everyone thought that Mu Xingyun was going to die this time, when Wu Meng's knife was within a millimeter of Mu Xingyun's head, his knife couldn't get any closer.

An invisible air flow appeared above Mu Xingyun's head, and this air flow blocked Wu Meng's knife.

"Who, who dares to spoil my good deeds."

"If you dare to stop me, Wumeng, I, Wumeng, will kill you."

Although Wu Meng couldn't see this airflow, he could feel something protecting Mu Xingyun.

Wu Meng was sure that this protection was not performed by Mu Xingyun himself, because Mu Xingyun's expression was obviously waiting to die.

It couldn't be Mu Hang either, because Mu Hang obviously didn't have the ability.

It wasn't Mu Xingyun or Mu Hang, it was the protection of a third party.

When Wu Meng yelled angrily, the invisible airflow protecting Mu Xingyun shook and shook Wu Meng's knife away.

"NM Wujia, it's really not friends who don't get together."

Wu Meng's knife was shaken away, and a figure slowly walked out of the forest.

Seeing this figure, Wu Meng's eyes turned cold.

"It's you."

"Should I call you Ji Yang, or should I call you Li Yang?"

The person who walked out of the forest was Ji Yang.

Ji Yang is not familiar with Wu Meng, but he saw the dead Wu Tai, through Wu Tai, Ji Yang knew the identity of the other party.

Although Wu Tai is dead, Wu Tai hoped to see Ji Yang die before he was alive. He wanted Wu Meng to avenge himself, so after seeing Ji Yang appear, Wu Meng couldn't help but think of what Wu Tai said before.

Looking at Ji Yang, he thought of Wu Tai's pain and hatred.

"Call it whatever you like."

Ji Yang didn't care much about how to call himself.

A name is just a code name, just a title. Although he doesn't particularly agree with this point, Ji Yang can't deny it.

"only you?"

"Of course, do you need a lot of people to deal with you?"

Ji Yang felt Wu Meng's anger when he looked at him.

He knew where the anger came from, and it was Utai, because Utai cut off his arm.

"Hahaha, what an arrogant boy, where does your courage come from? Is it because you are from the Jiuli tribe?"

"A Jiuli clan that should have been wiped out a long time ago, a remnant of Jiuli who is still alive, I will kill you today, and let you be buried with them for Tai'er."

Knowing that Ji Yang came alone, Wu Meng did not feel any aura around him.

(Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King hide their aura, and Wumeng's cultivation level cannot be felt)
Wu Meng laughed maniacally, his eyes were hostile to Ji Yang and Mu Hang's grandfather and grandson in front of him.

Among the three, Ji Yang chopped off Wu Tai's arm, and this revenge must be avenged.

Mu Hang killed Wu Tai, this revenge will naturally be avenged, and Mu Xingyun, who is Mu Hang's grandfather, must also die.

"Which family are you from?"

Whether Wu Meng should be killed or not, Ji Yang didn't know a second ago.

But Wu Meng's words just now aroused Ji Yang's anger.

He shouldn't mention the extermination of the Jiuli clan, let alone talk about the remnants of evil, and he shouldn't talk about killing Ji Yang.

With all these crimes added up, Ji Yang has already decided to kill Wumeng.

But before killing Wu Meng, Ji Yang first asked about the identities of Mu Xingyun and Mu Hang.

"We are from the Mu family in Miaojiang. I am Mu Xingyun, the head of the Mu family, and he is my grandson, Mu Hang."

"Thank you for saving my life just now."

Mu Xingyun knew that he was able to live because of Ji Yang's help.

Mu Xingyun explained his identity to Ji Yang, and when he thanked Ji Yang, Mu Hang also bowed his hands to Ji Yang.

"Patriarch Mu, the two of you step back, and he will leave it to me to deal with it."

"I will kill those who humiliate the Jiuli tribe."

Guardian League, a place where the family is proud.

As a member of the Jiuli tribe, Ji Yang witnessed the destruction of the Jiuli tribe with his own eyes. He could not keep the Jiuli tribe, but he did not allow anyone to insult the Jiuli tribe.

"Grandpa, you go to the side to recuperate, and I will help him."

Mu Xingyun was injured and could no longer fight, but Mu Hang was fine.

Ji Yang told them to back away, Mu Hang felt it was inappropriate, after all, Ji Yang looked younger than himself.

Mu Hang is also a genius of the Mu family. He doesn't think that Ji Yang will be stronger than himself, but Wu Meng is definitely a difficult one to deal with. Adding an injured Wu family elder who can fight again, this pair of Ji Yang Too bad.

"Back off both of you, they let me handle it."

Ji Yang is aware of Mu Hang's kindness.

But Wu Meng and the elders of the Wu family really have no threat to Ji Yang.

Mu Hang helped, but Ji Yang couldn't let go.

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes and looked at Mu Hang with a slight chill in his eyes. Under Ji Yang's gaze, Mu Hang felt his heart tighten and his whole body shudder.

"What a scary look."

Mu Hang whispered in his heart, retreated to Mu Xingyun's side, and helped Mu Xingyun walk to the distance.

Mu Hang and Mu Xingyun's actions were not stopped by Wu Meng and Wu's family elders. Anyway, as long as Ji Yang was killed, they believed that Mu Hang and Mu Xingyun would not be able to escape.

"Arrogant Jiuli boy, you alone want to kill us. You are sending yourself to death."

Wu Meng clenched the big knife in his hand and pointed it at Ji Yang.

The elder Wu's family, whose arm was injured, also held the sword in his hand, looking at Ji Yang vigilantly, ready to strike at any time.

"Arrogance? I don't know which of the two of us is arrogant."

"Just you and him, one move per person is enough!"

Ji Yang looked at the two with disdain, and said indifferently with his lips parted...

(End of this chapter)

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