The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 158 Ai Xiaoqian's Resentment

Chapter 158 Ai Xiaoqian's Resentment (fourth update)

"What are you shouting, can't I see it myself?"

Hearing Feng Kun's words, Ji Yang frowned and shouted in a cold voice.

His eyesight is much better than Feng Kun's. It's not like he can't see the red-clothed female ghost once he appears, so he needs to remind him.

At this time, Ji Yang was looking at the female ghost in red. The female ghost had a pretty face, but her face was pale, her lips were purple, her eyes were red, and she was looking at Feng Kun and Ji Yang angrily.

"Are you the Taoist priest he invited? This matter has nothing to do with you. You'd better get out immediately, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

What Feng Kun said just now undoubtedly told the other party that Ji Yang came here to arrest her.

The female ghost in red stared at Feng Kun and Ji Yang for a moment, then turned her eyes on Ji Yang, and said in a cold voice.

Hearing what the female ghost said, Ji Yang didn't speak, he just stared at her.

Ji Yang had already felt that the villa was full of yin and resentment before, and when the female ghost appeared, the resentment on the other party even changed the atmosphere in the whole room.

There is so much resentment on the other party, apart from the reason why the other party's red clothes provoked the resentment, that is, the other party's unjust death and unwillingness to die. The combination of the two makes her accumulate such a large amount of resentment.

With a lot of resentment, she couldn't be reincarnated. At this time, she kept pestering Feng Kun, probably Feng Kun was involved in her death, maybe she was killed by Feng Kun at all. With this thought, Ji Yang smiled lightly.

"I'm not a Taoist priest, I just know some Taoism. I'm not here to trouble you, but to help you."

"Looking at your grievances so much, I really don't want to die reconciled. If you die wronged, you can tell me, maybe I can help you solve it."

As Ji Yang said softly, the expression of the female ghost in red also changed a little.

Before, Feng Kun also asked Taoist priests to deal with her. Anyone who saw her would beat her as soon as they saw her, but none of them worked. In the end, they were beaten by the female ghost and ran away.

Seeing Ji Yang speak like this now, the ghost in red was puzzled, but she didn't believe Ji Yang's words.

"Hmph, you can't control my affairs!"

The female ghost yelled, her eyes were even more red, and she looked like she was about to attack Ji Yang at any time.

Seeing the female ghost like this, Ji Yang also shook his head, sighed and said, "I really helped you."


When the female ghost spoke this time, she disappeared in a flash, and when she reappeared, she was already in front of Ji Yang, her scarlet eyes were full of anger, and she grabbed Ji Yang's neck like a hook with her five fingers.

Ji Yang didn't want to fight the female ghost at first, but the other party did it first. Seeing her appearance, he didn't want to subdue her anymore. He wanted her to say what she complained about, but I'm afraid it won't work.

That being the case, then Ji Yang will not be polite.

Ji Yang retreated quickly, avoiding the female ghost's claws, and uttered a spell in his mouth, his body retreated instead, and he slapped the female ghost with his palm.

When Ji Yang struck with a palm, the female ghost's face was startled, she didn't expect Ji Yang's reaction to be so fast, even faster than her ghost.

The female ghost floated back, trying to avoid Ji Yang's palm, but she retreated fast, Ji Yang chased even faster, and the palm still hit the female ghost.



A heavy palm was imprinted on the female ghost, and the female ghost screamed when she was beaten.

When Ji Yang's handprint was on her body, the female ghost obviously felt a burning sensation coming directly, and she also realized at this moment that Ji Yang in front of her was different from those Taoist priests she met before.

"Ji Shao, kill her, kill her."

Feng Kun at the side saw that the female ghost was repelled by Ji Yang's palm, and she looked like she was still injured. He was so excited in his heart and shouted excitedly.

"Shut up for me, I don't care what I do."

Turning his head and yelling at the yelling Feng Kun, Ji Yang looked at the female ghost again.

"You are not my opponent, let's speak out your grievances."

"Hmph, I'm indeed not your opponent, but I don't believe you can protect him forever."

"Feng Kun, I was going to take your life tonight, but it seems that I can't do it now, but you wait for me, I will take your life sooner or later."

The female ghost glanced at Feng Kun unwillingly, and jumped out of the window to escape.

Seeing that the female ghost was about to leave, Ji Yang also chased it out.

Ordinary people may not be able to see the female ghost fleeing, but Ji Yang, who is a ninth-rank immortal, can. Seeing the female ghost fleeing quickly, he also pursues closely.

"Paralyzed, I want to help you, why don't you run away."

Ji Yang was depressed, and his speed was also increased to the extreme.

The female ghost ran all the way to a small forest not far from the villa. Seeing Ji Yang chasing her closely, she finally had to stop.

"Who the hell are you? I have no grievances or enmities with you. I was just wronged to death. I just wanted to take Feng Kun's life. Why don't you let me go."

The female ghost stopped, turned around and shouted angrily.

Hearing the female ghost's words, Ji Yang was already sure that the female ghost was killed by Feng Kun.

"Feng Kun, this bastard, has nothing to do with me. It's just that you have too much resentment. Such a heavy resentment will linger for a long time, and it will harm innocent people. Tell me your unfulfilled wish, and I will help you. If you If you still refuse to say it, then don’t blame me for killing you directly.”

While Ji Yang was speaking, the black awn sword also appeared in his hand, the black awn sword appeared out of thin air, and the female ghost's expression was very astonished.

"You are……"

"You don't need to care who I am, as long as you know that I can help you, just say it."

Even the most powerful Taoist priest in the world couldn't have an extra sword out of thin air like Ji Yang. At this moment, the female ghost was sure that Ji Yang was not an ordinary person, and finally told Ji Yang the cause of her death.

The female ghost named Ai Xiaoqian is an ordinary rural girl. She followed her brother Ai Xiaotian to Linhai to work.

One day when Ai Xiaotian was driving, he accidentally hit someone and seriously injured him, but the freight company didn't care. Ai Xiaotian and Ai Xiaoqian didn't make enough money to pay each other's medical expenses. I'm going to jail.

Feng Kun didn't know where he knew about Ai Xiaotian, but he took the initiative to find Ai Xiaoqian. His request was very simple, as long as Ai Xiaoqian was willing to be Feng Kun's girlfriend, Feng Kun would help her save Ai Xiaotian, in order to save himself. Ai Xiaoqian agreed.

But what Ai Xiaoqian didn't expect was that Feng Kun not only failed to fulfill his promise in the end, but Ai Xiaotian's crime was aggravated instead.

Ai Xiaoqian angrily asked Feng Kun why, but Feng Kun told Ai Xiaoqian that he was just teasing her.

Hearing what Feng Kun said, Ai Xiaoqian was very angry. She quarreled with Feng Kun, and finally the quarrel turned into a fight. Slit an artery in her wrist.

At that time, Ai Xiaoqian was still saved, but Feng Kun not only failed to save her, but buried her directly in this grove...

 It’s the fourth update. Xieben knows that many people will urge the update, but Xieben really works hard. My update speed is faster than most people. I recommend it as a reward.
(End of this chapter)

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