Chapter 142 Counterfeit Wine (Third Watch)
After purchasing, Ji Yang took a look at his micro store. King Chu Jiang bought five bags of instant noodles, Lu Pan bought two packs of shrimp crackers, and Bai Wuchang bought two packs of jelly...

According to the comments of the last sale, although Ji Yang thought that his items were very popular, he never expected that they would be sold to such an extent. It has only been on the shelves for a long time, and even one-fifth of them have been sold.

At this rate, these things will definitely be sold out in a maximum of two days.

"Hahaha, buy it, buy it, I'll give you as much as you want, as long as the merit is in place."

Ji Yang said with a smile.

Early the next morning, as soon as Ji Yang got up from the bed, he received a delivery call from Malvo, saying that his xo had arrived.

An international chain is an international chain, and the efficiency of this work is still acceptable. There was no stock when I went there last night, but it was delivered so early today, and Ji Yang was very satisfied.

"Hi, Mr. Ji, I'm Cao Liang, the buyer of Marvo, you can call me Xiao Cao, I'm here to deliver wine to you."

Seeing the ordinary-looking young man in front of him greet him, Ji Yang said hello with a faint smile, and then asked the other party to drive to his villa.

Ji Yang didn't ask the other party to send the wine to the basement or other rooms, but asked them to put the wine in the living room. Anyway, he will give it away later, and it's the same wherever he puts it.

After swiping the card to sign for receipt, Cao Liang and others left, while Ji Yang quietly looked at the more than 100 bottles of xo piled up in the living room.

He had only heard about xo before, but Ji Yang hadn't tasted it. Although drinking early in the morning is not good for his health, Ji Yang decided to try it first.

"This wine is so weird. It feels weird to drink it. Didn't it say that xo is a strong wine? Why is it written forty degrees?"

"But even if it's forty degrees, it shouldn't be so weak. Could it be because I'm a ninth-rank immortal now, so drinking this kind of xo feels like drinking water?"

Ji Yang, who drank xo for the first time, sighed softly.

XO is indeed a strong alcoholic drink, but compared to Russian vodka, which is as high as [-]% alcohol, and Chinese liquor, which is generally around [-]% alcohol, this XO can only be regarded as a relatively mild distilled alcohol.

XO has arrived, and it has been a few days since Tianlei's assessment. Ji Yang hopes that the wheel-turning king will not question his credibility, so that it will be inconvenient to find him for business in the future.

"Turning Wheel King, what are you busy with?"

"Xiaobai, what else can I do, isn't it just arranging reincarnation every day."

"You are now a Ninth Rank Immortal, congratulations."

Judging by the tone of the wheel-turning king, it seems that he is not angry with himself.

"King of the Wheel, thank you for your help with Li Zixuan's matter last time. I promised to send you a hundred bottles of Chaquan wine once Tianlei passed. Recently, I was delayed by some things, so I only delivered the wine to you today."

When Ji Yang was speaking, he also passed xo to King Zhuanlun.

The wheel-running king in the underworld looked at the hundred bottles of xo wine that he had never seen before, and he was very excited.

At that time, he only wanted ten bottles, but Ji Yang promised to give him a hundred bottles. At that time, Zhuanlun Wang didn't take Ji Yang's words too seriously, he didn't expect that he really gave himself a hundred bottles.

The ghost messengers in the Tenth Hades Palace also looked curiously at the pile of wine that suddenly appeared, and some of the good wine started to drool.

"Looking at how promising you guys are, I'm such a stingy person, your King of Hades. Take these two bottles and enjoy them."

The runner king picked up two bottles of xo and gave them to the ghost messengers in front of him. Hearing what the runner king said, the ghost messengers thanked the runner king again and again.

These ghost messengers in the underworld have never seen XO before. As soon as the wine arrived, the impatient people opened it, and while thanking the runner king, they shared it in front of the runner king. The runner king didn't blame them, because He opened a bottle himself.

"Turning Wheel King, this person came to reincarnate from the eighteenth floor of the underworld, and they all reincarnated in the animal realm."

"Hey, fork circle wine, so much?"

While Zhuanlun Wang and Guicha were drinking XO, Heiwuchang brought a dozen tortured and disfigured ghosts to the Tenth Hall of Hades, and Heiwuchang's eyes lit up when he saw XO.

Heiwuchang is a good drinker, and he only drank this XO once. Seeing so many XOs at this time, his throat felt a little dry.

Seeing Black and White Impermanence coming, the King of the Wheel put down the half-drunk XO in his hand, and looked at the dozen or so tortured ghosts, his expression did not change in any particular way.

"Don't drink it for now, take them all to Meng Po's to drink Meng Po soup, and then enter the animal realm. These two will be reborn as pigs, these three will be tortoises, and this one will be a cow..."

The wheel-runner yelled coldly at the ghost messengers. Hearing the order from the wheel-runner king, the ghost messengers who were still sharing the wine also moved.

However, when these ghost messengers were about to take the ghost to Meng Po, one of the ghost messengers muttered to himself: "Now the wine in the world is really bad. It tastes like water. It's boring."

Although the ghost messenger's voice was not loud, Hei Wuchang still heard it.

Hei Wuchang drank XO before, although this XO is indeed not very strong, but it is absolutely impossible to be the same as this ghost said.

"What are you talking about, you said that this fork circle wine is like water, without the smell of wine?"

Hei Wuchang's eyes were fixed, and he grabbed the ghost and asked in a cold voice.

What a joke, I was drunk and made a mistake because I drank this wine at the time. If this wine was said by other ghosts to be weak, but I still drank too much, then I would lose face. Do business in the government.

"Master Hei, really, if you don't believe me, try it."

The ghost messenger still had half a bottle left in his hand, and when he saw the angry look in Hei Wuchang's eyes, he gave the half bottle in his hand to Hei Wuchang.

Hei Wuchang didn't say a word, and poured the wine directly into his mouth. Hei Wuchang's eyes froze as soon as the XO was in his mouth.


He actually spit out the wine he was drinking.

"It's really hard to drink. Where is this wine? It's water at all?"

"King of the Wheel, this cross-circle wine is different from what I drink in the mortal world, where did you get it?"

Heiwuchang's voice was a bit puzzled, but also asked angrily.

This is clearly fake wine, who dares to send fake wine to Lord Yan, this is really life-threatening.

"What did you say? You said it was water and not wine. No wonder I had no taste when I drank it. I thought this wine was just like that."

"This Xiaobai, thanks to the fact that I gave him tears last time to help him, he actually lied to me with fake wine!"

"Bang, click!"

The Wheel-Running King shouted angrily, and the XO in his hand was smashed to pieces by him.

Seeing that the wheel-running king was angry, all the ghost messengers dragged the ghosts away quickly, they were afraid that the wheel-turning king would vent his anger on them later.

Hei Wuchang also understood when he heard Zhuanlunwang's words. It turned out that these XO wines were the wine that Ji Yang promised to give Zhuanlunwang.

However, based on Hei Wuchang's understanding of Ji Yang, he felt that the other party would not do this kind of thing of giving fake wine to the wheel king.

Just when Hei Wuchang was about to say a few words for Ji Yang, his WeChat rang, and it turned out that the person who spoke was Ji Yang.

 Thanks for the cold heart, violent, core core,?I hope everyone will continue to recommend and reward, and Xieben will continue to work hard

(End of this chapter)

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