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Chapter 1455 Was Ji Yang Killed

Chapter 1455 Was Ji Yang Killed?

In the back mountain forest of the Dongfang family, a range of about ten kilometers was covered by red and green mist.

(red is blood, green is poison)
Where Ji Yang went after the explosion, and what the situation is, no one knows.

But the fog was so heavy that even the eyesight of Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King couldn't see too far. They could only rely on their perception to find Ji Yang.

"You guys came just in time, find Ji Yang!"

The Jiao Demon King is looking for it on the ground, and the Peng Demon King is looking for it in the air.

When Jiao Demon King saw Kong Li and the others, he shouted in a cold and dignified voice.

Kong Li and the others knew that something was wrong with the reaction of the Flood Demon King, who had always given people a calm feeling. They circulated their true energy one after another, and looked for Ji Yang in the red and green mist.

When they were searching, the other guardians of the family in the forest were also very scared.

The explosion just now was so powerful that it can be said that you can see the situation here from any corner in the forest.

Everyone looked towards the location of the red and green mist.

"What is that, who made such a big commotion?"

"It shouldn't be our people, even the former Xuanyuan Guards would definitely not be able to make such a big noise."

"Could it be a monster? How many years of cultivation has been done by a monster, who can make him make such a big noise?"

"What do you want to do so much, I'll just go and have a look."

The remaining five guardians of the family were shocked and curious.

Some people are preparing to go to the location of the explosion, while others are apprehensive.

They are afraid that the monster who made the noise is still there, if they go, isn't it courting death?
But think about it, they are all members of the Guardian Alliance, maybe they are still alive, if everyone goes together, maybe it can help.

The members of the last remaining five families rushed towards the location of the explosion.

While they were rushing, the Dongfang family was also in great chaos at this time.

Those who participated in the Guardian Alliance Conference were all waiting for the results outside the forest behind Dongfang's house.

In more than ten hours, the Dongfang family will send someone to pick him up.

They were waiting outside, and the sudden huge explosion in the forest also attracted their attention. Looking at the red and green mist falling from the sky in the forest, these people were shocked.

"Patriarch Dongfang, what's going on?"

"It's such a strong explosion, such a strong vibration of true energy, who made this?"

"I don't know, even Patriarch Kong and Patriarch Yin wouldn't make such a big commotion, would they?"

"If it wasn't them, who would it be? What kind of situation did you encounter, and you actually used this method?"

Everyone is guessing, guessing the cause of the explosion.

Dongfang Yu, who was being questioned, frowned and didn't say anything.

But his eyes were unconsciously looking at Li Shang. When Li Shang saw him looking at him, he turned and left, and Dongfang Yu followed.

"Brother Li, Ji Yang is the only one who can make such a noise among the people participating in the screening."

"I thought so too, but what happened to him that made Yang'er make such a big fuss?"

Dongfang Yu and Li Shang left because they didn't want others to hear their conversation.

They all believed that the person who made such a big commotion should be Ji Yang.

"The most threatening to him in the forest are the Yin family, the Wan family, and the Gongxi family. Given their cultivation, they shouldn't be able to force Ji Yang to such an extent."

"I suspect it's a monster in the forest. He must have encountered some big monster."

"Big monster? There are still big monsters in this forest?"


When Dongfang Yu mentioned the great monster in the forest, Li Shang's face changed slightly.

Some big monsters are more terrifying than those who guard the alliance.

When Li Shang's face changed slightly, Dongfang Yu told Li Shang about the situation in the forest with some bitterness.

There is a big demon in the back mountain of the Dongfang family, which is also related to Dongfang Yu's decline in cultivation over the years.

Because no one can threaten these monsters at all, so the monsters here are growing very fast.

"It was my fault, but the strongest monster in the forest is a black bear spirit about 3000 years old. With the strength of Demon King Peng and the others, Ji Yang should not be in danger."

Dongfang Yu knew the horrors of Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King.

Moreover, Ji Yang himself is a very tough person, so Dongfang Yu feels that his safety is nothing.

"That's what I said, but I still don't feel at ease. I think I should go into the forest immediately to find out the situation."

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements."

According to the rules, it is not allowed to send people into the forest before the leader's selection is over.

But now that there was such a big commotion in the forest, and the incident happened suddenly, everyone was also curious, and no one would stop someone from entering at this time.

Dongfang Yu prepared a total of ten helicopters. In addition to the members of the Dongfang family, some patriarchs and experts from other families also boarded the helicopter.

The reason why so many people entered the forest was also for safety reasons.

After all, the cause of the explosion has not been clarified yet, and Li Shang, Dongfang Yu and Dongfang Mei's four daughters were also on the plane.

When ten helicopters flew towards the center of the explosion, Xiong Da arrived at the location of the explosion.

Behind him, there are several monsters who are not weak.

"How is this going?"

Xiong Dayi arrived at the location of the explosion, staring at him solemnly.

Although his vision was poor because of the willingness of the red and green mist, he still saw the ruined ground.

"Let your people enter it to find Ji Yang, hurry up."

"What, something happened to Boss Ji, what's going on?"

"What are you asking, first find Ji Yang, hurry up!"

When he heard that he wanted to find Ji Yang, Xiong Da was a little confused. Ji Yang is so powerful, and such a big movement must have something to do with Ji Yang.

But Ji Yang is gone, this matter can be a big deal.

But he wanted to ask what happened, but in return he was reprimanded by the Demon King Peng.

Being reprimanded by Peng Demon King, although Xiong Da was a little unhappy, he didn't dare to waste time, and immediately ordered the monsters behind him to enter the mist to look for Ji Yang.

At the same time, Xiong Da also summoned some nearby monsters that are capable of resisting the toxins in the mist to join the search team.

The range of ten kilometers was quickly searched by so many people.

But the final result disappointed them greatly, because they did not find Ji Yang at all.

Just then, ten helicopters sent by Dongfang Yu arrived.

When they saw many monsters and monsters on the ground for the first time, they were ready to do it.

But when they saw Kong Li, Peng Demon King and others, they didn't directly attack.

"What's going on here? Where's Ji Yang?"

Li Shang didn't see Ji Yang in the crowd, his heart tightened, and he asked Demon King Peng worriedly.

After learning that Peng Demon King and others were looking for Ji Yang but failed to find him, everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts.

The explosion just now was so strong, but no one was found at this time. The result was very bad. Ji Yang was probably killed by the explosion, and there was no body left...

(End of this chapter)

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