The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 155 Like to touch porcelain and let you touch the ground

Chapter 155 I Like to Touch Porcelain and Let You Touch the Ground (Part [-])
If my girlfriend hadn't bumped into you, I promise to make your life worse than death.

Ji Yang's words were not ruthless, but also domineering enough. As soon as he said these words, the faces of the old lady and the fool changed.

Even if the dragon has Nilin, Ji Yang also has his own Nilin. His friends, lovers, and those who care about him are all his Nilin.

If anyone touches Ji Yang's Ni Lin, Ji Yang will never let him have a good time.

Those around who had been pointing before, gasped when they heard Ji Yang's words, secretly thinking that this young man's words were harsh enough.

Although the old lady and the fool were a little scared, they still pretended to be calm.

"What do you mean, who do you think you are, don't you care if your girlfriend bumps into someone?"

"Everyone comment, do you think I'm right?"

The stupefied puffed out his chest and shouted loudly.

What made the stunned a little depressed was that when he said this, the people around him didn't respond to him.

In fact, this idiot and the old lady are always in touch with each other. Usually at this time, when he speaks, someone will respond, but today there is no one, so he is puzzled. Could it be that these people are all frightened by the other party's words?
Ji Yang ignored him, and just glanced around. When he saw that there was a camera in a flower shop not far from here, his mind became more confident.

As long as I pull out the surveillance video, I will know who is right and who is wrong.

Seeing that the people around him didn't help him, and Ji Yang and Li Zixuan ignored him, he felt a little anxious, so he spoke again.

"The ancient emperors said that the prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. I don't care who you are, anyway, if you hit my mother, you will have to pay."

"Losing money quickly."

The fool is still shouting outright here.

Hearing his shout, Ji Yang originally wanted to speak, but before he could speak, he heard someone speak.

"Idiot, you can do it. I haven't seen Chang Wenhua for a few days. I know that the prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. Have you studied history recently?"

The voice came out very abruptly, because there were many people standing around, and I didn't see anyone talking at once.

But Ji Yang felt that the voice was somewhat familiar.

And the second fool was upset when he heard this, and cursed out loud.

"Which bastard is talking about your grandfather there, if you have the ability to stand up."

"Damn it, fool, did I give you shame, even I, Wang Hu, dared to scold me."

While speaking, a young man with dyed blue hair walked out through the crowd, followed by two young men with unfriendly expressions.

No wonder Ji Yang felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, it turned out to be Wang Hu.

Wang Hu saw Ji Yang, smiled and walked over, with a fawning look: "Ji Shao, Miss Li."

Hearing Wang Hu's words, Ji Yang and Li Zixuan didn't change their expressions too much, they just nodded.

Then Ji Yang asked softly: "Wang Hu, do you know this kid?"

Although the two looked indifferent, Wang Hu was not angry. These two were masters that he could not afford to offend, and it was good for them to nod to him.

But seeing Wang Hu like this, Er Lengzi felt cold in his heart.

He knew very well who Wang Hu was. He scolded him just now, and the other party would definitely not let him off lightly. Now that he saw Wang Hu nodding and bowing to Ji Yang and Li Zixuan, he was even more confused.

"I won't be planted here today, will I?"

When Wang Hu heard Ji Yang's question, he immediately spoke.

"I know, a little gangster nearby."

"Ji Shao, you can just look at me about today's matter."

Hearing what Wang Hu said, Ji Yang also nodded.

The matter can be handled simply and directly, and Ji Yang doesn't want to be troublesome. It would be troublesome to adjust the surveillance video, and he might have to deal with the police later. If Wang Hu can solve the matter immediately, he is also very willing.

Wang Hu looked at the second fool with a sneer on his face, with a bit of playfulness in his eyes.

"Idiot, I remember you are an orphan, when did you have a mother?"

"Brother Hu, this is what I recognize as a (mother)."

Er Lengzi regretted this matter in his heart, he knew that his touch of porcelain was over today, and with Wang Hu here, he couldn't even jump if he wanted to, because Wang Hu knew exactly what he was doing.

"Don't fart with me, don't you think I don't know her? I cover the surrounding streets. It's not been a day or two since Mrs. Wang touched porcelain. How did she get mixed up with you?"

"I'm usually too lazy to talk to you when you touch porcelain, but you're brave enough to touch Miss Li today. I can't watch it anymore."

As soon as Wang Hu said this, everyone understood what was going on. The two emotional fools and Mrs. Wang were not mother and son at all, they joined hands to touch porcelain.

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see people falling down, and many people do not dare to help them when they see someone fall, because they are afraid that it is because of Pingci.

Li Zixuan was kind-hearted, she didn't think too much when she saw Mrs. Wang fell down, she went up to help her, but she got stuck.

"Brother Hu, didn't I not know Miss Li before, can I apologize here?"

Er Lengzi's expression was ugly, but did he think that apologizing for what happened today would be enough?

Hearing what Er Lengzi said, Ji Yang was already sure that today's event was planned to touch porcelain, since that was the case, then the next step would be easy.

"Wang Hu, leave it to me to deal with it, you stand aside."

Ji Yang's tone was completely commanding, but Wang Hu smiled when he heard Ji Yang's words, and obediently stood aside.

Wang Hu got out of the way, Ji Yang came over, seeing Ji Yang walking towards him, the fool took two steps back in fright.

"Ji, Ji, Ji Shao, I didn't know this was Miss Li before, I..."

The second fool was so frightened that he stuttered, but is there any regret medicine in the world, no, so he has to be responsible for doing something wrong.

"It's because of you moths that good-hearted people dare not do good deeds in society now, and some even don't spare elementary school students. If you let me run into you today, you will be considered unlucky."

"I, Ji Yang, keep my word. I gave you a chance before to admit your mistakes. If you refuse, then don't blame me."

Ji Yang's voice was very cold, thinking of the Porcelain incident he had seen in the news, his heart became more and more angry.

Ji Yang didn't wait for the second fool to speak, and rushed over with one stride, kicking the second fool's stomach directly, and the second fool fell to the ground directly.

Then Ji Yang stepped down a few times, and with a few crackling sounds, the limbs of the two idiots were broken by Ji Yang.


Limbs were trampled off, Er Lengzi yelled in pain.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Wang stood up and wanted to run away, but was grabbed by Ji Yang.

"Do you like to touch porcelain? Today I will let you touch the ground."


Ji Yang threw Mrs. Wang to the ground at once. Mrs. Wang was already old. Ji Yang's fall would have cost her half her life, and she passed out directly.

Don't say that Ji Yang doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young. Respecting the old and loving the young is also divided into people. What's more, people like Mrs. Wang are not even considered scum.

 Thank you for not abandoning Xieben and abandoning this book because of some negative comments in the comments. Recommendations, collections, and rewards are awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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