The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1419 I am the king in the forest

Chapter 1419 I am the king in the forest (third shift)

Ji Yang and Peng Demon King are less sensitive to blood than Jiao Demon King, but they can feel the blood with purpose, and they can still feel the smell of blood remaining in the air.

Through these bloody smells, Ji Yang and Peng Mowang went to find Feng Rong.

A few kilometers away from where Ji Yang found Feng Qing, at the bottom of a cliff, Feng Rong and Feng Rao (male), the elder of Feng's family, looked ahead with serious expressions.

In front of Feng Rong and Feng Rao, stood a four to five meter tall tiger with golden hair all over its body, looking very majestic.

The tiger didn't stand on all fours, but stood on two legs, and there were bloodstains on the sharp claws on the palms.

"Patriarch, this tiger demon has a very high level of cultivation, it must be at the millennium level, wait until I come to entangle it, you take the opportunity to run away, otherwise you and I may both die here today."

The clothes on Feng Rao's chest had been torn, and there was an obvious scratch on his chest.

Flesh turned out, dripping with blood, and the scars were hideous.

This claw was caught by the tiger demon in front of him. If he hadn't dodged quickly, Feng Rao would have been ripped open.

"I can't leave you, let's go together."

When Feng Rong heard Feng Rao's words, her head shook like a rattle.

Let her abandon Feng Rao just like this, Feng Rong really can't do it.

"Patriarch, it doesn't matter if I die, but nothing happens to you, you are the patriarch of my Feng family."

"The Feng family needs you, you must live."

One of Feng Rong's arms was also bleeding. Her sleeve had been removed, and there was a scratch on her arm.

But this scratch is much lighter than the scratch on Feng Rao's chest.

Feng Rong refused to leave, Feng Rao looked at Feng Rong seriously, and put the cracked sword in his hand on his neck.

"Patriarch, you must run away when you have a chance, otherwise, I will commit suicide in front of you."

It was a last resort for Feng Rao to force him to die.

Although he is the elder of the Feng family, he is also very important to the Feng family.

But compared to Feng Rong, who is the patriarch, the other party is obviously more important.

Feng Rao's serious expression made Feng Rong's eyes turn red, she could only nod helplessly in the end, and agreed to Feng Rao's proposal.

The tiger demon in front of the two looked at Feng Rong and Feng Rao with great interest.

"Have you said enough? Is this your last words?"

"Run? None of you should try to run today, especially her."

Feng Rong and Feng Rao had time to talk, which was given by the tiger demon.

He deliberately didn't attack, just to listen to what they had to say, and what Feng Rong and Feng Rao said made the tiger demon sneer.

Although Feng Rong's appearance is not perfect, she is also very beautiful.

When the tiger demon pointed at Feng Rong, a lustful light flashed in the tiger demon's eyes.

It seems that if this guy has his eyes on Feng Rong, he wants to take Feng Rong back. As for whether he is playing with her for a short time or whether he will accept her as his wife for a long time, only the tiger demon knows this.

"Don't insult the head of my family, the hateful tiger demon must die!"

Feng Rao saw the tiger demon's intentions, he yelled angrily, and rushed towards the tiger demon with his sword.

Facing Feng Rao's attack, Tiger Demon gave a cold snort of disdain.

He has been fighting with each other for a while, and for Feng Rong and Feng Rao's abilities, the tiger demon can be regarded as a bit of a spectrum.

The tiger demon didn't take Feng Rao's sword seriously.


The tiger demon swung its claws to block Feng Rao's sword, and said to Feng Rao very disdainfully.

"Just because you want to kill me, go back and practice for 1000 years."

The tiger demon's palm trembled, and its claws left sparks on Feng Rao's sword.

With a click, Feng Rao's long sword, which was already full of cracks, snapped.

"Feng Rao, Feng Jue Lie Yan!"

The long sword broke, and Feng Rong's heart tightened when she saw it. Although she promised Feng Rao that she would find a chance to escape, it would be better not to escape, or to take Feng Rao with her.

Feng Rong performed the kung fu, her body rushed forward quickly, and when she drank lightly, a burst of flames spit out from her mouth.

"It's still this little trick, this little flame is useless to me, don't you know!"


Facing the flames spit out by Feng Rong, the tiger demon roared loudly.

A circle of sound waves appeared, shattering Feng Rong's flames, and at the same time punched Feng Rao directly.

"Boom! Ah..."

With Tiger Demon's punch, Feng Rao's body arched like a shrimp, and his body was thrown flying.

"Feng Rao."

Seeing Feng Rao flying upside down, Feng Rong hurried to pick Feng Rao up.

Although she caught Feng Rao, Feng Rao would not hit other things, or fall to the ground and be injured again.

It can be seen that Feng Rao's collapsed chest and the continuous spit of blood from the mouth, the injury is still serious.

"Patriarch, go, I can hold on, you go."

"Feng Rao, I..."

"Patriarch, do you really want me to kill myself in front of you? Go!"

Seeing Feng Rong's entanglement, Feng Rao was a little anxious.

He tried his best to break free from Feng Rong, looked at Feng Rong decisively, and shouted loudly.

"Stupid, really stupid."

"I said, none of you can leave today, especially you."

The cultivation of this tiger demon, just as Ji Yang expected, has reached the millennium level.

To be precise, it has broken through 2000 years.

In the back mountain of the Dongfang family, this tiger demon can be regarded as a king-level existence.

It was somewhat difficult for Feng Rong to deal with the big demon in 2000. As for the injured Feng Rao, the tiger demon simply ignored him from the beginning.

"Tiger Demon, this is the territory of the Dongfang family. If you kill us, the Dongfang family will not let you go, and neither will the Guardian Alliance."

"Let us go now, I can let the past go!"

Feng Rong still didn't want to abandon Feng Rao, she tried to intimidate the tiger demon with the guardian alliance and the Dongfang family.

It's a pity that the tiger demon doesn't like this at all.

"Beyond the forest, the Dongfang family has the final say, but in the forest, I am the king. Whether it is the Dongfang family or the Guardian Alliance, they have to listen to me when they come to the forest."

"Guardian Alliance, hmph, I want to see how the Guardian Alliance avenged you."

The tiger demon was not afraid of intimidation, and said arrogantly.

The tiger demon's words made Feng Rong's expression change drastically, and when her expression changed, the tiger demon had already rushed towards Feng Rong again.

"It doesn't matter if you take revenge or not, you have to serve the king first."

The tiger demon reached out to grab Feng Rong, but Feng Rong dodged her body.

But Feng Rong didn't pay attention to her feet, she stumbled over a stone under her feet, her body became unstable, and her dodge was affected.

This mistake gave the tiger demon a chance, and the tiger demon's hand was about to catch Feng Rong.


"Hey... who, who is it?"

However, just when the tiger demon's hand was about to catch Feng Rong, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the back of the tiger demon's hand.

The fur on the back of the tiger demon's hand was scorched, and the pain and numbness made the tiger demon very angry.

Feng Rong lost this piece of meat that could reach her mouth just like that, the tiger demon is angry.

The tiger demon's question was not answered, but Feng Rong saw a figure flying down from the cliff and rushed towards the tiger demon. At the same time, Feng Rong heard: "Patriarch Feng, leave this beast to me."

This voice is exactly Ji Yang's...

(End of this chapter)

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