The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 144 Plum Red Wine Industry

Chapter 144 Plum Red Wine Industry (Part [-])
Is the water also certified?
As soon as Ji Yang said this, the audience fell silent instantly.

Wang Yueming frowned deeply. Fake wine is not uncommon in China, but even those who make fake wine know to use industrial alcohol or chemicals to make it right, at least it tastes like wine, but the other party directly said here It was water, which made Wang Yueming a little confused.

Who would be so stupid, don't people who make fake wine have brains, just pour water, so that people will know it is fake wine once they drink it.

But although he was puzzled, seeing Ji Yang's firm eyes, Wang Yueming asked Xiaosong to open the wine.

When Xiaosong poured a glass of wine and handed it to Wang Yueming, Wang Yueming's eyes frown, and his face turned ugly.

This XO Wang Yueming drank it before, and it was exactly the same. When he was drinking it, when the wine was close to him, there would be a smell of alcohol, and it was very strong, with brandy (XO is the best for the top. brandy) wine aroma.

But Xiaosong handed him the glass, although it smelled like wine, it was very weak. Although he didn't think Ji Yang was talking about water, it was almost there.

Looking at Wang Yueming, whose expression changed obviously, and who had been holding the wine in his hands for a long time, the smile on Ji Yang's face became wider and wider. He knew that the other party already knew that the wine was fake.

"You can taste it with confidence. I drank most of the bottle. I'm fine. I can't die."

Ji Yang urged softly, and the employees of Marvo Supermarket all looked at Wang Yueming. They didn't know why Wang Yueming didn't drink the wine in his hand.

"Boy, why are you urging, don't you know that wine should be tasted slowly, Manager Wang is observing and appraising, understand!"

Seeing Ji Yang's urging, a security guard directly yelled at him, obviously sycophant.

Observation and identification of a girl, even if you are flattering, you have to understand. Now Wang Yueming's face is obviously very ugly.

"I'm in a bad mood today, you'd better not mess with me, or I'll destroy you directly."

Seeing that the security guard was quite arrogant, Ji Yang stared and shouted in a cold voice.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, the security guard glared at Ji Yang because he had a companion by his side.

"If you're so badass, I..."

"That's enough, sir, can you please come to the office with me?"

There are many people here, in order not to affect Malvo's reputation, Wang Yueming decided that it would be better to settle it privately.

If he doesn't speak at this time, the security guard will have a conflict with Ji Yang, but he can't solve it privately.

"It seems that you have identified the true and false. Seeing that you are still polite, I will give you face and go to your office."

"You are lucky today. If he hadn't spoken, I would have beaten you to death today."

When Ji Yang walked to the office with Wang Yueming, he still didn't forget to say a word to the security guard who was clamoring just now.

The security guard was angry in his heart, but he didn't know how to speak, because Wang Yueming was staring at him coldly. If he spoke at this time, if Wang Yueming said a word, he would have to get out of here.

Seeing that the security guard did not dare to speak, Ji Yang smiled triumphantly, and left with Wang Yuming. At the same time, Wang Yueming also called the cashier Xiaosong.

After arriving at the office, Wang Yueming directly apologized to Ji Yang, and promised to compensate Ji Yang for his loss, and even willing to pay more.

But Ji Yang came here not only to pay compensation, but also to understand the matter. He spent 10,000+ to buy wine to send to the King of the Wheel, not only because the fake wine affected his reputation, but also made him angry. It can't be left alone.

Wang Yueming had no choice but to ask Xiaosong to notify Cao Liang to come over.

When Cao Liang came to the office, he was still very happy. Today, he made a commission of thousands of dollars all at once.

But when he entered the office, he found that the atmosphere was not right.

"Uh, isn't this the local tyrant I delivered wine to in the morning? Why is he here?"

Cao Liang was a little puzzled. When he noticed that Ji Yang and Wang Yueming were looking at him coldly, he felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Hello Manager Wang."

"What a fart, tell me, what's the matter with this wine."

"It's not been a day or two since you came to the company. It's not like you don't know the company's rules. You even sent fake wines worth 10,000+ to customers. Do you know how bad your actions will bring to the company?"

Wang Yueming spoke angrily. When Cao Liang heard the word fake wine, he was so scared that he almost sat down on the ground.

I clearly gave real wine, so why did it become a fake.

"Impossible, what I sent is the real thing."

"Really? Then you mean that I framed you, try it yourself."

Hearing Cao Liang's denial, Wang Mingyue handed the XO directly to Cao Liang. Cao Liang took a sip nervously, and his face changed instantly. The wine turned out to be really fake.

After confirming that the wine was fake, Wang Yueming also began to question Cao Liang. Cao Liang also told Wang Yueming the whole process from picking him up to delivering the goods.

Ji Yang never opened his mouth. He just listened carefully while observing Cao Liang's breath and expression changes.

After the whole process, Ji Yang can basically conclude that what Cao Liang said is true.

"Confused, such a large order, why don't you know how to place the order first."

After hearing what Cao Liang said, Wang Yueming scolded Cao Liang.

When suppliers supply goods, they usually conduct spot checks, but Cao Liang did not this time.

If it wasn't for his mistake, he wouldn't let the opponent take advantage of the loophole.

The reason why Cao Liang didn't do random inspections was because he was too happy to get carried away, and the other was that he trusted the other party too much, and he didn't expect that he would deceive himself this time.

"Mr. Ji, this matter is due to the mistakes of our employees, which caused your loss. We will definitely compensate you."

The matter has been sorted out, and Wang Yueming must find the supplier to settle the score, but at present, Ji Yang's problem still needs to be solved.

"There is no need for extra compensation. You just need to get me 130 bottles of XO as soon as possible. As for the supplier, I will go to them personally to settle the score."

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Wang Yueming didn't know what to say for a while.

According to Malvo’s credit standard, one fake wine will pay ten. Now Ji Yang has more than 100 bottles of fake wine, worth 10,000+. He is not easy to explain to the head office.

Wang Yueming agreed to Ji Yang's suggestion without thinking, and Cao Liang took Ji Yang directly to find the supplier with a depressed face.

Meihong Wine Industry, this is the supplier company that provided XO wine to Ji Yang.

When Cao Liang brought Ji Yang here, the front desk seemed to know Cao Liang very well, and greeted Cao Liang warmly after seeing him.

"Brother Cao is here, how much wine do you plan to order today?"

"What the fuck, I'm looking for Sister Mei, is Sister Mei there?"

Is it possible that Cao Liang is not familiar with the front desk? Every time he comes here, he always makes fun of the front desk.

But I came here today to settle accounts, not to pick up girls.

 Not much to say, bookmark, recommend and reward, there is another update at ten o'clock, Xieben is not a professional writer and has to go to work during the day, Xieben has done his best to code words

(End of this chapter)

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