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Chapter 1507 The Art of Freezing

Chapter 1507 The Art of Freezing (Part [-])
"Boom boom boom..."

It turned out that Long Bing's ice dragon roar was just a foreplay, it didn't expect the ice dragon roar to bring much threat to the generals, it was at most a cover-up.

Binglongxiao's back move is the real attack.

The ground ice exploded, ice chips, mud, and gravel splashed...

Thick cold air drifted away, blocking the sight of Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv.

Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv couldn't see what the general's situation was like now.

"The power of this explosion is not small, I hope the general will be fine."

Ji Yang murmured softly, although he knew that the general was strong, but he was still a little worried at this moment.

"This explosion is not right. With the general's cultivation base, this explosion will definitely not hurt him."

"But in this cold air, I feel a strange force, and this force is the real danger."

Xiao Longnv originally wanted to appease Ji Yang.

But when her words came out, Ji Yang's calm heart couldn't help suspending.

Ji Yang actually felt the strange power.

"Look, general."

The explosion gradually subsided, and the dispersing cold air became thinner. Finally, Ji Yang and Xiao Longnu could see the situation below clearly.

But after seeing the general, Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv frowned.

Because they saw that the general was frozen at this time, and the general stood there like an ice sculpture.

The ice on the surface of his body was very thick, definitely more than two meters thick.

"How is it possible? With the general's cultivation base, how could he be frozen?"

The general was frozen, and Ji Yang couldn't believe it.

But the facts were in front of him, but he had to believe it.

And the strange power that Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv felt came from the ice that froze the generals.

"Hahaha, I see how arrogant you are after being hit by my freezing technique."

"You actually look down on me again and again, insult me ​​again and again, I will freeze you for a hundred years, and let you stay with me at the bottom of this Tianchi Lake for a hundred years, hahaha..."

When Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv were surprised, Long Bing laughed wildly.

From his words, it can be heard that the general's appearance like this should be due to some kind of sealing spell.

When Long Bing was speaking, a burst of light flickered on the ice covering the general, and this light showed a seal.

Around the seal, there are also chains that are completely condensed by ice to bind the ice.

"Ji Yang, what should we do? Do you want to make a move?"

Any kind of sealing technique is very difficult to deal with.

Seeing that the general was sealed by Long Bing, Xiao Longnu didn't pay attention at this time.

Although she also knows the magic of the ice system, she really doesn't know how to freeze.

She didn't know how to untie it.

"Although the sealing technique is difficult to deal with, as long as the person who is sealed is strong enough, he can break through the seal."

"You and I are both aware of the general's strength. We will not move for the time being. Let's see the situation first."

The general didn't fully release his power from the beginning to the end. Even in the explosion just now, he still didn't feel the general's peak corpse aura.

In other words, the general is still holding on.

Based on Ji Yang's understanding of the general, he is not an arrogant person. Since he has not completely released himself, it means that he can still handle it.

So facing the generals who were sealed by the technique of freezing, Ji Yang was shocked, but he did not rush to act.

"Hey, you are also a dragon? You still have the same ice attribute as me."

"I didn't expect that apart from me not going to heaven for some reason, there are other dragons who can stay in the mortal world like me."

After sealing the general and yelling at the general, Long Bing looked at Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv.

It really didn't notice the appearance of Xiaolongnv just because it was fighting with the general just now.

Seeing Xiao Longnv at this time, Long Bing looked very excited and kind.

Because in these thousands of years, the little dragon girl is the only dragon it has ever seen.

"Little Dragon Girl has seen Senior."

It is very exciting to meet with the same clan.

Under the restriction of the law of the Three Realms, after the dragons have all gone to the Heavenly Court, it is not bad that the little dragon girl can see the dragons in the mortal world without tears in her eyes.

But because of the matter of the general, even though Xiao Longnu was a little excited in her heart, she was relatively calm on the surface.

After all, whether the Long Bing in front of him is an enemy or a friend is still uncertain.

"Boy, the matter between me and him has been settled."

"You have the Yuntian Jade Card in your hand, I said I can let you in, and now you can go in."

"But the little dragon girl needs to stay here and chat with me. I haven't chatted with the dragon clan for thousands of years. When you leave, you can leave together."

Xiao Longnv called "Senior", which made Long Bing very happy.

The point is, this is called by the dragon of the Dragon Clan.

But when Long Bing was going to let Ji Yang enter Yuntianmen, Ji Yang shook his head.

"I also know quite a few friends from the Dragon Clan. If the little dragon girl calls you Senior, then I will call you Senior as well."

"Senior Longbing, he is my friend. Since he came with me, he must enter Yuntianmen with me."

"And what I'm going to do next may require his help, so please unseal my friend's seal."

The general was still in a sealed state at this time, Ji Yang frowned.

He wondered if he had guessed wrong, the seal of this freezing technique was so strong that he couldn't break it.

If the general can't break the seal, it's hard to say whether Ji Yang can break it.

"Hmph, he insulted me repeatedly, how could I let him out."

"I said, if I want to seal him for a hundred years, then I will seal him for a hundred years. If you can live for a hundred years, then come and pick up your friends after a hundred years."

"As for what you want to do in Yuntianmen, I won't ask for now, but I warn you, if you want to harm Yuntianmen, even if you have helped Yuntianmen, I will not let you go."

Ji Yang's words are useless to Long Bing at all.

Long Bing's words made Ji Yang's face darken.

Looking down at the general, Ji Yang felt ruthless, and stared at Long Bing.

"I respect you and call you senior."

"If you don't let my friend go, then I can only break the seal myself."

"Hmph, overthinking yourself, if you want to break the seal, it depends on whether I give you a chance!"

Since Long Bing has sealed the general, he still does not intend to let go of the general, so it is impossible for him to watch Ji Yang break the ice seal.

Long Bing was so persistent, it was obvious that Ji Yang would not do anything.

And just when Ji Yang was about to take out the Xuanyuan Sword and fight Long Bing, looking for an opportunity to try to break the ice seal.

But he saw that the ice of the sealed general moved.

The ice trembled violently, and the seals and ice chains on the surface of the ice became loose.

Thick red corpse aura emanated from the general in the ice and spread beyond the ice.

"Crack, click, boom, boom, boom..."

As the corpse's breath burst out, the ice that had sealed the generals cracked.

"This seal wasted some of my strength. It's a dream to seal me with such a seal!"

The ice cracked, the seal was broken, and the general's voice sounded...

(End of this chapter)

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