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Chapter 1504: Cloud Gate Guardian Beast

Chapter 1504: Cloud Gate Guardian Divine Beast (Part [-])

Looking at the huge head protruding from Tianchi, Ji Yang is no stranger.

Because it was a dragon's head, but it was bigger than the little dragon girl's head he had seen before. Not only the little dragon girl, but even the heads of the Linhai Dragon King and the R Country Sea Dragon King didn't seem as big as this guy.

The dragon's head sticks out of the lake, and its eyes look at where Ji Yang and the general are.

"Who are you, what do you want to do here at night?"

The dragon in Tianchi spoke, his voice was a little low.

Looking at the talking dragon, Ji Yang thought of something, that is the rumored Tianchi water monster.

The Tianchi monster is one of the most famous monsters in the world.

Although the Tianchi Water Monster has been witnessed and even photographed several times, the official has never given an accurate statement.

Ji Yang suspected that the dragon in front of him might be the Tianchi water monster that had been seen before.

"Ask who we are? Then who are you?"

The general looked at the dragon in front of him and said arrogantly.

He is a majestic corpse king, the dragon in front of him feels that his aura is not weak, but the general will not take it seriously.

If you want to interrogate him, you have to report yourself.

"Hmph, if you don't tell me, I know what you are here for."

"The aura of both of you is not weak, especially you, the body aura is extremely heavy, do you want to enter Yuntianmen?"

"I am Long Bing, the guardian beast of Yuntianmen. Outsiders are not welcome in Yuntianmen, so you leave quickly."

The dragon in front of him turned out to be the gatekeeper beast of Yuntianmen, which surprised Ji Yang.

Especially the generals were even more surprised.

Because when he came last time, he didn't meet this guy.

It is still very strange that a gatekeeper beast suddenly appeared.

And Ji Yang was surprised because after the law of the three realms appeared, all the dragons went to the heaven.

The door-guard beast that claims to be Dragon Ice looks like an ice dragon. It's really interesting that it didn't go to the heaven, but it is still here as a door-guard beast.

It seems that after the emergence of the laws of the three realms, there are still dragons left in the mortal world.

"The gatekeeper beast? Why didn't I see you when I entered the Yuntian Gate?"

The general looked at Long Bing suspiciously, and said in an indifferent voice.

"I have been in seclusion for three years, and I have just left the seclusion these few days. If you have been here within three years, you have indeed never seen me."

"When I was retreating, I told the people of Yuntianmen to guard the sect. These guys must be lazy."

Hearing that the general had actually entered the Yuntian Gate, Long Bing's eyes became obviously colder.

Logically speaking, as a gatekeeper beast, even if it wants to retreat, it has to be optimistic about the gate of Yuntianmen.

However, due to some special reasons, it has reached a critical moment of breakthrough, and must find a quiet place.

But he didn't want to let outsiders enter the Yuntianmen, which he had guarded for thousands of years, and once closed it, but was broken into.

The fact that the other party can still stand here now shows that he has not been discovered by the people from Yuntianmen.

Otherwise, according to the rules of Yuntianmen, it is absolutely impossible to let him leave alive.

"Even if no one is lazy, there are still people who can stop me."

"Don't say it's them, even you, the guy who guards the gate, can't stop me."

Long Bing's words made the general feel very disdainful.

With the cultivation base of the general, even if there are some people guarding the Yuntian Gate and not allowing them to enter, wouldn't he be able to enter?

Hearing what the general said, Long Bing looked very unhappy.

Although Jiangchen and Ji Yang gave him the feeling that it was difficult to deal with, but it was responsible, so if Ji Yang and Jiangchen wanted to enter Yuntianmen, it would definitely stop it with all its strength.


Being despised by the general, Long Bing roared angrily.

This roar appeared, and the water on the lake kept rolling.

It is showing its own strength to the generals, telling the generals not to underestimate themselves.

"Wait a minute, you said that outsiders are not allowed to enter. If I have the Yuntian Jade Card, wouldn't I be considered an outsider?"

The posture of the general and Long Bing looked like they would strike at any moment.

Ji Yang is not afraid of fighting, but he still hopes that the problem can be resolved peacefully.

If you can afford to avoid conflicts, then it is better not to cause conflicts.

"You have the Yuntian Jade Card? That's something only the elders of the sect can have. How can you have it?"

"Take it out and let me have a look."

What the Yuntian jade tablet represents, Long Bing is naturally very clear.

But Ji Yang is not from Yuntianmen, but he has the Yuntian Jade Card in his hand, which makes Long Bing very surprised.

Under Long Bing's gaze, Ji Yang took out the Yuntian Jade Card that Yuntianxin had given him.

After taking out the jade token, Ji Yang also told Long Bing the reason why he got the Yuntian jade token.

"It turned out that girl Tianxin gave it to you. Feng Shangku, that bastard who betrayed the sect, was actually caught with your help. You have done a good job for Yuntianmen."

After learning that Ji Yang captured Feng Shangrong and obtained Yuntianxin's Yuntian Jade Card, Long Bing did not doubt the authenticity of the jade card.

Not to mention the fact that this thing can't be made, Long Bing also knows about Yun Tianxin sending out the Yun Tian Jade Plaque.

Seeing that he admitted the Yuntian Jade Card and said that he had helped Yuntianmen, Ji Yang smiled in his heart.

"Then can we enter Yuntianmen? I want to visit Yuntianmen because of some important matters."

After Ji Yang finished speaking, Long Bing didn't speak, but as the water in the lake churned, it flew directly into the air from the lake.

Long Bing's body is huge, nearly 30 meters long.

The whole body has silver scales, and when the body is in the air, the body is emitting a cold air.

"It's so cold, Xiao Longnu, it's stronger than you."

"Well, my chill is indeed not as good as his."

Looking at Long Bing flying into the air, Ji Yang communicated with the little dragon girl.

Xiao Longnv also does not deny that she is worse than Long Bing, because there is nothing to deny in itself.

After Long Bing left the Tianchi Lake, the cold air released from his body, enveloping his entire body.

After the cold air dissipated, an old man aged five to sixty years old and wearing white armor appeared in front of Ji Yang.

After Long Bing turned into a human form, he held a big knife with a cold light in his hand.

Seeing him like this, Ji Yanggang felt relieved for no reason.

Because of Long Bing's appearance, it didn't look like he was going to let him enter Yuntianmen, it looked more like he was going to fight.

"It stands to reason that you have helped Yuntianmen before, and if you want to visit Yuntianmen, I can also let you in."

"But he once broke into Yuntianmen privately, this matter must not be left alone."

"Just now he has repeatedly despised Yuntianmen and me, so I can't let you go in like this. If you want to go in, you must defeat me first."

Sure enough, Long Bing really didn't intend to let Ji Yang and his generals enter Yuntianmen like this.

As for what he said, it sounds reasonable, but it also feels like making excuses.

In fact, Long Bing was displeased with the general's attitude, and wanted to fight the general to let the general know how powerful he was.

Hearing Long Bing's words, Ji Yang didn't speak directly, but looked at the general,
The general smiled coldly and said directly: "It's just a little reptile. I don't know how much dragon blood I sucked back then. If I want to fight, I'll accompany you..."

(End of this chapter)

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