The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1573 Little Darling

1573 Chapter [-] "Little Boy" (Fifth Watch)

Fighting for inheritance?
When the young man said this, Ji Yang, Yun Tianxin and others were taken aback.

Rights are always things that can arouse people's desires (desires). In order to obtain rights, many people will do whatever they can.

Those who fought for the throne in ancient times had blood on their hands, and many of these bloods came from their own brothers.

Although Cui Youtian and Cui Youyang are not fighting for the throne, there are millions of followers of Tiandaoism.

Ascending to the position of the leader, admired by millions of people, and having great power in his hands, think about it, I am really excited.

But even if he understands the reason of the matter, it doesn't mean that Ji Yang can accept the other party's approach.

Not only Ji Yang couldn't accept it, Dongfang Mei, Yun Tianxin and others also couldn't accept it.

At this moment, Dongfang Mei, Yun Tianxin and the others were complaining about all kinds of dissatisfaction.

"I've said what you want to know, can I go now?"

Hearing the dissatisfaction from Dongfang Mei and others, the young man's body trembled non-stop.

He was afraid that Dongfang Mei and others would take their anger out on him, that would be bad.

He looked at Ji Yang and asked in a low voice.

"Go? Did I say to let you go?"

"Didn't you say that if I answered your question, you can spare my life? You also said that you keep your word, how can you go back on your word now?"

Hearing that Ji Yang didn't want to let him go, the young man became agitated.

He was submissive just now, but now his voice has become louder.

After all, it is a matter of life and death, so you can't be careless.

Anyway, obedient people will die, so why didn't he resist.

"Of course I keep my word. If I say I won't kill you, I definitely won't kill you."

"Then what do you mean you won't let me go?"

Ji Yang's words made the youth of country H a little confused.

He really didn't understand what Ji Yang meant, and he said he would not kill himself, and he would not let him go, what kind of trouble was he going to do?
"Come on, little boy!"

"Remember to leave him a breath."

Ji Yang didn't answer the young man's doubts directly, but called Xiao Guai.

Ji Yang didn't kill the young man, he didn't do it himself, and he called Xiaoguai, and let Xiaoguai give the other party a sigh of relief.

In this way, Ji Yang still did what he said.



"Bastard, I'm fighting with you, ah..."

Hearing Ji Yang calling Xiaoguai, the young man also understood the meaning.

Because of his anger, his face turned red, and his eyes looked at Ji Yang as if dripping blood.

Ji ** didn't care about his look at all, and it wasn't the first time he was looked at like this.

If he has the ability, then he will come to seek revenge on himself?

But the young man in front of him must not have that chance. With Xiaoguai's performance just now, even if he gave the young man a sigh of relief, he would not be able to wait for someone to rescue him.

Not only this young man has no chance, but those who are still alive around him also cannot have a chance.

Seeing Xiaoguai rushing towards him, the young man yelled angrily. He tried to punch Xiaoguai, but Xiaoguai dodged it skillfully.

Then the little boy slapped the young man with his tail.

The young man felt as if he had been hit by an iron rod, he screamed in pain, and then fell to the ground.

With this fall, he was doomed to have no chance to stand up again, because Xiaoguai had already thrown himself on top of him.

Xiao Guai's tiger claws grabbed the young man several times in a row, and the young man's body was covered in blood.

Under Xiao Guai's bite, one arm and one leg of the young man were torn off by Xiao Guai.

The young man screamed in pain, and then passed out.

"Your little boy is really ruthless, but he is also obedient. He told you to keep his breath, and he really did."

Looking at the unconscious young man, Ji Yang said softly to Yun Tianxin.

Yun Tianxin heard Ji Yang's jokes, but now she is really not in the mood to joke with Ji Yang.

Because Lin Liping was still in a coma, no matter how she screamed, she couldn't wake her up.

"Why didn't you ask just now why Li Ping fell into a coma? She didn't seem to be comatose due to injury, but seemed to have been drugged."

If she was just injured and unconscious, and Yun Tianxin poured some true energy into her, Lin Liping should wake up.

The current Nuwa stone is on Yun Tianxin's body, and Yun Tianxin's true energy output has some healing effects in itself.

But after Yun Tianxin injected his true energy, although Lin Liping's breathing improved a bit, she couldn't wake up.

This made her sure that Lin Liping's coma was not simple.

"It doesn't matter if you ask me or not. It's probably just a drug that causes a coma. At most, the dose is too large to prevent her from waking up."

"Let me come, I'll wake her up."

Ji Yang didn't ask because he believed he could wake Lin Liping up.

For Ji Yang, Yun Tianxin still trusted Ji Yang, and when Ji Yang wanted to wake Lin Liping up, Yun Tianxin handed her over to Ji Yang.

Ji Yang's eyes were closed, and the immortal energy in his body was circulating. With his middle and index fingers together, he pointed towards Lin Liping's eyebrows.

When Ji Yang's finger touched Lin Liping's eyebrows, a slight smile of disdain appeared on Ji Yang's face.

"How is it? Is there any medicine in Li Ping's body?"

"Indeed, there is indeed a strange medicinal power in her body, but the medicinal power is not strong, so I will get rid of the medicinal power."

The disdainful smile meant that Ji Yang felt that the potency of the medicine was not good.

While answering Yun Tianxin's question, Ji Yang injected immortal energy into Lin Liping's body.

As the celestial energy entered the body, the celestial energy flowed through Lin Liping's limbs, blood vessels and tendons, completely forcing the medicine in Lin Liping's body out of the body.

Seeing the layer of black liquid oozing from the surface of Lin Liping's skin, Yun Tian felt relieved.


The medicine was forced out of the body, Ji Yang withdrew his hand.

After a few tens of seconds, Lin Liping murmured softly, and slowly opened her eyes.

"Bastard, don't touch me, even if I die, I won't let you catch me."

Lin Liping opened her eyes and shouted directly.

She had just woken up at this time, and she hadn't figured out the surrounding situation yet, so she thought it was those people from H country who were arresting her.

When she was speaking, she even waved at Ji Yang.

"I just saved you, and you repay me like this?"

"You are the master's guest, your name is Ji Yang?"

Ji Yang grabbed Lin Liping's wrist and looked at Lin Liping with a smile.

Lin Liping saw Ji Yang clearly, thought for a while, and called out Ji Yang's name.

"Li Ping, you're awake, that's great."

"Senior Sister, did you save me?"

"It was Ji Yang's friend who saved you..."

Yun Tianxin simply told Lin Liping about meeting Lin Liping just now, and also told Lin Liping what those H country people said.

After learning the truth, Lin Liping looked very angry.

"Damn it, what do they think of me as a bargaining chip for the leader?"

"I'm sure I won't marry them. I'll go back and explain this to my father. Sister, accompany me back to YB. Help me teach that Cui a lesson, okay?"

Lin Liping decided to go back to YB to find her father, and also wanted to bring Yun Tianxin along...

(End of this chapter)

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