The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1565 The general is mad

Chapter 1565 The General Is Manic (Part [-])

"Boom boom boom..."

"What is that red gas? The breath of the gas is so strong and terrifying. The shaking of the barrier and the cracks cracking again are all because of this red gas."

"You ask me, how do I know, quickly release the true energy to repair the cracks, if you don't suppress the expansion of the cracks, the barrier will be broken later, and Yuntianmen will be finished..."

The scarlet air soared into the sky, and everyone in the barrier could see it.

The disciple whose true qi was still recovering looked at the scarlet qi with astonished and confused eyes.

They don't know what this scarlet aura is, but they can feel that this scarlet aura is very powerful.

The enchantment that was originally being repaired was shaken by the scarlet energy, and the cracks would expand again.

"Ji Yang, where is..."

"Yun Tianxin, you stay here, I'll go take a look."

Ordinary disciples didn't know where the scarlet aura appeared, but both Yun Tianxin and Yun Yun knew that it was where Fuxi and the generals were.

And this scarlet aura is obviously evil, so it must not be Fuxi.

That is to say, the master of the scarlet energy should be the general.

Knowing that the scarlet aura was related to the general, Yun Tianxin, who had already moved, stopped and looked over at Ji Yang.

The relationship between Ji Yang and the general is here, if it is really a general, this matter will be difficult to handle.

Ji Yang also understood what Yun Tianxin meant, so before Yun Tianxin finished speaking, he flew directly to the position of the general and Fuxi.

"Ji Yang, I'm with you."

"No, you stay here and continue to repair the cracks with Yun Tianxin and the others. I'll be back soon. Fuxi is there, there will be no problem."

Xiao Longnu wanted to leave with Ji Yang, but Ji Yang refused.

Now the crack is expanding, and it must be suppressed as soon as possible to control the spread of the crack.

The surrounding cultivation bases are barely passable, only Yunyun and Yuntianxin, and even the elders of Yuntianmen can't be counted on because of their injuries.

If Xiao Longnv leaves again, it will be even more difficult.

Besides, if something happened to the general and Ji Yang and Fuxi couldn't handle it together, even bringing Xiaolongnv along would not make much sense.

After rejecting Xiao Longnv, Ji Yang simply used Lie Feng Xing and flew towards the position of the general at the fastest speed.

The closer Ji Yang was to the general's position, the stronger the breath fluctuations in the air.

"This aura is definitely the general's fault. What happened so that the surrounding air is contaminated with such a strong corpse aura."

The aura of the general, Ji Yang asked himself, was quite familiar.

After all, the two have been in contact for so long, and they know each other's aura very well.

After confirming that it was the breath of the general, Ji Yang flew even faster.

"Fuxi, what the hell are you doing? Didn't you agree to help me guard the general? What happened to him?"

When Ji Yang was able to see the general, he saw that the corpse aura that had originally wrapped the general like a silkworm cocoon had dissipated.

The general stood on the ground, his eyes shone with a red light that made people feel chills behind.

Corpse Qi vented out crazily, spreading to the surroundings and to the sky.

And Fuxi, standing not far from the general at this time, didn't have any intention of taking care of the general.

"Why are you nervous, he just fused with the remnant soul of Ji, and he didn't control his power well for a while."

"Wait a while, he will be fine, you thought it would be so easy to fuse a remnant soul."

Fuxi could hear the dissatisfaction in Ji Yang's mouth, and he still said softly with an indifferent look.

But hearing Fuxi's words, Ji Yang couldn't keep calm.

If it is placed in other places, it is fine for the general to look like this, but here is within the enchantment of Yuntianmen, and the general's aura is unstable, which has already affected the enchantment.

"How can I not be in a hurry, the barrier of Yuntianmen is in turmoil, you don't know, I am leading people to repair the damage of the barrier."

"Everything is going on normally, as long as you join in, the cracks in the enchantment can be completely repaired."

"But once his aura is unstable, our previous repair work was wasted. Now the cracks in the barrier have become bigger. Xiaolongnu and Yun Tianxin are doing their best to repair and suppress."

Ji Yang's words were almost shouted.

When Fuxi heard Ji Yang's words, his face changed obviously.

No wonder Ji Yang didn't come back for so long after he left. It turned out that he was repairing the crack in the seal.

He also felt that the breath fluctuations at the entrance of the barrier were a bit strong, if he hadn't promised Ji Yang to guard the general, he would have gone over to check the situation.

"The enchantment actually cracked? What's going on?"

"Hey, this matter is really my responsibility..."

The reason for the cracking of the enchantment is not clear to Fu Xi for the time being.

Asking Ji Yang, Ji Yang simply explained the reason.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Fuxi frowned, and looked at the general with serious eyes.

"According to what you said, I want to repair the damage of the enchantment now, and I still have the confidence to do it."

"But if the general continues like this, the barrier must be broken, and it will be troublesome then."

"Although I can condense another barrier under the Tianchi Lake, all of this has been destroyed now, so we must control the general first."

Knowing that the situation was critical, Fuxi also had an idea in his mind.

Ji Yang agreed with Fuxi's idea, and Ji Yang also wanted to control the general.

But this matter is easy to say, but how to control it.

"Then how do you control it? If he looks like this, if the corpse aura continues to spread and the barrier is not broken, there will be no living creatures in this area in the future."

The poison of the general's corpse is very strong, but it is very terrifying.

The current concentration of corpse poison in the air is still relatively small, and the impact on the surrounding organisms is not too great.

Within 30 meters around Chen's body, all the flowers, plants and trees will wither, and the birds flying in the sky will be directly turned into blood.

Now it is 30 meters, and then it will be 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters...

So even if it wasn't because of the enchantment, in order for there to be living people in Yuntianmen in the future, the generals had to be controlled.

"Uh... ah..."

Hearing Ji Yang's question, Fuxi was still thinking about it.

How to control the generals, Fuxi has no good solution for the time being.

Just as Fuxi was thinking and Ji Yang was waiting for Fuxi's opinion, the general raised his head to the sky and yelled.

He let out a loud cry, and the corpse aura gushed out of his body faster, the ground under his feet immediately cracked, and several rocks around him were smashed to pieces by the sudden surge of corpse aura.

"What's going on? Damn, what do you want, general?"

The general roared angrily, and looked at Ji Yang.

Ji Yang noticed that the general's eyes seemed a little manic at this moment.

Such eyes made Ji Yang feel that something was wrong.

Just when he felt something was wrong, the general flew directly into the air (after merging with Ji's remnant soul, the general had the ability to fly), and rushed towards Ji Yang.

Seeing the general rushing towards him, the immortal energy in Ji Yang's body instinctively circulated, and at the same time shouted loudly at the general...

(End of this chapter)

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