The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1463 Looking at Hometown Terrace to See the Mortal World

Chapter 1463
"Then I'll wait for your massage chair."

"Make way for all the adults, let them pass the Naihe Bridge quickly."

This Naihe bridge is in charge of by Po Meng, and all ghost messengers give way at her order.

In fact, even without Po Meng's order, these ghost messengers would not dare to stand in the way of black and white impermanence.

Walking on the Naihe Bridge, Black and White Wuchang and Ji Yang walked towards the bridge head unimpeded.

When encountering ghost messengers leading ghosts on the way, these ghost messengers greet Black and White Wuchang and Ji Yang, and let the ghosts make way after calling out to the Lord.

The Naihe Bridge is very long, but at the speed of Ji Yang and Black and White Wuchang, they reached the bridge head very quickly.

After walking to the bridge, Ji Yang saw a tall earthen platform.

Many ghosts stood in line under the platform, and the ghost guards controlled them to walk up the platform in an orderly manner.

It's just that these ghosts don't seem to be easy to control. Many ghosts are scrambling to walk to the earth platform, even ignoring the beatings and scolding from the ghost guards, and they don't care about the pain they are enduring.

All the ghosts who walked on the earthen platform either wept endlessly, or yelled and looked sad.

And when they shouted, they were calling their parents, wives, or children...

"If you don't eat human food for one day, you will cross the realm of Yin and Yang in two days, and you will reach Wangxiang Terrace in three days. This earthen platform is Wangxiang Terrace."

"From the Wangxiang Terrace, you can see your hometown. After crying here, they can enter the Underworld with all their hearts and minds, and then they can rest assured to reincarnate."

When Ji Yang looked at the earth platform with some doubts and curiosity, Bai Wuchang's voice rang in his ears.

Wangxiang Terrace is also recorded in the mortal world, and Ji Yang has seen it before.

"On the stage of looking at the hometown, the ghosts are in a hurry, and there are two lines of tears, the wives and children are nestled next to the coffin, and relatives and friends gather together in the mourning hall."

Ji Yang remembered that he had read such a sentence in a book, and said softly after learning that this was the Wangxiang Terrace.

And when he thought that he could see the mortal hometown from here, the figures of his parents, Mu Hong's four daughters, Peng Caixuan and others flashed in Ji Yang's mind.

I came to the underworld for no reason, and I don't know what happened to them.

"I want to go up and have a look."

"You want to know the situation of your mortal relatives, so go and have a look."

"All the ghosts get out of the way, whoever refuses to obey the rules will be directly thrown into the Wangchuan River."

Black and White Wuchang heard that Ji Yang was going to the Wangxiang Terrace, and after speaking softly to Ji Yang, he shouted loudly at the Wangxiang Terrace.

Whether in the mortal world or in the underworld, there is no real equality at all.

The underworld is the same as the mortal world, there are levels, and this Ji Yang has already seen it very clearly.

If you don't queue up and go directly to the Wangxiang Terrace, this is considered to be the back door, right?

But these, Ji Yang is not in the mood to care about it now, after glancing at those ghosts who dare not make mistakes under the scolding of black and white impermanence, Ji Yang's body soars into the air and flies towards the Wangxiang Terrace.

"Quickly give your lord the external device, please, lord."

At this time, there are still a few ghosts standing on the lookout platform.

As soon as Ji Yang arrived on the Wangxiang Terrace, the ghost messengers on the Wangxiang Terrace began to drive away other ghosts.

Black and white impermanence spoke, and the ghost messengers and ghosts could see that Ji Yang's identity was not simple, and the ghost chased him away, and the ghosts obediently gave up the best position for Ji Yang.

"My lord, as long as you think about where you want to see, you can see what you want to see."

Ji Yang stood still, and the ghost messenger reminded Ji Yang how to see the mortal world from Wangxiang Terrace.

Ji Yang almost nodded at the ghost who was talking, and first thought of the back mountain of the Dongfang family in his mind.

That's where it happened, and his first thought was also there.

The situation on the back mountain of Dongfang’s house appeared in front of Ji Yang’s eyes in an instant. Ji Yang saw the dilapidated place where Yin Hui’s body exploded, and it was still shrouded in red and green gas.

But in the red and green gas, he didn't see the person he wanted to see.

"Meier and the others should have taken my body away, they should be at Dongfang's house now."

I didn't see my physical body, nor did I see the person I wanted to see.

Ji Yang thought in his mind, and then began to think about the Dongfang family.

After the Dongfang family appeared in his eyes, Ji Yang saw that there were many people in the courtyard of the Dongfang family. He didn't know many of these people, but he knew some of them.

For example, Dongfang Yu, Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King and generals.

But the people here are not what he wants to see the most.

After searching for a while, he saw a room full of candles, his own body was lying in the room, and beside him lay the motionless little dragon girl.

The four daughters of Mu Hong were wiping their bodies with wet towels, and Fang Yu and Li Shang were also beside them. Fang Yu's eyes were red, and she wiped her eyes from time to time, as if she was crying.

Watching this scene, Ji Yang felt a little sore in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but get moist.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to see the ghosts of your hometown through Wangxiangtai, you should have left Wangxiangtai long ago.

But Ji Yang has a special status, no one dares to care how long he wants to watch.

But Ji Yang has already seen what he wanted to see, and instead of being sad here, he might as well return to the mortal world as soon as possible.

And if you want to return to the mortal world, you must first figure out why your soul left your body and went to the underworld. It is more important to meet the King of Hades first.

"Let them come and see, I'm leaving."

"Congratulations, sir."

Ji Yang let out a long breath to ease his mood.

After saying something to the ghost guard beside him, he floated up and jumped down from Wangxiang Terrace.

"Have you seen it all?"

"Well, I see, my parents and women have protected my body very well."

"Shall I contact them and tell them you're here?"

Black and White Wuchang saw that Ji Yang was in a bad mood, so he proposed to inform Mu Hong and others of Ji Yang's situation through WeChat.

But Ji Yang shook his head, telling them to stop talking.

After the matter is clarified, he will contact Mu Hong and the others.

"Let's go, let's go see King Qin Guang and the others."

"Okay, let's go, King Qin Guang's Palace of the King of Hades is going this way."

Walking through the Wangxiang Terrace, Ji Yang saw several forks in the road, and there were many ghosts guarding each fork in the road, and ghosts were constantly being led to different forks by ghost messengers.

These forks in the road lead to the various palaces of Hades.

When going to King Qin Guang's Palace of the Underworld, Black and White Wuchang told Ji Yang that although he drank Mengpo soup, the ghost would not forget everything immediately.

These ghosts have to be interrogated by the King of Hades, explaining what they did during their lifetime. The King of Hades will judge whether they are good or evil, and then they will be reincarnated or sent to the [-]th hell, tongue-pulling hell and other punishments before they will completely forget everything.

When Ji Yang was told this, Black and White Wuchang had brought Ji Yang to a tall and stalwart ancient pavilion.

On the top of the pavilion, there are several large characters of Qin Guangwang in the first palace.

"Hei lord, Bai lord, you are here. King Qin Guang is interrogating the ghosts he just sent here. This ghost has to wait."

"This is Immortal Bai, not an ordinary ghost, we can just go in."

The ghost guard in front of the pavilion saw that Black and White Wuchang was leading Ji Yang, and thought that Ji Yang was here for interrogation.

As soon as he entered the Palace of the King of Hell, Ji Yang saw a few acquaintances...

 Regarding the question about the Naihe Bridge, there are actually different opinions about where the Naihe Bridge is. I also wanted to let Ji Yang see the Naihe Bridge, so I wrote a relatively unpopular statement. Ji Yang needs a special method to return to Yangjian, so there is no alternative
(End of this chapter)

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