The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 152 Massage chair in place

Chapter 152 Massage Chair In Place (Part [-])

If according to the Jade Emperor's will, the original price is reduced by 90.00%, and wild ginseng and ganoderma are sold at [-]% of the original price, the price of the century-old wild ginseng is one thousand merits, and the century-old wild ganoderma is five hundred merits.

This price is still a bit high in Ji Yang. Although he also opened a WeChat store, the merit he earned is not exaggerated enough to be able to spend like this. Besides, he knows how much he will buy later, so he still needs to discuss the price with the mountain god. just work.

"Mountain God, although the Jade Emperor's price has been lowered, but I am in the mortal world and I have just been promoted to the rank of Ninth Immortal, so I don't have so much merit."

"Although I can't buy in large quantities for the time being, I will definitely continue to purchase in the future. See if the price can be adjusted and sold to me at a cheaper price."

The Jade Emperor had already told the mountain god before that Xiaobai's price could be adjusted.

But even though the Jade Emperor had spoken, the Mountain God was still working for the Jade Emperor. If he adjusted the price too low, the Jade Emperor would probably be unhappy if he didn't say anything.

At this time, Ji Yang asked himself to lower the price again, and the mountain god discussed with Ji Yang the price of century-old wild ginseng and hundred-year-old wild ganoderma.

After some discussion between the two, the prices of the hundred-year-old wild ginseng and the hundred-year-old wild ganoderma have been settled. The hundred-year-old wild ginseng has [-] merits, and the century-old wild ganoderma has four hundred merits. This price is also the lowest price given by the mountain god.

Seeing that it was much cheaper than the normal price, Ji Yang agreed.

After Du Kang bought his own XO, Ji Yang also gained [-] merits, and sold some other products, so he also has about [-] merits.

Now that the price has been negotiated, Ji Yang directly bought two hundred-year-old wild ginseng and two hundred-year-old wild Ganoderma lucidum, and saved the remaining merits for future purchases as handling fees and chatting.

"When will I get my massage chair, my old bones are very tired."

Now Ji Yang is happy, but the mountain god's massage chair hasn't arrived yet, so he started to ask Ji Yang for it.

Now that the matter is done, Ji Yang will not miss him a massage chair. Ji Yang promised him that he will definitely give it to him tomorrow at the latest.

Seeing Ji Yang say this, the mountain god made an expectant expression.

Since he promised to give the mountain god a massage chair as soon as possible, Ji Yang will not break his promise. Although the mountain god's status in the heaven is not high, but to be honest, Ji Yang has a lot of things to find each other.

"Fatty, where are you?"

Ji Yang took out his mobile phone and called Hou Senpang. Hou Senpang's family owned a pharmacy, and he had seen massage chairs when he went to Hou Senpang's pharmacy.

Anyway, you can buy whoever you buy, and if the fat and water don’t flow into the fields of outsiders, why don’t you buy your buddies’.

"Ji Yang, you kid is willing to call me. Knowing that you have developed, I thought you abandoned me."

When Hou Senpang received Ji Yang's call, he said in a sad voice, like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

Hearing Hou Senpang's voice, Ji Yang felt goosebumps all over his body.

He even had some doubts. He hadn't seen Hou Senpang for a long time. This kid wouldn't impulsively go to Thailand for surgery recently. His gender has changed.

"You kid, don't smoke, stop talking nonsense, tell me where you are, I have something to ask you."

"Um, you're getting more and more violent. I'm watching beauties at the Linhai Academy of Art. Do you want to go together?"

Hou Senpang has always had this hobby. If he has nothing to do, he is willing to go to the Linhai Academy of Art. Who makes there be so many beautiful women there.

In the past, Ji Yang was dragged by Hou Senpang to go there twice, but then he resolutely refused to go. He could only watch but not eat, so it was a bit silly to go.

"Go to my sister, don't lie around, go to your pharmacy and get me the best massage chair, and help me deliver it to where I live."

"Where you live, your kennel needs a massage chair, hahaha..."

Hou Senfat didn't know that Ji Yang was living in Linhai Misty Rain, so he thought Ji Yang was living in a rented house.

The place where Ji Yang lived before was indeed a little messy. Hearing Hou Senpang's laughter, Ji Yang couldn't help but swear, and then told him to send him to Linhai Misty Rain.

Hearing that Ji Yang now lives in Linhai Misty Rain, Hou Senpang’s jaw almost dropped in shock. He knows more about Linhai’s real estate information than Ji Yang. Linhai Misty Rain is a villa area. At most, Hou Senpang would flirt twice outside the community, but now Ji Yang actually lives in it.

Puzzled and surprised at the same time, Hou Senpang quickly went back to his pharmacy, picked out the most comfortable massage chair and sent it to Ji Yang's residence.

"Damn it, how developed are you guys now, living in such a nice villa?"

"I said you don't know how to eat soft meals, right? This villa must be given to you by Li Zixuan, right?"

When Hou Senpang thought of Li Zixuan, he looked at Ji Yang with contempt and envy.

Seeing Hou Senpang's eyes, Ji Yang went up and gave Hou Senpang a kick. Of course, this kick didn't have much strength. Kick Hou Senpang away.

"I got this villa by my own ability. If you dare to say that I eat soft rice, you are courting death, aren't you!"

"Oh, I can't do it anymore. I want to claim for medical expenses. I won't get up without paying 1000 million."

This kick was weak, but Hou Senpang deliberately lay down on the floor of Ji Yang's villa and screamed exaggeratedly.

Ji Yang glanced at him lazily, turned around and left.

Seeing Ji Yang like this, Hou Senpang didn't bother with Ji Yang anymore, he followed him up and asked Ji Yang how this villa came about.

Naturally, Ji Yang would not tell him all the truth, he just said that he saw a doctor for a rich man and he gave it to him.

Although Hou Senpang was a little skeptical, he didn't continue to ask.

"Ji Yang, buddy, shall I discuss something with you?"

Although Hou Senpang didn't continue to ask about the villa, he looked at Ji Yang with pitiful eyes and said softly.

"Don't look at me with such disgusting eyes. You and I are buddies. If you have something to say, just tell me. If I can help you, can I not help?"

What Ji Yang said was true. When he had nothing, Hou Senpang regarded him as a buddy. Although Hou Senpang was sometimes poor-mouthed, he was really good to Ji Yang.

Hou Senfat's family's conditions are not bad. In order not to irritate Ji Yang, he always took Ji Yang out to eat and play with various excuses, and Ji Yang kept it in mind.

Now Ji Yang has developed, but in his heart, Hou Senpang is still his good buddy, and he will definitely help if he can help.

He will not be like some people, once he develops, he will forget the people who have treated him well.

"Hey, I have a crush on a girl from the Art Academy. There will be a competition in the Art Academy in two days. I want you to lend me the Dongfeng Warrior so that I can play handsome."

As soon as Ji Yang heard what Hou Senpang said, he laughed and scolded the other party for being worthless, and directly threw the car keys to Hou Senpang, telling him to drive away now, but Hou Senpang didn't answer it, and only said that he would call again when needed. Ji Yang took the key.

 Xie has to go to work this Saturday and code words, everyone rewards, recommends, collects and supports
(End of this chapter)

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