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Chapter 1560 The Location of the Other Half of the Nuwa Stone

Chapter 1560 The Location of the Other Half of the Nuwa Stone ([-]rd)
When Yun Yun left, Nu Wa left with her.

Now that Yun Tianxin and Yun Yun came back together, it means that Nuwa has handed over the control of her body to Yun Tianxin, and handing over the control of her body means that Nuwa's remnant soul has returned to sleep in the Nuwa stone.

Even Ji Yang knows this, let alone Fuxi.

Nuwa was asleep, but Fuxi didn't even have the chance to say the last word to her, and he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

But who can blame all this, it was Nuwa who chose to import the ten thousand years of cultivation into the Nuwa stone in order to save her daughter.

Although Fu Xi felt uncomfortable, there was nothing he could do.

"Yun Tianxin, your cultivation seems to have increased."

"Yeah, I have to thank Empress Nuwa, it was she who helped me improve my cultivation before I fell asleep."

When Fu Xi was melancholy, Yun Yun and Yun Tianxin had already arrived in front of Ji Yang.

The aura on Yun Tianxin's body has become much stronger, and it is no longer at the level of heaven.

According to Ji Yang's judgment, even Peng Caixuan's breath is not as strong as Yun Tianxin's.

That is to say, Yun Tianxin's current cultivation is estimated to have surpassed the rank of a sixth-rank immortal.

"Did Nuwa say something before she fell asleep?"

Whether or not Yun Tianxin's cultivation has improved is not what Fuxi cares about the most.

What he cares about is Nuwa.

"Emperor Fuxi, before Empress Nuwa fell asleep, I told you to take care of yourself. She said that her remnant soul was just sleeping, not completely disappearing. You still have a chance to see you again."

"The other thing is to tell me how to find the other half of the Nuwa stone, and let me help Ji Yang find the other half of the Nuwa stone as soon as possible."

Fu Xi asked, Yun Tianxin answered quickly.

Ji Yang didn't know what Fuxi thought about her answer.

But he was very happy to hear Nuwa taught Yun Tianxin how to find the other half of the Nuwa stone.

It is very important for Ji Yang to find the other half of Nuwa Stone.

Let’s not talk about unlocking the law of the three realms. More importantly, if you find the other half of the Nuwa stone and collect the whole piece of Nuwa stone, Ji Yang can be promoted to the rank of second-rank immortal.

For Ji Yang, this is the most critical thing at present.

"Yun Tianxin, how can we find the other half of Nuwa Stone?"

Excited, Ji Yang asked directly.

As for the matter of learning Fuxiqin, let's put it off for a while, anyway, it's just asking, not looking for it right away, so it won't delay much.

"Speaking of the other half of the Nuwa stone, Empress Nuwa still blames herself, because the Nuwa stone will become two pieces, which is caused by her trying to wake up forcibly and break through the Nuwa stone."

Nuwa stone is one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times.

It is the stone left by Nuwa to mend the sky, and its hardness can be imagined.

It is basically impossible to destroy the Nuwa Stone, even with the Xuanyuan Sword, it is impossible to break it.

Ji Yang was also very puzzled by the fact that the Nuwa stone had turned into two pieces.

Now that Yun Tianxin said this, Ji Yang finally figured out what was going on. It turned out that Nuwa broke it by herself.

But although I know the reason, it doesn't seem to make much sense.

"Where did the other half go? Is it somewhere in Yuntianmen?"

"No, the other half of Nuwa Stone is not in Yuntianmen."

The other half of Nuwa Stone is not in Yuntianmen, which makes Ji Yang a little disappointed.

But this is the expected answer.

Ideas are always good, but reality often beats people to pieces.

If the other half of Nuwa Stone is inside Yuntianmen, Yuntianmen will definitely offer it as a treasure, and it is impossible not to know it completely.

If the other half of Nuwa's stone was inside the Yuntianmen, Nuwa would have gone to get it by herself after she showed up.

"Originally the entire Nuwa Stone was in Yuntianmen, but the Nuwa Stone was broken because the Nuwa Empress wanted to force it out. After it broke, the other half of the Nuwa Stone flew out of the barrier of Yuntianmen by itself, and entered the mortal world. Where is the exact location, Empress Nuwa doesn't even know."

"However, Empress Nuwa said that through the existing half of Nuwa stone, another half of Nuwa stone can be found."

When Ji Yang was missing, Yun Tianxin continued to talk about the whereabouts of the other half of Nuwa Stone.

Knowing that the other half can be found with the existing half, Ji Yang felt better.

"Nvwa Empress Gang Ang has already used this half of the Nuwa stone to perceive the location of the other half of the Nuwa stone, and the other half of the Nuwa stone is in the south of China."

"And I determined the location of the other half of the Nuwa stone based on the location that Empress Nuwa said, and the other half of the Nuwa stone should be in Miaojiang."

When he heard that the other half of Nuwa Stone was within the range of Miaojiang, Ji Yang was both surprised and delighted.

Miaojiang covers an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

It is not easy to find another half of Nuwa Stone in Miaojiang.

However, being able to determine the approximate area is always a hope, and it is better than knowing nothing.

"Miao Jiang? I have many friends in Miao Jiang. If I ask them to look for them, they will always find clues."

The other half of Nuwa Stone is in Miaojiang, which is actually better than in other places.

Because in Miaojiang, Ji Yang knew many people.

Zhu Jiumei and Wei Suo are now in Miaojiang, and Lan Xueyao and her villagers are also in Miaojiang.

Miao Jiang is also the territory of the Mu family in the Guardian Alliance.

These people are all available.

Especially Wei Suo, they have quite a few monsters in their hands, and he doesn't know the number.

In addition to rat monsters, he can also use ordinary mice.

Wei Suo and these mice are very good at intelligence gathering.

In other words, each mouse can be equivalent to an intelligence officer.

With countless rats as intelligence personnel, what a powerful intelligence gathering ability it would be. Thinking about it, Ji Yang felt terrible.

And when Ji Yang was thinking about this, what Yun Tianxin said next surprised him even more.

"Actually, you don't need to find your friend, I can quickly help you find the other half of the Nuwa Stone."

"I am a descendant of the Nuwa clan. Half of the Nuwa stone is in my hand, and the other half is within [-] kilometers away from me. I can clearly feel the location."

Although Miaojiang has hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

But as long as it is within a thousand kilometers, the location can be determined.

Calculated in this way, it is really not difficult to find another Nuwa stone.

But if you want to find it faster, you still need to use Xia Weisuo, Mujia and others to provide clues as much as possible and narrow the scope.

Anyway, there are resources that can be used, so why waste them.

"The Nuwa stone is very important to me. I urgently need to gather the complete Nuwa stone. When I leave Yuntianmen, you can go to Miaojiang with me."

"Although Empress Nuwa didn't make it very clear, she also told me something. I know that the Nuwa stone is related to the safety of the three realms. Naturally, I want to help you find it as soon as possible. I will leave with you when the time comes."

Now that he has roughly determined the location of the other half of the Nuwa stone, Ji Yang must go to find it.

Yun Tianxin readily agreed to go to Miaojiang with him, so Ji Yang didn't need to talk nonsense.

If it wasn't for the fact that Jiangchen hadn't completely fused with Ji, and he had to heal Long Bing's injuries, he would probably go to Miaojiang now...

(End of this chapter)

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