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Chapter 1476 Locations of the remaining three artifacts

Chapter 1476 The Locations of the Three Remaining Artifacts (Three Updates)

Ji Yang couldn't see the speaker's expression, but the other party's tone was indeed serious, so Ji Yang's expression became very serious.

But before the other party wanted to say something to him, Ji Yang still wanted to ask him a question.

"Wait a minute, there is one more thing I want to ask you."

"What's the matter, just ask, if I know, I will tell you."

Hearing that Ji Yang had something to ask himself, the words that came to his lips were stopped by the other party.

Although he said that he and Ji Yang didn't have much time to spend together, it was just a question, and this time would not be delayed for too long.

"I'm just curious. Since you formed this enchantment, if you are worried about the Three Realms of China, you can completely untie it yourself."

"Ask me to break the law of the Three Realms, don't you think it's unnecessary?"

"Hey, why did you hit me?"

After Ji Yang asked the question he wanted to ask him, he didn't get an answer, but felt as if something had knocked on his head.

Here, apart from Ji Yang himself, everyone is talking.

It must be the opponent who hit him.

"Ask me why I hit you, because you should. Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"The enchantment I condensed is to test the abilities of the gods of the three realms. Letting you participate has already broken the rules."

"If I untie the barrier myself, and I don't get laughed to death by the other old guys, not only will I be ridiculed, but everyone in the three realms of China will become a laughing stock."

The voice sounded a little angry, and Ji Yang was also a little embarrassed by the words.

I seemed to be a little distracted just now, mainly because what the other party said shocked him too much.

For so many years in Heaven and Earth, they still haven't figured out the reason why the law of the three realms appeared.

I almost lost my mind because I broke through the law of the three realms, but finally figured out why the law of the three realms appeared.

And the reason for this is quite strange, it is because of a random wave at this time.

When I return to the underworld and tell the story, I don't know how embarrassing the people in the heavenly court and underworld will be.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's hurry up and talk about business."

"Otherwise, when the time comes, I will disappear, but there will be no chance."

Feeling Ji Yang's embarrassment, the other party stopped reprimanding Ji Yang.

Clearing his throat, he began to talk about the so-called important things.

This time Ji Yang learned his lesson, he pricked up his ears, put all his energy into it, and memorized every word the other party said in his heart.

And what the other party said this time is indeed very important.

"Actually, I don't take action to unravel the law, and it's not just for the sake of face, but because I have an agreement with those old guys."

"No matter what happens in the Three Realms, we are not allowed to intervene. Whoever intervenes, the others can join forces to deal with that person and destroy the area he controls at the same time."

"It is for this reason that you must quickly break the law of the Three Realms..."

According to the other party, the three realms in the whole world are equal.

Of course, this is under the exact same circumstances.

But when the enchantment in some places is broken, and the enchantment in some places is not broken, then it is not equal.

People are ambitious, and everyone hopes that they can control more territory.

Even the speaker and the old fellows in his mouth are equally ambitious.

It's just because of the checks and balances between each other, so they dare not move around, otherwise, they would have done it long ago.

At present, most of the barriers in the Three Realms around the world have been broken, but the law of the Three Realms in China has not yet been broken.

In this situation, Huaxia is at a disadvantage. Once the gods and ghosts from other countries and regions take the opportunity to disrupt Huaxia, Huaxia will be very dangerous.

With Ji Yang alone, he will definitely be unstoppable.

"Although I can't help, I can give you some reminders."

"Because of some reasons, several regions are already eyeing China, so you must break through the barrier quickly. Only the three realms can communicate with each other to keep China safe."

After these words, Ji Yang fell silent.

It's not that Ji Yang doesn't understand these principles, he has been working hard for China's safety.

But the top ten artifacts are based on luck, not just looking for them.

He was able to find these artifacts in such a short period of time, which was already very fast.

"Whether it's me or the people of Heaven and Earth, we all hope to quickly break the laws of the Three Realms."

"But the top ten artifacts that unlock the law of the three realms are really hard to come by. I haven't encountered any of the remaining three artifacts."

Ji Yang said with a helpless wry smile.

"Forget it, since I meet you today, it is fate."

"I'll tell you the location of the remaining three artifacts, but I can only tell you a general area. Whether you can find them or not depends on your fate. After all, the artifacts have spirits and cannot be obtained by force."

"Really, that's great."

When he heard that the other party was willing to tell him the location of the remaining three artifacts, Ji Yang seemed very happy.

Although it is an approximate area, it can be regarded as a goal.

It's better than blindly hitting a mouse and looking for it completely.

"Although you haven't come across the remaining three artifacts, one of them is in country R. I think you already know."

"You know, it was in the hands of Nasasinoko that the barrier of country R was broken, and this artifact was borrowed."

There is an artifact in Susanoo's hands, and this is the only one that has a clue among the remaining three artifacts.

"That's right, one of them is in country R, ​​and the other is in northern China."

"As for the last one, your luck is a little bit bad. This artifact was originally in the south of China, but just half a month ago, it fell into the hands of a big monster in the country of America."

"What, it fell into the hands of the big monster in the United States? What's going on?"

Hearing that an artifact had fallen into the hands of the Great Demon of Mi Country, Ji Yang shouted excitedly.

Within China, it is easier to get artifacts.

Unowned artifacts are even easier.

Now this artifact has not only arrived in the United States, but also fell into the hands of the big monster, which is difficult to deal with.

"This matter, you go back and ask Huaxia's cultural relics department yourself, and ask what happened half a month ago."

"It's almost time, I should go."

"Before I leave, I will give you some more things. This can be regarded as my last help to you."

"Help, what help?"

"I'll help you gather the merits to raise the rank of second-rank immortal."

Ji Yang needs 5000 million merits to be promoted from the third-rank immortal rank to the second-rank immortal rank.

Needless to say, the amount of this merit is huge and terrifying.

Although Ji Yang originally had more than 500 million merits, but during this period of time, the merits he used and the merits he earned were only about 6000 million. .

These merits, in addition to the products earned from the WeChat store, there are also some merit rewards.

Now that the other party is willing to help him collect the merits required for the second-rank immortal position, Ji Yang looks excited.

This is nearly [-] million merits, so many merits, if he earns it himself, I don't know how long it will take...

(End of this chapter)

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