The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1487 Are you looking for me

Chapter 1487 Are you looking for me (second update)

I single out you guys.

When Ji Yang said this, he surprised many people.

Among the people guarding the alliance in front of them, not many people really understand Ji Yang's strength.

But they have heard about the lunar calendar, Wan Qin and Gong Xihuan.

Being able to become the acting patriarch after the death of the older generation of patriarchs is also a proof of strength in itself.

And besides the three of them, there were twenty or thirty people following behind them.

Ji Yang wants to single out so many, isn't this a joke?

"One person singled out so many people, can he do it?"

"He survived the hands of Yinhui and those people. It is said that he alone killed Yinhui, Wancheng and Gongxice. If this is true, the 30 or [-] people in front of him will definitely not be able to beat him."

"Come on, how old is he? I guess that is the lie that Patriarch Kong and the others made up to improve Ji Yang's image. They must have helped..."

Some people started talking in low voices, they didn't seem to like Ji Yang very much.

But some people who knew Ji Yang's strength were very calm at this moment.

They knew that when these people fought against Ji Yang, it was definitely Ji Yang who abused them.

While the people around were talking in low voices, these people in the lunar calendar looked at each other, and then there was a sneer on their faces.

"Boy, I thought you were young and didn't want to bully you, so I didn't express my opinion for a long time."

"I didn't expect you to be so arrogant. If we don't take action to teach you a lesson, it seems that you don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

When Lun Li spoke, his eyes were a little cunning.

Alone, he really didn't dare to fight with Ji Yang easily.

But now with people like Gong Xihuan and Wan Qin, he will have courage.

"Is that so, are you planning to fight me alone?"

Lunar Calendar's attitude made Ji Yang despise him even more.

This guy is worse than Yin Hui, no matter what time it is, he is still pretending to be aggressive.

Didn't he himself know that everyone around him could see what was going on?

"Who says I'm alone? Don't you think you're very good and want to single out us? Of course I won't let you down."

As soon as the lunar calendar said these words, there was a sound of sighing all around.

Is this guy clearly still afraid? Why are he still pretending?

If he really has the courage, what he should say now is: "I will come alone, no one else is needed."

"Let's see how long you can act aggressively. Everyone backs up and gives way to me within 50 meters."

The corners of Ji Yang's mouth turned up, and he let out a loud drink.

Although there were quite a few people standing around, they quickly made room for Ji Yang after Ji Yang shouted.

Soon, the 50-meter range centered on Ji Yang was completely empty.

Ji Yang stood there with a calm expression, while Yin Li and the others stepped back a little, and then surrounded Ji Yang.

Twenty or thirty people surrounded Ji Yang, ready to strike at any time.

"Yang'er, don't hit too hard."

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Li Shang retreated to the roof and shouted at Ji Yang.

According to common sense, when Li Shang spoke at this time, it should be to tell Ji Yang to be careful.

But he actually said to ask Ji Yang not to hit too hard, which clearly means he is not worried about Ji Yang.

And when his words were heard by others, it was undoubtedly very shocking.

Because Li Shang is Ji Yang's father, he must care about Ji Yang, but with his attitude now, could it be said that people like Lun Li really can't beat Ji Yang?

"Dad, I can't guarantee this, I can only say my best."

Hearing Li Shang's words, Ji Yang turned his head to look at the roof, with a helpless smile on his face.

The helplessness in his smile is because he is helpless to himself, and he is helpless that he cannot guarantee to complete Li Shang's words.

"Damn, you are too arrogant, look at the knife!"

Ji Yang, Yin Li and the others were already about to start.

At this time, the two sides should keep an eye on each other's actions and find the other's flaws.

But Ji Yang was lucky, he was distracted to take care of other things at this time, how could Yin Li and others let go of this opportunity.

"How despicable!"

"Young is young. He is inexperienced. This is a disaster for him."

"Hey, I'm disappointed. I thought he could really surprise us!"

The people on the side of the lunar calendar suddenly made a move, and Ji Yang was still looking at Li Shang at this moment.

Everyone who saw this scene thought that Ji Yang was finished.

As for Lun Li and others taking advantage of this opportunity to make a move, some people felt shameless, while others felt sorry.

It's just that the lunar calendar and others don't care about the attitude of the people around them.

The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. As long as you can beat Ji Yang, you can say whatever others like to say.

But just when many people thought that Ji Yang was finished, when the knife in Yin Li's hand was about to hit Ji Yang, Ji Yang disappeared strangely.

Ji Yang's sudden disappearance really surprised many people, because they didn't see how Ji Yang disappeared.

Even the Lunar Calendar who swung a knife to attack, was there in a daze.

When he started, his eyes were fixed on Ji Yang, without even blinking.

But when his knife was about to touch Ji Yang, the opponent disappeared before his eyes.

"What about people, where did they go?"

Ji Yang disappeared, and the lunar calendar panicked.

He looked around in a panic, trying to find Ji Yang, but Ji Yang was nowhere to be seen.

Gong Xihuan, Wan Qin and others were also looking for it, but they couldn't find it.

Not in the sky, not around, did they go underground?
Looking at the ground, there is no looseness, unlike the ground.



At this time, people like Lun Li were not the only ones looking for Ji Yang, but also the onlookers.

Even Li Shang and Demon King Peng were looking for Ji Yang. They knew that Ji Yang must have used invisibility to hide his breath, but they were also curious about where Ji Yang was.

When everyone was looking for Ji Yang, there was a sound of muscles and bones colliding, and then a person beside Yin Li vomited a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out.

The person suddenly vomited blood and flew out, and everyone was shocked again.

What's going on, there is nothing unusual, there is no special breath change, and Ji Yang's shadow is not seen, but someone is injured.

"Bang bang bang, click, click..."

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Before everyone recovered from the shock again, they saw people flying out one after another as if they were hit hard by something.

There are fewer and fewer people who can stand on the side of the lunar calendar, but they still haven't found Ji Yang.

Seeing this scene, everyone already knew that Lunar Calendar and the others lost.

You don't even know where the person is, so how can you beat him, the only thing you can do is to be beaten.

"Ji Yang, if you have the ability to fight me openly, you dare not face me openly, are you afraid?"

The lunar calendar is actually quite two words.

Being able to make others find you is also a skill. If you can't find people in the lunar calendar, it can only be said that you are too weak.

"Looking for me?"


But Ji Yang really showed up, he suddenly appeared in front of the lunar calendar, his face was very close to the other party.

The lunar calendar was startled, exclaimed and took a few steps back...

(End of this chapter)

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