The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1472 Ji Yang seeks blessings from himself

Chapter 1472
Ji Yang was already enduring the power of the law of the three realms and the lightning released by the law of the three realms.

These two forces have caused Ji Yang unbearable pain.

Now with the flame released by the law of the three realms, no one dared to think about the consequences of Ji Yang under the triple force.


Ji Yang, who was wrapped in flames, could no longer see his appearance clearly.

There were continuous screams from his mouth, which made even the kings of Hades of the Ten Temples feel terrified.

It is such a great pain that people can make such a miserable cry.

"Brother, let's retreat quickly, if we don't retreat, we will all be buried here today."

Do you want to save Ji Yang, you want to save him, but how can you save him now?
The Ten Temples of Hades have already made a move together, and there are more than 2 ghost soldiers and ghosts to assist.

But they made a move, but they couldn't save Ji Yang.

In this situation, it is no longer possible to rely on external forces to help Ji Yang, but Ji Yang himself.

And Hades of Ten Palaces felt that the thunder and lightning he was enduring was getting stronger and stronger, and those flames suppressed by the Yin soldiers and ghosts also began to counterattack.

If they don't quit, they will be the same as Ji Yang now.


King Qin Guang looked at Ji Yang, who was wrapped in flames, and his eyes were bloodshot when he heard Ji Yang's miserable cry.

He has tried his best, but he still can't save Ji Yang, he is very unwilling.

But the law of the three realms is too terrifying. When the law of the three realms first appeared, how many great gods tried to break through the law of the three realms, but in the end they ended up with their souls scattered.

Even with the increase in the number of artifacts collected by Ji Yang, the power of the Law of the Three Realms has weakened, but it is still impossible to forcibly break away.

Whether you like it or not, you can only retreat now, otherwise the ten kings of hell will be scattered.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Following Qin Guangwang's exit, the King of Hades of the Ten Temples quickly retreated with the sound of breaking the wind.

When they retreated, the burning flames had completely counterattacked, and dense flames ignited, and within a radius of [-] meters of Ji Yang's location, it was full of pitch-black flames.

In the sky, countless thunder and lightning fell.

"Xiaobai... ah ah..."

When these flames and lightning were obviously intensified, the sound of exclamation sounded at the center of the flames and lightning.

Listening to the sound, it should be black and white impermanence and bull's head.

After the three of them arrived in the mortal world, they didn't see Ji Yang following him to the mortal world, so they knew that Ji Yang hadn't passed the law of the three realms.

When the three of them returned quickly, they happened to catch up with the King of Hades of the Ten Temples retreating.

Looking at Ji Yang, who was in a wrong situation, the three of them wanted to save them, but as soon as they came into contact with Ji Yang, they were ejected one by one like horse faces.

Fortunately, they were ejected, otherwise they would have suffered double attacks from flames and lightning just like Ji Yang at this time.

No, there is also an attack from the law of the Three Realms.

"Yan Wang, Xiaobai..."

Black and White Wuchang and Bull's Head were ejected, each of them was very weak, but they were stronger than Ma Mian, that is, they were not unconscious.

Niutou opened his mouth to ask about Ji Yang's situation, but he found that the Hades of the Ten Palaces had an ugly face, and looking at the situation in front of him, he knew that he had better not ask.

Everything is in front of your eyes, and why do you ask so much nonsense.

"Brother, what about Xiaobai?"

"He can only ask for good luck now. We were all wrong this time. This attempt is too risky."

Emperor Yan Luo looked at King Qin Guang and asked worriedly.

King Qin Guang shook his head with an ugly face, he doesn't know what to do now.

This is the law of the Three Realms. For thousands of years, no god can compete with the Law of the Three Realms.

Under such circumstances, Ji Yang would probably be unable to survive, but he couldn't say that, he had to have a glimmer of hope for Ji Yang.

"Ah ah ah..."

While King Qin Guang was speaking, there were successive screams.

It turned out that the burning flame of the law of the three realms was spreading, and some ghosts who were about to enter the gate of hell were affected.

Under the fire of the law of the three realms, these ghosts burned instantly and then turned into ashes.

When this scene appeared, the expression of Hades of the Ten Palaces changed.

Facing this kind of threat, these ghosts will definitely refuse to obey discipline.

Sure enough, the ghosts began to riot, and they began to rush into the blocked ghost gate like crazy.

"Run, run, or you will lose your soul."

Facing the ghost soldiers guarding the ghost gate, these ghosts still have a chance.

But if it is attacked by the fire and lightning of the law of the three realms, it is certain death.

Therefore, the ghosts chose to rush to the gate of ghosts, and because the Yin Qi was released to resist the flames just now, the breath of the ghost soldiers guarding the gate of ghosts was a little weak.

Facing the number of ghosts rushing towards them, they couldn't stop them at all.

"Open the door!"

The panic of the ghosts can be understood by Hades of the Ten Temples, so they chose to take the initiative to open the gates of ghosts.

It's just that the ghosts were too flustered. When they rushed into the gate of hell, there were still ghosts fighting because of who came first.

Something happened to Ji Yang, and Hades of the Ten Palaces was very depressed.

Now that Ji Yang's situation is unknown, the door is open, and the ghosts are still unruly, and the anger in their hearts is instantly ignited.

When Hades of the Ten Temples gets angry, the unruly ghosts will be in bad luck.

You can't blame Hades of the Ten Palaces for this, the doors are all open, so hurry up.

Passed in order, all can pass safely.

"Zhong Kui kowtows to the King of Hades."

"The leopard tail bows to the king of Hades."

"The bird's beak bows to the King of Hades..."

The movement of the ghost gate was too great, the yin commanders of the underworld consciously led the yin soldiers, and the number was more than the number of yin soldiers guarding the ghost gate.

They came at the right time, and they are needed right now, because the handsome ghost guard who originally guarded the ghost gate is a little weak.

"Anyone who fights or doesn't obey the rules will be punished on the spot!"


There is nowhere to vent the anger in my heart, so I can only vent it on these unruly ghosts.

The ghosts who thought they could escape were ruthlessly destroyed.

Don't blame Hades of the Ten Palaces for being cruel, just blame these ghosts for not following the rules.

When Zhong Kui and other Yin commanders led the Yin soldiers to destroy the unruly ghosts, the King of Yama of the Ten Temples looked solemnly at the burning flames and falling thunder and lightning in front of him.

At this time, Ji Yang has stopped screaming, and no one knows what his condition is now.

Because no one dares to enter the flames, whoever enters the current flames will lose their souls.

Could it be that Ji Yang has lost his soul?

In fact, he didn't. At this time, Ji Yang's soul was lying on the ground, and the flames still enveloped his soul. One after another thunder and lightning fell on his body, and Ji Yang was completely unconscious.

After coma, Ji Yang felt that he had arrived in a strange place, a space full of chaotic atmosphere, where he couldn't see anything clearly, but felt that everything was so clear.

"This is where?"

Ji Yang looked around strangely, with a bewildered face...

(End of this chapter)

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