The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1596 Not a Gu Master but Knows Gu Art

Chapter 1596 Not a Gu Master but Knows Gu Art (Part [-])
Zhu Jiumei's double knives are wrapped in a demonic aura.

When her double knives hit a ghost earlier, the ghost would immediately fly away.

But now, Zhu Jiumei slashed at the ghost with both knives. Although the ghost screamed in pain, it didn't disappear.

The ghost's eyes flashed red, and it grabbed Zhu Jiumei's neck with both hands.



Because the ghost didn't disappear, Zhu Jiumei felt strange and was a little dazed.

When the ghost pinched her with both hands, Zhu Jiumei was still there in a daze.

Just when the ghost's hand was about to pinch Zhu Jiumei, Lan Xueyao lashed the ghost with a whip.

The ghost screamed in pain, and his body was pulled back a few steps.

"Damn it, I was almost pinched by a ghost."

Zhu Jiumei came to her senses, looking at the retreating ghost, she looked very angry.

Wei Suo and his two subordinates were in the same situation as Zhu Jiumei.

The ghost who was so weak just now, the ghost who can be knocked out of his wits in two or three hits, is not so easy to be knocked out of his wits now.

"These ghosts are weird, everyone be careful."

Although angry in her heart, Zhu Jiumei has not lost her head yet.

She opened her mouth to remind Wei Suo and the others, and everyone nodded. Anyone who is not a fool can find that these changed ghosts are different from just now.


After Xiao Longnu and the others paid attention, the remaining ghosts roared like beasts and rushed towards them.

Zhu Jiumei's eyes were fixed, and the demonic aura on the two knives in her hands was strong.

Swinging the two knives, she rushed towards the ghost who hadn't been beaten by her just now.

"Puff puff……"

Zhu Jiumei swung her two knives very fast this time, every time she swung the knives, there was a sound of explosion.

Her double knives slashed at the ghost's body again and again.

From the chest to the abdomen, from the abdomen to the ribs, from the ribs to the limbs...

Zhu Jiumei was trying to figure out where the ghost's fatal point was.

But every time the knife was cut, although the ghost was screaming, it didn't disappear. Even his arms were cut off by Zhu Jiumei, and this guy still bit her with a big mouth, as if he was crazy.

"The mouth is so stinky!"


Looking at the ghost trying to bite her, Zhu Jiumei slashed at the ghost's head.

The whole head of the ghost was cut off, and it became the ghost of the headless ghost, which still did not fall down and disappeared.

The head is fatal, even if the ghost's head is destroyed, with the help of the evil spirit, most of them will disappear.

But the ghost in front of her eyes did not disappear, Zhu Jiumei frowned.

"You're not done yet, do you have to smash your head!"

When Zhu Jiumei saw that the severed head was flying towards her, she shouted loudly, and the demonic energy of her two knives poured out, and chopped off directly at the head.


The head was cut into four by Zhu Jiumei, but the ghost's body was obviously still moving.

But when the evil spirit shattered the head that had turned into four halves, the ghost's body finally stopped moving, fell to the ground, and then disappeared.

"Disappeared? I see."

The ghost finally disappeared, and Zhu Jiumei was overjoyed.

"Their heads are weak points. It's useless to cut off their heads. They have to be smashed to pieces!"

Zhu Jiumei found a way to deal with ghosts, and she shouted excitedly.

Hearing Zhu Jiumei's words, Lan Xueyao and the others followed Zhu Jiumei's method, and sure enough, as long as the ghost's head was completely smashed, the ghost would disappear.

Finally found a way to kill these ghosts, Zhu Jiumei and others dealt with ghosts much easier.

The dozen or so people who summoned the ghost saw that Zhu Jiumei and the others had found a way to deal with the ghost, and watched the ghosts disappear one by one. They looked at each other.

Although there is no verbal communication, they can understand each other's thoughts through their eyes.

After they nodded to each other, they chanted spells one by one, and as the black energy on their bodies became more solidified, they rushed directly towards Zhu Jiumei and the others.

In their hands, they all held a thick bone similar to a femur, and the top of the bone was inlaid with a skull.

The eyes of these skulls exude a strange red light.


Waving the bone in his hand, chanting the spell in his mouth, streams of black energy shot towards Zhu Jiumei and the others like swords or knives.


Zhu Jiumei and the others waved their weapons to block the black air, and the black air collided with the weapons, making a sound like metal colliding.

"Pfft... Zizizi..."

The black energy was blocked, and Zhu Jiumei found that the evil energy on the two knives in her hands had actually weakened a lot.

The black air fell on the ground, and there were traces of burning on the ground, and there were puffs of black smoke.

"The black gas is corrosive, so be careful."

Lan Xueyao also noticed the abnormality of the black air, she shouted at Zhu Jiumei and the others.

Lan Xueyao discovered that these black qi were very similar to some kind of Gu technique.

"Are they Gu Masters?"

Lan Xueyao suspects that these people in front of her are Gu masters, but she doesn't feel like them.

It's so strange that they are not Gu masters, but they can use attacks similar to Gu techniques. Who are they?
Hearing Lan Xueyao's reminder, Zhu Jiumei and the others became much more careful.

Lan Xueyao took out a flute and began to play the flute, the sound of the flute appeared, and there was a strange sound from the surrounding grass and flowers.

Then I saw some poisonous insects and snakes crawling out.

Lan Xueyao may not be very good at dealing with ghosts, but she is still very good at dealing with people.

The appearance of these poisonous insects and snakes made the dozen or so people in cloaks slightly taken aback.

"She is a Gu Master, everyone be careful, get rid of this Gu Master first!"

These people really have a lot of knowledge, seeing Lan Xueyao make so many poisonous insects and snakes with the sound of the flute, they know her identity.

"If you want to move her, you have to ask me first."

"Stay with me, I will protect you."

Seeing that these people were a little jealous of Lan Xueyao, Zhu Jiumei made the right choice, which was to protect Lan Xueyao's safety while dealing with the ghosts around her while dodging their attacks.

When Zhu Jiumei and the others were entangled with these people in front of them, three black crows flew towards the building.

The three black crows rammed directly towards the building, but they didn't appear bloody and disappeared.

These three black crows actually passed through the exterior of the building and entered the building.

After the three black crows entered the building, some black gas appeared on the crows, and the three black crows turned into three people wearing black cloaks.

Aren't these three people exactly Mara, Kulina and Ruito?

At this time, the three of Mara were located on the eighteenth floor of the building.

There are no ghosts coming down from the floors above the eighteenth floor, and there are only twenty or thirty ghosts on this floor, and they are walking downstairs.

"Meet the master!"

When the ghosts here saw the three of them, they knelt on the ground with terrified faces, and greeted them with trembling voices. They were very afraid of the three of them...

(End of this chapter)

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