The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1482 Fusion of soul and body

Chapter 1482 Fusion of soul and body (three more)

In order to help Ji Yang return to the mortal world, Sun Wukong and Yama of the Ten Palaces and others in the underworld consumed a lot of immortal energy.

Now they all sat on the ground tired and didn't want to move, and the situation of Peng Mowang and others in the mortal world was even worse than them.

Although Demon King Peng, Demon King Flood Dragon and their generals, if they are taken out individually, they are no worse than Ji Yang who is a third-rank immortal.

But the Kunlun Mirror is an artifact after all, and it's not theirs yet.

So when using it, it consumes a lot of monster energy and corpse energy.

Moreover, although the underworld side stopped releasing the immortal energy now, the three Peng Demon Kings couldn't stop.

Because they have to continue to activate the Kunlun Mirror and keep the Kunlun Mirror active, they have worked harder than Monkey King and others.

"Ji Yang, why hasn't he woke up yet? If this continues, the monster energy in my body will definitely be drained."

"I can't hold on anymore, how are you, general?"

Demon King Peng was the first to feel that the demon energy was exhausted, and looked at Ji Yang who was lying down with an ugly expression.

Seeing that Ji Yang has no intention of waking up, his heart is bitter.

The Flood Demon King echoed his voice, and then looked at the general, but the general did not speak to the Flood Demon King's question.

But judging by the general's appearance, he was extremely serious at this time, and his aura was obviously much weaker.

It's not that the general doesn't want to speak, but that he can't speak.

Because speaking will be distracting and consume energy.

At this time, it is better not to speak, but to output corpse energy silently.

He was a majestic corpse king who used to fight Ji Yang to death, but now he wasted so much corpse energy just to help Ji Yang return to the mortal realm.

Speaking of which, it seems that up to now, Ji Yang has not told the general how he can fuse the remnant soul in his body.

Calculated in this way, this deal seems to be too uneconomical.

"After your kid returns to the mortal world, I have to ask. I'm always wasted in a daze. This is not the way."

The general thought secretly in his heart, but he was not stingy with the release of corpse energy in his body.

At this time, the aura released by the Kunlun mirror is getting stronger and stronger.

The light of the Kunlun mirror has completely enveloped the house where Peng Mowang and others are located.

From the outside, the whole house feels like it is shining.

"Look, what is that?"

Being inside the room, Demon King Peng and others naturally don't know what's going on outside the house.

But outside the house, there were hundreds of thousands of people standing there.

Some of these people stood on the ground, some stood on the wall, and some simply climbed onto the tree.

It is not too much to describe the crowd in Chung Tau with three floors inside and three floors outside.

And the reason they are here is to know what is going on with the light emitted from the room and what is going on inside.

If Dongfang Yu and the others hadn't guarded the place and prevented them from making trouble, they would have rushed in long ago.

Just as they were looking forward to it and staring at the lighted house, they found that there seemed to be a phantom in the shape of a human figure in the beam of light.

This phantom is a bit distorted, and in addition to the fact that the phantom is fleeting, it goes directly through the roof and enters the room, so it is not very clear to see.

But even if you didn't see it clearly, you can be sure that a phantom like a person entered the room just now.

"Did you see it?"

Looking at Dongfang Yu and Kong Li, Feng Rong asked with a surprised expression.

Kong Li and Dongfang Yu nodded, which means they saw it.

"The phantom looks like a ghost. Although the ghost is distorted, if I'm not mistaken, it should be Ji Yang."

When nodding, Kong Li lowered his voice and said in a voice that only the three of them could hear.

"I think so too. It seems that Ji Yang is about to wake up."

Dongfang Yu nodded heavily, and her hanging heart relaxed a little at this moment.

Although it is not clear why Ji Yang has been in a coma until now and does not wake up until now, but with these strange appearances and the appearance of phantoms similar to Ji Yang's soul today, Dongfang Yu judged that Ji Yang should wake up soon.

In the room at this time, in the triangular area between Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King and the generals, a soul stood there.

The soul looked a little weak, its body was dangling around, as if it might fall down at any time.

"The feeling of soul travel is really uncomfortable. I feel like I am being torn apart, then fused, fused and then torn apart, and I don't know how many times I repeat it."

The dangling soul is Ji Yang who has returned to the mortal world.

Now he has not returned to the body, but is standing in the position of the Kunlun mirror.

When he was complaining, Mu Hong and the others surrounded him excitedly, while Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King and the generals limp and lay on the ground.

"I'm so exhausted, I really feel my body has been hollowed out."

Peng Demon King and others are really reaching their limit, and they need to recover from the consumption of monster energy and corpse energy for a period of time.

Of course, this is on the premise of slowly recovering, if there is external help, it will naturally be much faster.

"Yang'er, you are finally back, mom is very worried about you."

"You could have contacted us earlier, why didn't you contact us all the time? Do you know how worried we are?"

"Bad guy, you are a bad guy..."

Surrounding Ji Yang's soul, everyone spoke softly, some sounded concerned, some sounded reproachful.

But no matter what everyone said, Ji Yang felt warm in his heart.

Because he knew that these people were all worried about themselves.

"It doesn't matter if you want to reminisce about the old days, you don't matter if you want to yell at me, or you even want to beat him and scold him, but I think you should let him go back into the body first."

"He has existed in the state of soul for a few days, and he has just returned to the mortal world through the Kunlun mirror. If he does not return to the body sooner, it may be dangerous."

The WeChat video connecting the mortal world and the underworld is still open.

At least after both parties are sure that Ji Yang is safe, everyone can feel at ease with each other.

And the person who spoke at this time was the Taishang Laojun from the underworld.

Upon hearing Taishang Laojun's reminder, the nagging Mu Hong and the others quickly shut up, and began to urge Ji Yang's soul to enter the body.

With the physical body in front of his eyes, Ji Yang was really a little excited.

Under the urging of everyone, Ji Yang rushed towards his own body.

When the soul contacts the body, the soul disappears instantly and merges into the body.

"What's going on? Why hasn't he woke up yet? Didn't he succeed? But if he didn't succeed, where did his soul go?"

After Ji Yang's soul entered the body, Ji Yang's body remained motionless.

A few minutes passed, and Ji Yang's soul was gone, but his body still remained motionless.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, Dongfang Mei approached Ji Yang with a worried face, when she reached out to touch Ji Yang, she saw a smirk on Ji Yang's face.

"Ah... scoundrel, you lied to us."

Ji Yang smiled, grabbed Dongfang Mei's hand, and pulled her into his arms.

At this time, everyone understood that Ji Yang had woken up a long time ago, and he was pretending to be unconscious just now...

(End of this chapter)

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