Chapter 1629 Ao Ye (second update)
"Don't cut it, every time you cut your sword, not only will the iron chain not be broken, but I will also suffer more pain."

Ji Yang's sword is a treasure, the black dragon can see it.

But the iron chain on his body is really not simple, and Ji Yang's sword can't break it at all.

This made Heilong feel a little disappointed, but also a little helpless.

And every time the sword was cut on the iron chain, a strange force would overflow from the iron chain and enter the black dragon's body, causing the black dragon to suffer an unspeakable pain.

Ji Yang stopped his hands and stared at the iron chain in front of him.

"If it's hard, you can only use the normal method."

"Do you know who trapped you here back then?"

If you want to let the black dragon out in a normal way, you need to find the person who trapped the black dragon here.

If the other party can use this method to trap the black dragon, then the other party must know the solution.

"I don't know either. The person who trapped me was dressed as a Taoist priest, but the aura on his body was immortal energy. It should be some immortal who descended from the mortal world."

"But who he is, I don't recognize it."

The black dragon could see what Ji Yang was thinking, but its answer disappointed both parties.

There are so many gods in the sky, and it's hard to find them if you don't know who they are.

When the Three Realms can interact, there will be more gods descending to earth, and more demon-slaying demons.

After thousands of years, who still remembers that he suppressed the black dragon here.

But giving up like this is definitely not enough.

After all, Ji Yang didn't just release the black dragon, the point is that it probably knows the whereabouts of the other half of the Nuwa Stone.

"Tell me why you were arrested back then, and I'll try to ask to see if any gods remember that they suppressed you."

If you can't know who it is, you can only find clues a little bit.

When Heilong heard Ji Yang's words, he was somewhat hesitant, as if he had something to say.

"You still don't want to say? Don't you want to go out?"

"Is there anything more important than you getting out of here?"

Looking at the heilong's hesitation, Ji Yang said harshly.

Ji Yang doesn't care why Heilong doesn't want to say it directly, anyway, in his opinion, the most important thing for Heilong now is to leave Suolongjing.

"I want to see you alone, can you find me?"


"The Dragon King of the North Sea."

"Dragon King of the North Sea? Why do you want to see him at this time? It is impossible for him to come to see you now."

Ji Yang frowned when Black Dragon proposed to see the Dragon King of Beihai.

It wasn't the Dragon King of the North Sea who trapped him here. At this moment, he didn't think about who trapped him here, but wanted to see the Dragon King of the North Sea. Ji Yang really didn't know what the black dragon was thinking.

"Actually, I am Ao Ye, the Ninth Prince of Beihai. If you tell my father that I am here, he will definitely come to see me."

"What? You are the Ninth Prince of Beihai?"

He thought that the black dragon in front of him had a brain problem, so he wanted to see the Dragon King of Beihai at this time.

Now when they heard that it turned out to be Ao Yehou, the Ninth Prince of Beihai, Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv were shocked.

"Really, I am really the Ninth Prince of Beihai. I have been trapped here for thousands of years. My father must really want to find me."

"You tell my father about me, and my father will definitely come."

Ao Yesheng was afraid that Ji Yang would not believe him, so he shouted loudly to show that what he said was true.

But after hearing Ao Ye's words, Ji Yang shook his head with a wry smile.

Ji Yang shook his head, not doubting Ao Ye's identity.

Even if it is the son of the Dragon King of the North Sea, when he is doing evil in the mortal world, it is possible for a god to suppress him if he sees him.

There are not many Dragon Princes in the four seas who have been dealt with.

Xiao Bailong will become a white dragon horse, isn't he also making a mistake and being punished.

So, it's not that you are the Dragon Prince, you will be forgiven.

"No matter what you say is true or not, it is impossible for the Dragon King of the North Sea to see you."

"Why, even though I did many wrong things back then, after so many years, my father will definitely not blame me, he will definitely come."

"Because your father is no longer in the mortal world!"

"What, has the father already..."

"No, the Dragon King of the North Sea is still there, it's just because of the law of the Three Realms..."

Hearing Ji Yang's words for the first time, Ao Ye thought something happened to the Dragon King of Beihai.

Seeing his misunderstanding, Ji Yang told Ao Ye about the law of the Three Realms.

When Ao Ye was trapped here, the law of the Three Realms must have not appeared, otherwise there would not be a fairy descending from the earth.

After knowing that Ao Ye was the son of the Dragon King of the North Sea, Ji Yang's attitude towards him also improved a little, and he told Ao Ye about the Law of the Three Realms.

When Ji Yang told the law of the Three Realms that all the dragons in the mortal world went to the heaven, and the gods and ghosts in the heaven and the underworld could not come to the mortal world at will, Ao Ye's eyes changed again and again.

"Father, mother and queen, as well as the royal brothers and sisters have all gone to the Heavenly Court. Doesn't it mean that I can't meet them even if I leave here?"

After Ji Yang finished everything, Ao Ye seemed very disappointed.

"There is a way to break the law of the Three Realms. As long as the law of the Three Realms is broken, you can still meet your father, queen mother and queen."

"Now tell me about you. You go out earlier and take me to the Nvwa stone earlier, so that the laws of the Three Realms can be broken faster."

Ji Yang didn't tell Ao Ye that the top ten artifacts broke the laws of the Three Realms.

Now Ji Yang still can't fully trust Ao Ye.

"Okay, let me tell you about what happened back then."

"How long ago, I can't tell now. Anyway, the Three Realms were still interconnected at that time. At that time, I secretly left Beihai because of my curiosity about the mortal world..."

Ao Ye's story is actually very simple, even a bit similar to the little dragon girl back then.

But because of curiosity about the mortal world, Ao Ye left Beihai privately to the mortal world.

After leaving Beihai, it made several monster friends.

After all, Ao Ye had little experience at that time, and under the praise of a few monsters, Ao Ye was a little ignorant of the southeast, northwest, and followed them to Miaojiang.

Ao Ye felt that the mortal world was more interesting than staying in the sea, so in the end he simply came to occupy the mountain and become king.

Ao Ye's temper was already irritable, and some monsters around him had heard that the mortals here in Miaojiang didn't respect the Dragon King of the North Sea.

When Ao Ye heard that mortals disrespected his father, he couldn't bear it.

So Ao Ye did evil things in Miaojiang, destroying villages, flooding villages under heavy rain, and killing mortals. I don't know how many such things have been done.

Later, when he was doing evil, he met the god who trapped him here.

After fighting the opponent for a while, it found that it was no match for the opponent. It wanted to run, but it couldn't, and it was finally trapped here.

"After he trapped you here, didn't you tell him that you are the Ninth Prince of Beihai?"

"No, because I know that if my father knows what I have committed, he will definitely be furious. He is likely to be punished by the heaven, so I didn't say anything."

Listening to Ao Ye's words, he is a dutiful son.

"Then the other side suppressed you, did they say anything?"

"He said that if I wanted to leave here, I would never be able to leave unless "the iron tree blossoms and the horse grows horns."

When Ji Yang asked, Ao Ye didn't even think about it, and said directly...

 I'm not in China these days, if you have any questions, you can leave a message, and we will solve them in time
(End of this chapter)

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