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Chapter 1617 Actively Seeking Death

Chapter 1617 Actively Seeking Death (Part [-])
There was a traitor in the Mu family, and it was certain that the black wizard had not been caught in Miaojiang for more than ten years.

Mu Yuan, who is in charge of intelligence work, is the object of Ji Yang's suspicion. Ji Yang has stated his position on this point before.

Under Ji Yang's reminder, Mu Xingyun also began to suspect Mu Yuan.

But now, Mu Yuan actually said that the traitor was someone else. Doesn't that mean that Ji Yang guessed wrong?

Ji Yang was puzzled, and looked at Mu Yuan with a little more serious eyes.

As for what he thinks in his heart, no one knows.

"The people in charge of intelligence are absolutely trustworthy, how could there be a traitor?"

"Is there anything impossible? I haven't caught a black wizard for so many years. Every time I catch him, I have failed. I have long suspected that someone has leaked the secret. Otherwise, how could I keep failing."

"The person in charge of intelligence is the person who provides information for the Mu family, and is also the person who knows the situation of the Mu family best. If there is a problem with the person in charge of intelligence, wouldn't those black wizards also know the secrets of our Mu family? Mu Yuan, why are you so careless!"

When the three elders of the Mu family heard Mu Yuan's words, their faces changed drastically.

They either blamed Mu Yuan, or worried about the situation of Mu's family.

But Mu Xingyun, the patriarch, didn't speak, he was looking at Ji Yang.

Mu Xingyun was originally unwilling to believe that Mu Yuan had betrayed the Mu family, but now that Mu Yuan said so, he didn't know what to do.

Since Mu Xingyun didn't know what to do, let Ji Yang do it.

There must be something wrong with Mu Yuan, and Ji Yang is sure that he guessed right.

From Mu Yuan's appearance to various manifestations, it shows that Mu Yuan is not normal.

Ji Yang proposed to eat instead of dealing with the black wizard's affairs first, just to create false appearances and deliberately confuse Mu Yuan.

And Mu Yuan was indeed confused, Mu Yuan thought that others didn't hear his soliloquy, but Ji Yang heard it.

"The matter of the Mu family should be resolved by you yourself, and outsiders should not take care of it."

"But the Mu family is a guardian family, and the black wizards are all foreign forces, so as the leader of the guardian alliance, I have to ask about this matter."

"I am involved in the internal affairs of the Mu family. The Mu clan leader and the elders of the Mu family will not have any objections?"

Ji Yang's inquiry was superfluous at all, he was actually trying to save face for the Mu family by saying this.

When his words came out, Mu Xingyun was the first to express his opinion, and the other elders also directly agreed.

"Ji Shao is the leader of the Guardian Alliance, and the Mu family is a member of the Guardian Alliance. You should be involved."

"Since you all agree, let me ask Elder Mu Yuan a few words."

"Ji Shao, please, I am responsible for this matter, I am willing to punish me however Ji Shao wants."

Mu Yuan looked up at Ji Yang, his expression looked a little guilty, and when he said punishment, his voice was not low.

His attitude showed how responsible he was.

"I'm not from the Mu family. Your Mu family has its own punishment system. I don't care how to punish you. I just want to clarify the facts."

"Elder Mu Yuan, let me ask you, how did you find out that the other party had betrayed the Mu family? After you found out about the traitor, why didn't you report to Patriarch Mu and kill the other party yourself without explaining to the elders?"

The mouth of the dead is the strictest, only the dead will not open their mouths.

Whether Mu Yuan killed someone, no matter whether the other party was a real traitor or not, this matter is worth deliberating.

And no one can guarantee whether Mu Yuan found a scapegoat to wash off his identity as a traitor.

Anyway, that person is dead, and no one can find out.

As long as all the evidence points to the dead person, then Mu Yuan can say that he is innocent.

"Because I don't want him to suffer, and I don't want him to suffer the scolding of his tribe before he dies, that's why I killed him."

Mu Yuan didn't say how he found out that the other party was a traitor, but first said why he killed the traitor himself.

It's just that when he said this, everyone was a little strange.

"This is really interesting, a traitor, why do you care so much?"

"Traitors are the most hateful, and traitors deserve a terrible death. Everyone present understands this truth."

"You actually pity a traitor, no wonder there are traitors among the people you manage."

Zhu Jiumei looked at Mu Yuan with a funny face, and said with a sneer.

What Zhu Jiumei said is not wrong, no matter who it is or what kind of power it is, the traitors are the ones they hate the most.

Just like when Country R invaded China back then, the Chinese people hated the people of Country R, ​​but what they hated even more were those traitors, lackeys, and second devils.

"You are right. Since you are a traitor, how the family deals with the traitor is all the traitor's own fault."

"But I'm also a father. Do you want me to watch my son suffer that pain with my own eyes?"

"What did you say? Could it be that the traitor you're talking about is your son?"

When Mu Yuan said this, Ji Yang really couldn't calm down.

According to what Mu Yuan said, the traitor he was talking about was his son.

And what he killed was his own son.

Tiger poison does not eat its children, Mu Yuan killed his own son, this is not a joke.

"That's right, it's my son, the patriarch. I'm the elder in charge of intelligence. There is a traitor among the intelligence members, and it's my son. This is my failure as an elder and also as a father."

"I also inadvertently discovered that he was connected with the black wizard. Now that I have sorted out the information on the black wizard, I have no face to live in this world. Please give me a death sentence from the patriarch."

Mu Yuan wanted to die generously, he was showing his loyalty.

Asking to die actively, this is really moving.

"Did I really guess wrong?"

Looking at Mu Yuan in front of him, Ji Yang began to doubt himself.

Because it was hard for him to believe that Mu Yuan personally killed his son in order to protect himself.

But Mu Yuan in front of him always made him feel something was wrong.

"Patriarch, although Mu Yuan is responsible, he shouldn't be killed, right?"

"Yes, Mu Yuan has contributed a lot to the Mu family. I think it is enough to confine him for a period of time and revoke his status as an elder."

"Ji Yang, Elder Mu Yuan is so loyal, please persuade Patriarch Mu not to kill him."

Ji Yang was puzzled, and the people around him began to plead for Mu Yuan.

Not only the elders of the Mu family, but even Huang Xiaoxin's four daughters were speaking well for Mu Yuan.

It seems that Mu Yuan's performance just now is very attractive.

Often when people take the initiative to ask for something, things will not develop normally.

The more people want to die, the more they will not die.

"Ji Shao, did we make a mistake before?"

With Ji Yang here, Mu Xingyun couldn't give orders directly.

He looked at Ji Yang and asked Ji Yang softly, but Ji Yang's next reaction really made everyone dumbfounded.

"Elder Mu Yuan, do you dare to drink this thing?"

"what is this?"

"Poison, since Elder Mu Yuan feels ashamed to live on, I will make it possible for you, Elder Mu Yuan, do you dare to drink it?"

Ji Yang held a small porcelain bottle in his hand and handed it to Mu Yuan, waiting to see Mu Yuan's reaction...

(End of this chapter)

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