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Chapter 1431 There is one family left

Chapter 1431 Ten Families Left (Third)
Ji Yang asked Xiong Da to find the positions of other guardian families in the forest. This is what he said later. What he said first was that Xiong Da would be his own in the future.

The shock brought by his words was no less than when he saw Ji Yang's terrifying strength just now.

The big monster equivalent to 3000 years, was subdued just like that?

People from the Kong family and the Feng family looked even more shocked at Ji Yang.

A monster of this level is enough to compete with the patriarch of any family in the Guardian Alliance.

But it was so easily subdued by Ji Yang, what a horrible family affair.

Needless to say, just Ji Yang and Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King, and Xiong Da, once the four of them attack any family, which family can stop it?
Even if it is blocked, the price the family will pay will be heavy.

"The leader of the Guardian Alliance this time is none other than Ji Yang."

Ji Yang's four people are enough to compete with any family, and this is only four.

With Ji Yang's current ability, this is definitely not all.

Thinking of this, Kong Li and Feng Rong looked at each other, knowing that there was no need to continue the screening.

Because Ji Yang's current strength has completely surpassed Xuanyuanwei of the previous generation, he is a well-deserved leader of the Guardian Alliance.

Whoever fights with Ji Yang is going to die.

"Well, I have a way."

While the Feng family and the Kong family were thinking, Xiong Da began to speak.

Xiong Da's answer can be said to be within Ji Yang's expectation.

As the demon king here, if he can't find anything to do with the few people in the forest, then Xiong Da, the demon king, is a failure enough.

"Then let's get started. In one day, I'll see how many families are left in this forest."

Although this screening lasted for two days, after one day, Ji Yang believes that at least half of the families have already been eliminated.

Under Ji Yang's signal, Xiong Da nodded.

The bear's humanoid body began to change, and it was wrapped in a thick black evil spirit, and then a huge black bear five or six meters high appeared in front of everyone.

Although we already know that Xiong Da is a black bear spirit, but seeing him reveal his true colors, the three of Ji Yang's side are very calm.

But the Kong family and the Feng family were still taken aback.

This was the first time they had seen such a big black bear.

The size of Asian black bears is not exaggerated among bears. It should be said that they are relatively small. Most of them are 1.5 meters to 1.7 meters. It is an exaggeration to grow to two meters.

And the largest bear species, the brown bear, can hardly grow to three meters.

However, the size of Xiong Da reached five or six meters. This huge monster can definitely smash a person's head with one paw.


Xiong Da's body turned into its original form, which seemed to be a vent, or maybe it was to show his strength.

He first slapped a big tree next to him with his paw, and the place where he slapped it shattered, and the big tree was broken directly by the slap.

The big tree fell, and Xiong looked at the Kong family and the Feng family with big eyes.

"Protect your ears with true energy, or you will be injured later, don't say I didn't warn you."

After all, Xiong Da is the king here, and he has his own arrogance.

Xiong Da is convinced by Ji Yang, but it doesn't mean that he will be polite to the Feng family and Kong family who are not as good as him.

Faced with Xiong Da's slightly contemptuous eyes, the members of the Kong family and the Feng family were not angry either.

Who made himself inferior to the other party? It wasn't that Ji Yang, Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King were here. Xiong Da didn't despise them, maybe he had already slapped them.

After Xiong Da warned them, he felt that everyone had already circulated their true qi, Xiong Da raised his head, and the demonic energy in his body circulated.

Vibrant demonic energy appeared around Xiong Da's body, Xiong Da's chest rose and fell, and he raised his head to the sky and screamed.


The sound of a bear roar appeared, the demonic aura vibrated, and the demonic wind blew.

The roar this time is really flying sand and rolling stones.

The black demonic aura drifted away, the ground was cracked by Xiong Da's roar, the surrounding rocks were cracked, and big trees were broken down the middle.

Although they had listened to Xiong Da's words, the members of the Kong family and the Feng family covered their ears with true energy.

But they still felt that their ears were buzzing, and their eyes, nose and ears had the urge to bleed, and under the vibration of the evil spirit, their bodies retreated unconsciously.

"Third Brother Peng, Second Brother Jiao, protect them."

Xiong Da's roar this time was really loud enough, and coupled with the pressure of the monster aura, it was indeed difficult for people like Kong Li and Feng Rong to compete.

Ji Yang asked Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King to protect them. Under the protection of Jiao Demon King and Peng Demon King's release of demon energy, they felt much better.

Xiong Da's roar was not only affected within a few meters or tens of meters in front of him, but also within several kilometers in a radius.

All the birds and beasts who heard its roar were shocked.

Some birds, beasts, monsters, and monsters ran towards the place where the bear's loud noise sounded.

"How is this going?"

"It must have been some monster that got mad, maybe it was offended by some guardian family."

"What a strong evil spirit, who is so unlucky? Do we want to save it?"

"Help? You go, I won't go, this monster's aura is so strong, if you go, you will die..."

The birds and beasts in the forest were startled by the bear's roar, and some guards who happened to hear the roar and saw the frightened birds and beasts also showed shock on their faces.

They were all guessing what was going on with the roar.

It's just that their reactions are not authentic. All of them think about self-protection.


In just ten minutes, hundreds of birds, beasts, monsters and monsters had gathered around Ji Yang and the others.

Whether it was ordinary birds, beasts, monsters, or monsters, when they first came to Xiong Dachu, they all showed obvious hostility towards Ji Yang and others.

It seems that they all thought Xiong Da was in danger and asked them to help.

But after the bear roared twice, these guys were quiet.

"Within three hours, I want to know how many humans are in the forest other than here, and where are they located. Go!"

After the beasts and monsters that Xiong Daling came to calm down, he ordered the task directly.

But don't think that Xiong Da only summons a few hundred, and only these few hundred are the only ones to find.

They will also spread the news. I believe that soon, this dense forest covering an area of ​​tens of kilometers will become lively.

After Xiong Da arranges the mission, Ji Yang and the others only need to do one thing, and that is to wait.

Three hours passed quickly. During these three hours, news came one after another.

Finally, after summarizing all the information, Ji Yang found that the number of guardian families still in the forest was less than he thought.

"Besides us, there are ten other families."

"In other words, during this day, more than 20 families were eliminated."

Ji Yang originally thought that besides himself, there should be fifteen or sixteen families. After all, there are more than 30 families involved.

But now there are only ten left, and the speed of elimination is still very fast.

And the families that can be left must be elites, and they are powerful guardian families...

(End of this chapter)

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