The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 1615 Cooperating with acting

Chapter 1615 Cooperating with acting (two more)

"Ji Shao, what do you mean?"

I don't know if Mu Xingyun really didn't understand what Ji Yang said, or he was just pretending to be stupid, but he asked Ji Yang back with a puzzled expression.

"Patriarch Mu, do you really want me to explain things so clearly? Or are you unwilling to believe certain things yourself?"

"There are obviously tens of thousands of ghosts in the building, but Mu Yuan said that there are only one or two. Every time he fails to capture a black wizard, Mu Yuan leads the team. Isn't there any doubt about the addition of these two things? "

Ji Yang believed that Mu Xingyun must understand what he meant.

The way he is now, he is obviously unwilling to accept it.

Intelligence is very important to any organization.

Mu Yuan is one of the elders in charge of the Mu family's intelligence work, so he must be trusted by Mu Xingyun.

Mu Xingyun really couldn't accept that a person he trusted so much might have betrayed him.

In fact, it's not that Mu Xingyun didn't think that someone would leak the secret when the black wizard was arrested, but he really didn't doubt Mu Yuan, but now, he can't do without doubt.

"Ji Shao, don't worry, if Mu Yuan really has a problem, I will definitely kill him myself."

When he said this, Mu Xingyun had regrets, helplessness, and more anger in his eyes.

Mu Xingyun would definitely not be able to bear the fact that a person whom he trusted very much betrayed him, and who was in collusion with other forces.

As long as the facts are true, no matter how heartbroken Mu Xingyun is, he will not be soft on Mu Yuan.

"This matter is not only a matter of the Mu family, but also a matter of the Guardian Alliance and China. Colluding with foreign enemies will undoubtedly lead to death. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer."

"Don't worry Ji Shao, the result will definitely satisfy you."

As Mu Xingyun said firmly, Ji Yang stopped making things difficult for Mu Xingyun.

The time of communication will make people feel that time passes quickly.

Ji Yang and Mu Xingyun chatted for so long, and the car carrying Ji Yang and others also entered Mu's house.

The Mu family did not hide themselves in the deep mountains and old forests like the Dongfang family.

The Mu family has their own piece of land in Miaojiang, and they built a high-end community here.

This community is not open to the public for sale, because all the residents in the community are members of the Mu family.

This neighborhood is exclusive to the Mu family.

Mu Xingyun's residence is a small five-story building in the center of the community.


"This is Ji Shao, the leader of the Guardian Alliance."

"Meet Ji Shao."

When everyone got out of the car, the members of the Mu family nodded and greeted Mu Xingyun.

After Mu Xingyun revealed Ji Yang's identity, the people who greeted him were slightly taken aback.

Although they all knew that the Guardian Alliance had a new leader, and the new leader was still very young, they were still very surprised to see that Ji Yang was so young.

"Let all the elders in the clan come here, no matter what they are busy with, let them all put down what they are doing."

"Especially Elder Mu Yuan, we must let him come over."

After everyone saluted Ji Yang, Mu Xingyun gave the other party an order.

These people were not too surprised to receive Mu Xingyun's order.

The leader of the guardian alliance arrived at Mu's house, and the elders of Mu's family came to see Ji Yang, which was as it should be.

After arranging for someone to call all the elders, Mu Xingyun invited Ji Yang and others into the building.

Everyone entered the building, and after waiting for a few minutes, people came one after another.

There were four elders in the Mu family, and three of them rushed over one after another, but the last one didn't come over for a long time.

After Mu Xingyun introduced the elder who came to Ji Yang, Ji Yang also knew that the one who didn't come was Mu Yuan who was in charge of the Mu family's information.

From other people's point of view, Mu Xingyun asked the clan elders to come here just to see Ji Yang.

But Ji Yang knew that this was only one of the purposes, and there was another thing, which was to interrogate Mu Yuan.

But now that Mu Yuan didn't come, the interrogation couldn't be carried out.

"What the hell is Mu Yuan doing? Why hasn't he come yet?"

"You didn't tell him that Young Master Ji is here?"

When Mu Yuan didn't come, Mu Xingyun found the person in charge of the notification, and asked him loudly with an ugly face.

"Patriarch, I have already notified Elder Mu Yuan, and I also told about Ji Shao. At that time, Elder Mu Yuan said that he would come over soon. I don't know why he hasn't come yet."

On weekdays, Mu Xingyun seldom loses his temper with people in his clan, no matter what their status is.

At this moment, he looked quite angry.

After being yelled at by the members of the Mu family, they felt somewhat uneasy.

The less often a person gets angry, the more terrifying it is once he gets angry.

Mu Xingyun is like this, as long as Mu Xingyun gets angry, the whole Mu family will tremble three times.

"Ji Shao, wait a moment, I'll go find Mu Yuan myself."

"I really don't understand the rules more and more. I can't come here at this time."

Knowing that Mu Yuan knew that Ji Yang was here, but hadn't rushed over quickly, the anger that had been suppressed in Mu Xingyun's heart almost exploded at this moment.

But just when Mu Xingyun was about to find Mu Yuan in person, he saw the door of the small building pushed open.

A man in his 60s and [-]s, wearing a blue shirt and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, who looked like a frail scholar walked into the room.

"Patriarch, who made you angry?"

When Mu Yuan entered the house, he happened to see Mu Xingyun with a cold face.

When Mu Yuan asked himself this question, Mu Xingyun stared and shouted at Mu Yuan.

"Who messed with me, what do you think?"

"You know Ji Shao is here, why didn't you come over earlier, are you planning to escape?"

Thinking about some guesses given by Ji Yang, looking at Mu Yuan in front of him, Mu Xingyun's expression became more and more ugly.

Looking at each other's eyes, I feel like I'm going to breathe fire.

Under Mu Xingyun's eyes, listening to Mu Xingyun's words, Mu Yuan's eyes were a little bit shocked.

"Patriarch, what do you mean by that, run away? I, Mu Yuansheng, belong to the Mu family, and die as the ghost of the Mu family. Why should I run away?"

"I came a little late because I was processing the information I just got."

"The black wizards of the Black Witch Society have new clues. I just sort out the information about them, and I just want to share it with Ji Shao and you."

"Ji Shao, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting."

Mu Yuan's astonishment was quickly replaced by an innocent look.

He spoke with a plausible appearance, and at the same time took out some materials and put them on the table in front of everyone.

This information is a list of personnel.

There were photos and some information on it. Ji Yang didn't recognize most of these photos, but he did recognize one of them, and that photo belonged to Mara.

"Just wait a minute, it's nothing."

"Patriarch Mu, Elder Mu Yuan worked so hard to investigate these black wizards for the sake of the Mu family and Miao Jiang, so don't be angry."

At this time, Mu Yuan took out the photos and information of Ma La and others, with a feeling of being loyal to work.

But the more he is like this, the more Ji Yang thinks that there is something wrong with him. Ji Yang is cooperating with Mu Yuan in acting at this time...

(End of this chapter)

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