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Chapter 1562 The barrier of Yuntianmen is cracked

Chapter 1562 The barrier of Yuntianmen is cracked (second update)
Yuntianmen has been established for thousands of years, and this barrier has been around longer than Yuntianmen.

But since the appearance of the barrier, before Ji Yang came to Yuntianmen, the barrier has never shaken like an earthquake.

But since Ji Yang came to Yuntianmen, I don't know how many times this happened.

It's just the shaking before, that was when Ji Yang broke the seal, when Nu Wa fought against Yan, and when Chi You fought Chi You.

It was because the movement of the fight was too loud and impacted the barrier, so the barrier shook.

Even because of these shakings, Yuntianmen disciples are ready to withdraw from the barrier at any time.

But now everything has subsided, and no one is seen fighting, why is the enchantment shaking again?
Ji Yang didn't know, and neither did Fu Xi, so he had to ask others.

Ji Yang left and quickly flew towards the hall where Feng Yunzi had met him before.

The location of the hall can be regarded as an important place in Yuntianmen, and there must be many people there.

It's just that before Ji Yang arrived at the hall, he saw many disciples running in a panic.

"What's going on? Why are you running? Why is the enchantment shaking?"

Ji Yang fell from the sky, grabbed a running Yuntianmen disciple, and asked him coldly.

The disciple caught by Ji Yang looked at Ji Yang in front of him with flustered eyes.

What Ji Yang did in Yuntianmen spread throughout Yuntianmen, and everyone knew how terrible Ji Yang was.

He saw Ji Yang flustered because he was afraid.

"Let me ask you something, why did the enchantment shake, where are you going?"

The disciple being questioned just looked at him, but didn't speak. Ji Yang frowned, grabbed the other party's collar, and his voice became colder.

"We received an order from the sect master to gather all the disciples at the entrance of the enchantment. I really don't know what happened."

All disciples run in the same direction.

It turned out that they had received Yun Yun's order and were running towards the entrance of the enchantment.

After all, Ji Yang entered Yuntianmen for the first time. Although he came in from the entrance, he was still a little confused in which direction the entrance was located.

The Yuntianmen disciple didn't look like a liar in front of him, and he had nothing to lie to Ji Yang. Since he didn't know, Ji Yang didn't make things difficult for him, and let go of his hand.

The collar was loosened, and the disciple heaved a sigh of relief, coughing twice violently.

He was caught by the collar just now, and he almost couldn't breathe. Ji Yang's appearance gave him the illusion that Ji Yang wanted to kill him.

Ji Yang ignored the disciple's cough, and jumped up into the air.

Since these people are acting according to orders, most of them don't know the situation.

So Ji Yang can only go to the entrance of the enchantment himself to find out the reason of the matter.

When Ji Yang came to the entrance of the enchantment, Ji Yang saw many people standing on the ground.

Yun Yun, Yun Tianxin, and the elders of Yuntianmen who were able to move after taking Ji Yang's medicine were all here.

Apart from them, the rest are the disciples of Yuntianmen.

At first glance, there are definitely two or three hundred people here.

"Ji Yang, why are you here, aren't you guarding the general?"

Seeing Ji Yang coming, Yun Tianxin said in astonishment.

Seeing Ji Yang, Feng Yunzi and the others instinctively took a step back.

Although Ji Yang helped them heal, they both loved and hated Ji Yang.

Especially Feng Yunzi, who was directly fainted by Ji Yang at that time, and when he saw Ji Yang, his expression was the most wrong.

"I felt the barrier shaking, so I rushed over."

"What's the matter with this enchantment? Why is there a crack? It seems that the crack is still expanding. Could it be that someone attacked the enchantment?"

When Ji Yang answered Yun Tianxin's question, he also looked at the barrier at the entrance.

Ji Yang saw that at the barrier position at the entrance, several cracks spread across the barrier like spider webs.

These cracks are still spreading and widening.

If the cracks continue, the barrier of Yuntianmen will definitely be destroyed.

"How can anyone attack the enchantment? The enchantment that has been nothing for thousands of years is all because of you."

"The building of Yuntianmen is closely related to the barrier. Once the barrier is broken, Yuntianmen will be destroyed. This is all caused by you."

Feng Yunzi with a wrong expression shouted at Ji Yang, who frowned and looked at him.

The enchantment is closely related to Yuntianmen, and Ji Yang has already seen this.

It can be said that the enchantment is because he became like this, Ji Yang didn't realize what happened for a while.

"What do you mean? Why do you say I did it? When did I attack the barrier?"

"If you don't speak clearly, don't blame me for being rude."

Ji Yang was a little angry, his eyes were waiting for Feng Yunzi to shout loudly.

Ji Yang was wondering if it was because he had pissed off Feng Yunzi before, and Feng Yunzi had resentment towards him, so he was talking nonsense here.

Ji Yang can admit that he really did it himself, but he will not deny it.

But there are some things that he didn't do by himself, and if he wanted Ji Yang to take the blame, Ji Yang wouldn't do it either.

"Ji Yang, don't be angry, what the Great Elder said is true."

There was something wrong with the atmosphere between Ji Yang and Feng Yunzi, Yun Yun hurriedly opened her mouth when she saw it.

Because Ji Yang broke the seal and got Chi You's battle axe, many people in Yuntianmen were actually very upset.

Feng Yunzi is the representative of the unhappy.

If it weren't for the fact that they knew they couldn't beat Ji Yang, and they had Nuwa's intentions, these people would probably have settled with Ji Yang long ago.

Yun Yun didn't want the gaffe to expand, she had to take the initiative to speak, so as to control the development of the situation.

For Feng Yunzi's words, Ji Yang can take it as the other party's displeased him talking nonsense.

Now that Yun Yun said the same thing, Ji Yang's face darkened a lot.

He believed that Yun Yun was not talking nonsense, but if he said it had something to do with him, then what was going on?
"Actually, the crack in the enchantment was caused by the strength and residual prestige of the previous fight."

"It's just that it was very small in the beginning, so no one noticed."

"It wasn't until the crack expanded to the extent that the entire barrier shook violently that everyone realized the seriousness of the problem."

Under Ji Yang's watching, Yun Yun explained the reason for the crack in the barrier.

Hearing such an explanation, Ji Yang's expression changed.

If this is the case, then he cannot shirk his responsibility for the destruction of the enchantment.

After all, everything started because he wanted to take Chi You's battle axe.

"Since I caused the disaster, let me take the responsibility. I won't let Yuntianmen be destroyed."

"Hmph, it sounds nice, you are responsible, how are you responsible?"

"This enchantment was created by Empress Nuwa. Even if your cultivation is not weak, do you have the ability to repair the enchantment created by Empress Nuwa?"

"That's right, do you have that ability..."

Hearing that Ji Yang was going to be responsible, Feng Yunzi was the first to express his disbelief, and then some disciples followed suit.

The people around didn't trust him, making Ji Yang's eyes fixed, and he shouted in a cold voice.

"I said I am responsible, then I will be responsible."

"Since I dare to say I am responsible, I have a way to repair this enchantment..."

(End of this chapter)

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