The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1605 Part-time Ghost King Fighting Demon Lord

Chapter 1605 Part-time Ghost King Fighting Demon Lord (Part [-])
Looking at the flame in Vachery's palm, Ji Yang knew that Vachery was about to make a move.

Immortal energy circulated in his body, and purple flames ignited all over Ji Yang's body.

Seeing the purple flames emerging from Ji Yang's body, Vachely's eyes changed somewhat, because he felt a familiar aura on these flames.

Among Ji Yang's purple flames, hell flames have been fused, so Vacheli is familiar with it.

Because the flames of Vacheli are also the flames of hell.

"Playing with fire? I will too."

Although Ji Yang's eyes were serious, the expression on his face was relaxed.

The breath of the demon lord Vachely is not weak, and his momentum is also very strong.

But his strength is at most equal to his own, why should Ji Yang be afraid of him.

Ji Yang has confidence in himself, he doesn't think he will lose to Vacheli.

Vacheli is a demon lord from the abyss of hell in the west, and Ji Yang is a part-time ghost king in Huaxia Hell.

It seems that there is a kind of contest between the East and the West underworld (hell).


Vacheli felt that Ji Yang's tone was a bit contemptuous of himself, which made him a little angry.

With a cold snort, his body rushed towards Ji Yang.

Every time he stepped out, there was a crack in the ground. The ground is still very solid, otherwise the ground would have been collapsed by him.

Vachely moved very fast, and felt like he was teleporting. In just one breath, he arrived in front of Ji Yang, and patted Ji Yang's head with his flaming palm.

It is a killer move as soon as it is shot, if the palm is comparable to the size of Ji Yang's head, if it is photographed, Ji Yang's head will not be smashed.


Ji Yang would definitely not be hit on the head by Vachely, but he did not dodge either.

A punch was struck from top to bottom, and Ji Yang's fist was also glowing with purple fire.

With his fists colliding, Ji Yang blocked Vacheli's attack.



The palm was blocked, and the flame in Vachery's palm fell towards Ji Yang's head.

But before these flames touched Ji Yang's head, they were blocked by a ball of flames rising from Ji Yang's head.

The two flames collided, and the two flames disappeared at the same time.

"Savage Clash!"

Demons are tall, strong, and very tough, which is their natural advantage.

In the entire abyss, in terms of physical strength alone, the physical strength of demons is unmatched by other races.

Demons are also very good at using their physical advantages to cause damage to their opponents, and demon lords are better at using this advantage than other demons.

His palm was blocked, and the flame was also blocked, so Vacheli used his body to touch Ji Yang's body head-on.


Vacheli slammed into Ji Yang's body, and Ji Yang let out a muffled grunt, and his body was hit back two steps.

Although Ji Yang used the size wishful, his body is also very tall and strong.

But in terms of physical strength alone, Ji Yang is still somewhat weaker than Vacheli, who is a demon lord.

Looking at Ji Yang who was knocked back by him, a flash of pride flashed in Vacheli's eyes.

"Hmph, Dali!"


I can't lose to Vachely, this is not just a battle between myself and Vachely, Ji Yang has already upgraded this battle to the level of a contest between the East and the West (hell).

So in today's battle, Ji Yang absolutely cannot lose.

If he loses, Ji Yang will have no face to face those gods and ghosts in heaven and hell in the future.

He had just knocked back Ji Yang, and Vacheli was very confident in his strength.

Seeing Ji Yang's punch, although he could see that Ji Yang's punch was powerful, he didn't dodge, and punched out with the same punch.

The demon's body was hard and powerful, so Vacheli dared to hit Ji Yang's punch head-on with his fist.

"Uh... ah..."

But when Vacheli's fist really collided with Ji Yang's punch, his eyes changed obviously.

There was a cry of pain in his mouth, and his body flew backwards.

And his arm was already deformed a little at this time.


Vachely flew upside down, knocked down a wall, and entered a room.

"My lord, ah..."

The wall was knocked down and the dust splashed everywhere. With a terrified cry, Mara rushed towards the room Vachery flew into.

It's just that he just entered the room when dense red and black gas gushed out of the room, and Mara was swept out of the room by the red and black gas.

Then Vacheli rushed out of the room. He grabbed the deformed arm with the other hand and forcibly restored the deformed arm to its original appearance.

His arm flicked, and the sound of bones rubbing against each other sounded, and there was nothing wrong with his arm.

"It's really a transformational recovery ability."

Seeing that Vacheli's arm was back to normal, Ji Yang said enviously.

The power of the punch after becoming bigger is very terrifying.

Vachely's arm was not shattered by himself, and he could recover so quickly, wouldn't he be envious.

"You angered the demon lord Vachery, I, Vachery, must tear you apart today."

The arm recovered as before, Vacheli yelled, and his body rushed towards Ji Yang again.

The body rushed forward, and Vachely waved his two fists. Every time he swung a fist, a flame shot towards Ji Yang.

Ji Yang manipulated the purple fire and used it to destroy the flames.

When Vacheli rushed to the front and back of Ji Yang, his fist wrapped in flames slammed violently at Ji Yang.

Ji Yang didn't show any weakness either, and used his fists to fight head-on with Vachely.

With the previous experience, Ji Yang has already developed a strong force, and every punch is full of strength.

But this time, Vacheli didn't retreat or break his arm because of the fist fight with Ji Yang.

It is estimated that Vacheli also used some method to make his strength stronger and his body harder.

If you look closely at his arm, you can indeed find that it is two times bigger than before.

Both Ji Yang and Vacheli are very powerful, and their fists sometimes hit each other.

But this time, neither side retreated.

The sound of their clashing and colliding was as loud as gongs and drums, and the sound echoed throughout the floor.

Even a few floors away, the sound of their fighting could be vaguely heard.

The floor where they fought was already dilapidated. The walls of the houses on both sides had all collapsed, and the floor was full of broken bricks and reinforced concrete.


In the end, the ground on the sixteenth floor couldn't bear the strength of Ji Yang and Vacheli and completely cracked.

The entire ground floor was cracked, and the ceiling of the fifteenth floor was completely shattered.

Ji Yang and Vacheli fell towards the fifteenth floor, and after each punched again, the two retreated respectively.

At this time, there were no ghosts on the fifteenth floor.

At the same time, Mara, who was falling, was swallowing hard.

It's not that he has never seen a shocking battle scene, but the fight between Ji Yang and Vacheli still frightened him a lot.

If Ji Yang showed such terrifying strength before, Mara has no doubt that he was killed before he summoned Vacheli...

(End of this chapter)

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