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Chapter 1510 There is an enchantment under Tianchi

Chapter 1510 There is an enchantment under Tianchi (one more)
"Yuntian's trapped cage formation was broken by him alone?"

There were dozens of Yuntianmen disciples brought by Jia Linxiang.

But after fighting with the three of Ji Yang, there were less than ten people standing beside him.

The rest of the people are still left after casting the cloud and sky cage formation.

This result made Jia Linxiang very astonished, and none of the Yuntianmen disciples beside him dared to take a step forward.

One person broke through the cloud and sky cage formation, if three people shot at the same time, what would be the result?

"As a disciple of Yuntianmen, you must fight for Yuntianmen. The sect cannot be humiliated."

"Everyone, don't be afraid, listen to my order, all Yuntianmen disciples are ready..."

Jia Linxiang already felt the fear of the Yuntianmen disciples beside him.

Not to mention these disciples, even as an elder, he is not calm at this time.

But as an elder of Yuntianmen, if he was afraid at this time, how could he have the face to stay in Yuntianmen or face other people in the future.

But just when he was about to attack Ji Yang again with the remaining Yuntianmen disciples beside him.

Ji Yang disappeared in place strangely. Seeing Ji Yang disappear, Jia Linxiang felt bad.

Just when he was feeling bad, the disappeared Ji Yang reappeared in front of him.

"You should be able to see that I don't want to kill you, otherwise all those people just now would be corpses."

"I just came here to visit Yuntianmen, so don't move around, my sword doesn't have eyes."

Ji Yang appeared in front of Jia Linxiang, the Tai'a sword in his hand was less than one millimeter away from Jia Linxiang's throat.

At this distance, although the sword did not touch Jia Linxiang, Jia Linxiang could still feel the residual power of thunder and lightning left on Tai'a sword.

With such a distance, Jia Linxiang had no doubt that Ji Yang could kill him instantly with just one move.

"Who are you guys? What is your visit to Yuntianmen?"

"If you don't make it clear, if you want to enter Yuntianmen, you have to step over my corpse."

Does Jia Linxiang want to die?He did not want.

Ji Yang knew from his expression that this guy was actually scared.

But he has a lot of backbone, even if he doesn't want to die, he won't give in at this time.

"Do you know this?"

"This is the Yuntian Jade Card, who are you, and why do you have the Yuntian Jade Card?"

Ji Yang didn't bother to explain anything to Jia Linxiang, so he simply took out the Yuntian Jade Card and showed it to Jia Linxiang.

Originally, as soon as Jia Linxiang and others appeared, Ji Yang should have taken out the Yuntian Jade Card.

Take it out earlier, maybe there will be no fighting situation just now.

But Jia Linxiang didn't give him a chance at all, and made a move as soon as they met. Now that he has a chance, Ji Yang just took it out.

"My name is Ji Yang, and this is given to me by Yun Tianxin."

"What, you defeated Feng Shangku, the Yuntian jade card that Tianxin gave you?"

The fact that Yun Tianxin went to the capital to arrest Feng Shangku is well known in the entire Yuntianmen.

But not many people know about the fact that she gave the Tianxin Jade Card to Ji Yang.

"Yes, it's me."

Now that the other party has heard him, the problem is much simpler.

After Ji Yang announced his name, Jia Linxiang looked a little unconfident.

It stands to reason that Ji Yang had the Yuntian Jade Card in his hand, so he wouldn't have fought Long Bing before, but why did he beat Long Bing like that?
Jia Linxiang felt strange, and asked Ji Yang why.

Ji Yang smiled helplessly, and told what happened before. After knowing the reason, Jia Linxiang seemed a little embarrassed.

Speaking of this matter, Ji Yang and the others really cannot be blamed.

And Long Bing was injured so badly, although he didn't want to say it, but Long Bing really asked for it.

"It's clear, it's a misunderstanding."

"You don't know each other if you don't fight. Here, I, Jia Linxiang, the fifth elder of Yuntianmen, will make amends to you."

In general, the wrong party is still Jia Linxiang.

If he had asked the reason first after he appeared, the matter would not have come to such an extent.

For his apology, Ji Yang just smiled lightly.

"Elder Jia, since it was a misunderstanding, just apologize or something."

"Look, it's starting to light up this day. There will definitely be tourists coming later. Can you take us to Yuntianmen now?"

"As for the purpose of my coming here, I will talk about it after I arrive at Yuntianmen."

After Ji Yang's words came out, Jia Linxiang looked at the sky.

It is indeed almost dawn at this time, this is a tourist area, and people will come at any time.

Once people find them, it's not good.

"Okay, Yuntian Gate is under the Tianchi Lake, so follow me."

When Jia Linxiang was talking to Ji Yang, she signaled the rest of the Yuntianmen disciples to sneak into the Tianchi first.

Ji Yang already knew the location of Yuntianmen from the general, but he didn't say anything.

After Jia Linxiang entered Tianchi, Ji Yang and the others followed.

The water under Tianchi is very clear, it is well preserved and there is no pollution.

Going all the way downstream, he dived to the bottom of Tianchi Lake. When he got here, Ji Yang didn't see any buildings, that is to say, he didn't see Yuntianmen when he reached the bottom of Tianchi Lake.


Although there is no Yuntianmen at the bottom, Ji Yang felt a strong breath fluctuation here.

This aura fluctuated, making Ji Yang think of the enchantment.

"That's right, Yuntianmen is in a barrier space."

"If there is no enchantment protection, how can a sect be under the Tianchi Lake, and now that human science and technology are so advanced, the exploration of the Tianchi Lake has never stopped. If there is no enchantment protection, even if Yuntianmen is under the Tianchi Lake, it would have was discovered."

Ji Yang muttered softly, Jia Linxiang nodded to him and said.

The general on the other hand looked calm, because he already knew about the enchantment, but he didn't tell Ji Yang.

Why does he know?Because he had sneaked into Yuntian Gate.

Why can he pass through the barrier?Because the general is strong, this enchantment can't stop him at all.

"The power of this enchantment is not small, it needs a spell to open it, you..."

"It's not that the enchantment is strong, it's that you are too weak."

"Ji Yang, let's stop listening to his nonsense and just go in."

Jia Linxiang originally meant to remind him, but before he finished speaking, the general spoke.

What the general said made Jia Linxiang's expression somewhat change.

Originally, Jia Linxiang wanted to refute, but before he could open his mouth, he saw Ji Yang, Xiao Longnv and the generals disappear in front of him.

"Elder, did they pass through the barrier like this?"

The three of Ji Yang disappeared, and the disciples of Yuntianmen were still a little confused.

They looked at Jia Linxiang in disbelief, Jia Linxiang could only shake his head and sigh.

"Hey, people outsider, Tianwaitian, we can't compete with the three of them."

"Perhaps only the Great Elder and the sect master can compare with it."

"Let's go, let's go in quickly..."

While Jia Linxiang was speaking, he chanted a series of incantations, which were the incantations to open the enchantment.

The spell appeared, and the barrier of nothingness became staring. After Jia Linxiang and others passed through the barrier, the barrier disappeared, and everything under Tianchi returned to normal...

(End of this chapter)

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